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Editorial 编辑
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2021-11-09 DOI: 10.30819/iss.43-1.01
J. Saunders
It was the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan who first introduced the term‘global village’ into the lexicon, almost fifty years ago. He was referring to thephenomenon of global interconnectedness of which we are all too aware today. At thattime, we were witnessing the world just opening up. In 1946, British Airways hadcommenced a twice weekly service from London to New York. The flight involved oneor two touch downs en-route and took a scheduled 19 hours and 45 minutes. By the timeMcLuhan had published his book “Understanding media; the extensions of man”, therewere regular services by jet around the globe. London to Sydney was travelled in justunder 35 hours. Moving forward to a time immediately pre-covid, there were over 30non-stop flights a day in each direction between London and New York. The travel timefrom London to Sydney had been cut by a third, to slightly under 22 hours, with just onetouchdown en-route. The world has well and truly ‘opened up’. No place is unreachableby regular services. But that is just one part of the picture. In 1962, the very first livetelevision pictures were transmitted across the Atlantic, via satellite. It was a time whensports’ fans would tune in besides a crackling radio set to hear commentary of theirfavourite game relayed from the other side of the world. Today of course, not only can we watch a live telecast of the Olympic Games in thecomfort of our own homes wherever the games are being held, but we can pick up atelephone and talk face to face with friends and relatives in real time, wherever theymay be in the world. To today’s generation – generation Z – this does not seem in theleast bit remarkable. Indeed, they have been nicknamed ‘the connected generation’precisely because such a degree of human interconnectedness no longer seems worthcommenting on. The media technology and the transport advances that underpin thislevel of connectedness, have become taken for granted assumptions to them. This is whythe global events of 2020 and the associated public health related reactions, have provedto be so remarkable to them. It is mass travel and the closeness and variety of humancontact in day-to-day interactions, that have provided the breeding ground for thepandemic. Consequently, moving around and sharing close proximity with manystrangers, have been the activities that have had to be curbed, as the initial primarymeans to manage the spread of the virus. This has caused hardship to many, eitherthrough the loss of a job and the associated income or, the lengthy enforced separationfrom family and friends – for the many who find themselves living and working farremoved from their original home. McLuhan’s powerful metaphor was ahead of its time. His thoughts were centredaround media and electronic communications well prior to the notion of a ‘physical’pandemic, which today has provided an equally potent image of how all of our fortuneshave become intertwined, no mat
