The promising results obtained with the frameless GyneFix IUD for interval insertion led to the belief that the technology could be useful for immediate post-abortal application to reduce the number of induced and repeat abortions. IUDs have many advantages and the method is acceptable and safe. However, side effects and expulsion of conventional IUDs remain a problem. In an attempt to minimise these problems, the frameless GyneFix IUD was developed. Clinical studies conducted over the past 14 years have shown that the principles on which the device is based are valid. An increasing bulk of clinical evidence shows that the design characteristics of the device (fixed, frameless and flexible) are responsible for the low expulsion, high effectiveness, and high tolerance and continuation rates.1 Experience with the frameless IUD in China since 1989 confirms the international experience with the device. The present communication is a second report from China with the GyneFix IUD. In the present study the GyneFix IUD is inserted immediately following termination of pregnancy of less than 10 weeks amenorrhea. It is concluded that immediate post-abortal insertion of the frameless IUD is easy and safe, and appears to be as reliable and as effective as when it is inserted at interval. The GyneFix IUD could, therefore, constitute an important new option in the prevention of abortion.