Epilepsy may be drug-resistant in a third of patients necessitating alternative treatments, such as surgery. Among refractory epilepsy patients, the most common etiologies are tumors and focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). Surgical management of tumor-related epilepsy has one of the highest rates of seizure freedom, whereas FCD represents some of the lowest success rates in epilepsy treatment. This study investigates the pre-operative characteristics associated with differences in postsurgical seizure outcomes in patients with FCD and tumors. We completed a retrospective cross-sectional review of epilepsy surgery patients with tumors (n = 29) or FCD (n = 44). Participants had a minimum medical follow-up at least 6 months after surgery (FCD M = 2.1 years; Tumors M = 2.0 years). Patients with FCD trended toward an earlier age of onset (t = -4.19, p = 0.058) and longer epilepsy duration (t = 3.75, p < 0.001). Epilepsy surgery is highly effective in reducing seizures in patients with FCD or tumors with over 70 % of all patients achieving seizure freedom. We found a higher rate of seizure freedom in patients with tumors than FCD, but this difference did not reach significance (79 vs. 66 %). Predictive factors of outcomes for FCD and tumors differ. Findings indicate that diagnostic tests may be differentially sensitive to patients with tumors, and future research is needed.