大约五十年前,加拿大哲学家马歇尔·麦克卢汉首次将“地球村”一词引入词典。他指的是我们今天都非常清楚的全球互联现象。那时,我们正在目睹世界刚刚开放。1946年,英国航空公司开始提供从伦敦到纽约的每周两次的服务。该航班在途中进行了一两次着陆,按计划耗时19小时45分钟。当McLuhan出版了他的书《理解媒体;人的延伸》时,全球各地都有定期的喷气式飞机服务。从伦敦到悉尼只用了不到35个小时。展望新冠疫情之前,伦敦和纽约之间每天有30多个直飞航班。从伦敦到悉尼的旅行时间缩短了三分之一,略低于22小时,只有一次中途停留。世界已经完全真正地“开放”了。没有一个地方是无法通过常规服务到达的。但这只是画面的一部分。1962年,第一批电视直播画面通过卫星传送到大西洋彼岸。那是一个体育迷们除了收听噼里啪啦的收音机外,还可以收听世界另一端转播的他们最喜欢的比赛解说的时代。当然,今天,无论奥运会在哪里举行,我们不仅可以在自己的家里观看奥运会的电视直播,而且我们可以拿起工作室,与世界上任何地方的朋友和亲戚实时面对面交谈。对于今天的Z世代来说,这似乎一点也不了不起。事实上,他们被戏称为“互联一代”,正是因为这种程度的人类互联似乎不再值得评论。支撑这种互联水平的媒体技术和交通进步,对他们来说已经成为理所当然的假设。这就是为什么2020年的全球事件和相关的公共卫生相关反应对他们来说如此引人注目。正是大众旅行以及日常互动中人类接触的亲密性和多样性,为流行病提供了滋生的土壤。因此,作为最初控制病毒传播的灵长类动物,四处走动并与许多护林员近距离接触是必须加以遏制的活动。这给许多人带来了困难,无论是因为失去了工作和相关收入,还是因为长期被迫与家人和朋友分离——对于许多发现自己在远离原家的情况下生活和工作的人来说。麦克卢汉强有力的比喻是超前的。早在“物理”概念出现之前,他的思想就以媒体和电子通信为中心,如今,“物理”哲学提供了一个同样有力的图像,表明无论我们身处世界何处,我们所有的命运都是如何交织在一起的。然而,似乎矛盾的是,正是这一事件第一次迫使我们更仔细地思考过去半个世纪所追求的可悲进步。这就好像我们第一次经历了强大而竞争的力量的释放,这些力量既是向心的,也是离心的。一方面,我们所处的世界有一个世界卫生组织。这是一个作为全球力量的机构,首先宣布了这一流行病,随后作为其国际公共卫生简报的一部分对此作出回应。它将世界科学家和全球卫生专业人员聚集在一起,加快研发进程,制定新的规范和标准,以遏制冠状病毒大流行的传播,并帮助照顾受影响的人。与此同时,我们目睹了各国相互退缩,关闭边境,以限制本国公民与世界其他国家公民的互动。我们已经意识到,国际旅行和人与人之间的互动会增加危险和风险。因此,越来越多的交流是在自己家里安全舒适地进行的,电子媒体取代了现实世界中的个人互动。半个世纪前,麦克鲁汉预见到了媒体主导世界的变革,新冠肺炎19带来的威胁加速并巩固了这一变革。通过互联网的全球覆盖范围和不断增强的技术,可以更安全、更经济地进行实时互动。然而,在新冠肺炎疫情19之前的地缘政治层面上,全球主义和民族主义的进程已经被视为相互竞争的力量。 在许多国家,那些受益于国家间自由贸易发展带来的机遇的人和那些投资于本国和社区的更传统企业的人之间出现了紧张关系。新兴受益者已成为全球精英。他们的人口结构与青年、教育和进步社会思想有关。然而,他们被那些经历过周围混乱和动荡威胁的人(而不是机会)所制衡。在这些受到挑战的想法中,有就业、社会价值观和许多人成长的安全保障的预期确定性。一直是社区命脉的行业正面临灭绝,甚至住房安全和家庭安全也可能受到威胁。在这种情况下,一些人可能会认为新移民、技术和不断变化的社会价值观是需要逆转的潮流。他们的特点是,人口结构不太适合面对这些变化——更成熟、受教育程度更低、流动性更低。然而,这种紧张关系似乎不仅仅是代沟的最新版本。美国共和党和民主党之间的冲突为这些社会压力提供了一个非常有力的例子。美国自己也将其中一些冲突领域出口到了世界其他地区。“黑人的命也是命”(Black lives Matter)和“#我也是”(#Me too。在出现各种紧张局势的不同国家背景下,它们的特点是左派和右派、进步派和传统派、“富人”和“穷人”等。意识形态和价值观之间日益增长的竞争力是一个共同的线索。共同点在于竞争本身的概念。它最有力地表现在传播和采用基于所谓自由市场新自由主义价值观的思想上。这些价值观已经在我们日常使用的语言和概念中根深蒂固。因此,任何东西都有价格,最终价格可以用美元价值来表示。我们每天都会看到这种商品化的过程。长期以来,体育研究的学者们一直关注它在体育世界中的持续发展,尤其是在它压倒了运动员的人性特征的情况下,而运动员正是体育的核心。当运动员的美元价值和他们的表现变得比个人和比赛更重要时,我们发现自己处于今天报道的一些核心问题的核心。正是在这一点上,体育运动从一种体验转变为一种环境,在这种体验中,运动员发展自己,成为更完整的人,与其他运动员进行积极而丰富的互动,在这种环境中,年轻运动员因其经历而经历压力和身心健康问题。那些才华横溢(又幸运?)的人会得到丰厚的财富。其他人可能会因为不公平的选拔过程或只是受伤的不幸而被抛弃在垃圾堆上。事实证明,体育运动一如既往地反映了整个世界的这一过程,突出了幸运者可以攀登的高度,也突出了命运多舛的人可以攀登的深度。自由市场方法的倡导者会指出它可以提供的机会。数据可以表明,在资本主义有组织经济时期,世界上的贫困程度空前减少。尽管人口增长迅速,但在使人们摆脱极端贫困方面取得了一些非凡的进展。1990年至2010年间,发展中国家的贫困人口占总人口的比例下降了一半,从43%降至21%,减少了近10亿人(《经济学人领袖》,2013年6月1日)。尽管如此,资本主义的批评者将继续指出富人和穷人之间的差距越来越大,特别是“中产阶级”的衰落,长期以来,中产阶级一直是稳定民主社会的支柱。在退回我们自己的边界作为应对疫情的手段和恢复开放边界以防止对那些企业和就业依赖于人员和货物的持续流动的企业和就业造成经济损害之间,这种微妙的平衡是目前世界各地自由民主社会正在为之苦恼的。各国的疫情经历各不相同,这不仅是因为政客们采取的策略,还因为当前的卫生系统以及世界不同地区不同的社会和经济生活条件。
{"title":"Editorial","authors":"J. Saunders","doi":"10.30819/iss.43-1.01","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.43-1.01","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 It was the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan who first introduced the term\u0000‘global village’ into the lexicon, almost fifty years ago. He was referring to the\u0000phenomenon of global interconnectedness of which we are all too aware today. At that\u0000time, we were witnessing the world just opening up. In 1946, British Airways had\u0000commenced a twice weekly service from London to New York. The flight involved one\u0000or two touch downs en-route and took a scheduled 19 hours and 45 minutes. By the time\u0000McLuhan had published his book “Understanding media; the extensions of man”, there\u0000were regular services by jet around the globe. London to Sydney was travelled in just\u0000under 35 hours. Moving forward to a time immediately pre-covid, there were over 30\u0000non-stop flights a day in each direction between London and New York. The travel time\u0000from London to Sydney had been cut by a third, to slightly under 22 hours, with just one\u0000touchdown en-route. The world has well and truly ‘opened up’. No place is unreachable\u0000by regular services. But that is just one part of the picture. In 1962, the very first live\u0000television pictures were transmitted across the Atlantic, via satellite. It was a time when\u0000sports’ fans would tune in besides a crackling radio set to hear commentary of their\u0000favourite game relayed from the other side of the world.