Medicolegal death investigation systems, which generally fall within one of three types-medical examiner, coroner, or law-enforcement-led systems-investigate deaths that are unnatural or suspicious. The current quality of cause of death statistics on deaths investigated within medicolegal death investigation systems globally limits effective public health response. A starting point to strengthening global medicolegal death investigation systems and improving the quality of cause and manner of death reported to civil registration systems is through a strong legal framework. Two resources, the United Nations Statistics Division Guidelines on the Legislative Framework for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management and the Global Health Advocacy Incubator Legal and Regulatory Toolkit for Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management, present recommendations and provide guidance to country stakeholders in reviewing and revising their medicolegal death investigation legal frameworks. Physician determination of cause and manner of death, defined criteria for case referral to the medicolegal death investigation system, an amendment process, and investigation collaboration are four core considerations for medicolegal death investigation system legal frameworks. A strong medicolegal death investigation legal framework is a necessary starting point, but it is not sufficient for ensuring the timely, accurate, and complete reporting of cause and manner of death in national vital statistics.