\u0000\u0000 \u0000Today of course, not only can we watch a live telecast of the Olympic Games in the\u0000comfort of our own homes wherever the games are being held, but we can pick up a\u0000telephone and talk face to face with friends and relatives in real time, wherever they\u0000may be in the world. To today’s generation – generation Z – this does not seem in the\u0000least bit remarkable. Indeed, they have been nicknamed ‘the connected generation’\u0000precisely because such a degree of human interconnectedness no longer seems worth\u0000commenting on. The media technology and the transport advances that underpin this\u0000level of connectedness, have become taken for granted assumptions to them. This is why\u0000the global events of 2020 and the associated public health related reactions, have proved\u0000to be so remarkable to them. It is mass travel and the closeness and variety of human\u0000contact in day-to-day interactions, that have provided the breeding ground for the\u0000pandemic. Consequently, moving around and sharing close proximity with many\u0000strangers, have been the activities that have had to be curbed, as the initial primary\u0000means to manage the spread of the virus. This has caused hardship to many, either\u0000through the loss of a job and the associated income or, the lengthy enforced separation\u0000from family and friends – for the many who find themselves living and working far\u0000removed from their original home.\u0000\u0000 \u0000\u0000McLuhan’s powerful metaphor was ahead of its time. His thoughts were centred\u0000around media and electronic communications well prior to the notion of a ‘physical’\u0000pandemic, which today has provided an equally potent image of how all of our fortunes\u0000have become intertwined, no mat","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2021-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"45708745","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Mega-Sporting events and the politics of nation-building: a comparison of the 2010 South African and the 2014 and 2016 Brazilian cases 大型体育赛事和国家建设的政治:2010年南非与2014年和2016年巴西案例的比较
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2021-11-09 DOI: 10.30819/iss.43-1.02
Hoyoon Jung
It is widely acknowledged that mega-sporting events play a powerful role in nationbuildingin their host countries, and many scholars have empirically demonstrated thisrelationship. The 2010 South Africa FIFA World Cup provided a potent vehicle throughwhich national unity and integration could be successfully promoted. However, morerecent Brazilian experiences in the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympicsproved that an identical outcome is not always the case. This study examines how thehosting of mega-sporting events in South Africa and Brazil yielded contrasting effectson nation-building. Events in these two countries are compared to explore how twoanalogous societies that hosted mega-sporting events at a similar time ultimatelyexperienced completely different outcomes. It is argued that differences in the cost ofthese mega-events, different economic circumstances and, differences in thecharacteristics and impact of social movements in the two countries were majorcontributing factors to the divergence.
{"title":"Mega-Sporting events and the politics of nation-building: a comparison of the 2010 South African and the 2014 and 2016 Brazilian cases","authors":"Hoyoon Jung","doi":"10.30819/iss.43-1.02","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.43-1.02","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 It is widely acknowledged that mega-sporting events play a powerful role in nationbuilding\u0000in their host countries, and many scholars have empirically demonstrated this\u0000relationship. The 2010 South Africa FIFA World Cup provided a potent vehicle through\u0000which national unity and integration could be successfully promoted. However, more\u0000recent Brazilian experiences in the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics\u0000proved that an identical outcome is not always the case. This study examines how the\u0000hosting of mega-sporting events in South Africa and Brazil yielded contrasting effects\u0000on nation-building. Events in these two countries are compared to explore how two\u0000analogous societies that hosted mega-sporting events at a similar time ultimately\u0000experienced completely different outcomes. It is argued that differences in the cost of\u0000these mega-events, different economic circumstances and, differences in the\u0000characteristics and impact of social movements in the two countries were major\u0000contributing factors to the divergence.\u0000\u0000","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2021-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48743199","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Physical education and health enhancing physical activity – a European perspective 体育教育和增进健康的体育活动——欧洲视角
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2021-11-09 DOI: 10.30819/iss.43-1.04
P. Vlček, R. Bailey, J. Vašíčková, C. Scheuer
This article reviews recent literature on the contribution of curriculum physicaleducation to health-enhancing physical activity within the context of Europeancountries. Recommended goals for student physical activity are discussed within acurriculum framework based on five ‘forms’ (concept, designed, implemented, resultsand effects). The study used a 'rapid reviewing' method, in which sources were identifiedand analysed using systematic reviewing techniques, but subsequent stages wereadapted to facilitate flexible and practical interpretation. Results show that physicaleducation lessons tend not to reach a putative 50% threshold of moderate-to-vigorousintensity. Given that the average time allocated for physical education in Europe is 100minutes per week, strategies are needed to increase the intensity and duration ofphysical activity in lessons if they are to make a more meaningful ‘direct’ contributionto the European and WHO daily target of sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physicalactivity. The authors therefore consider the plausibility of introducing an 'ActiveSchools' concept, in which physical education lessons designed to equip students withthe prerequisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values supportive of a physically activelifestyle are augmented by other school-based contexts which provide the opportunityto actually meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity participation.
{"title":"Physical education and health enhancing physical activity – a European perspective","authors":"P. Vlček, R. Bailey, J. Vašíčková, C. Scheuer","doi":"10.30819/iss.43-1.04","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.43-1.04","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 This article reviews recent literature on the contribution of curriculum physical\u0000education to health-enhancing physical activity within the context of European\u0000countries. Recommended goals for student physical activity are discussed within a\u0000curriculum framework based on five ‘forms’ (concept, designed, implemented, results\u0000and effects). The study used a 'rapid reviewing' method, in which sources were identified\u0000and analysed using systematic reviewing techniques, but subsequent stages were\u0000adapted to facilitate flexible and practical interpretation. Results show that physical\u0000education lessons tend not to reach a putative 50% threshold of moderate-to-vigorous\u0000intensity. Given that the average time allocated for physical education in Europe is 100\u0000minutes per week, strategies are needed to increase the intensity and duration of\u0000physical activity in lessons if they are to make a more meaningful ‘direct’ contribution\u0000to the European and WHO daily target of sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical\u0000activity. The authors therefore consider the plausibility of introducing an 'Active\u0000Schools' concept, in which physical education lessons designed to equip students with\u0000the prerequisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values supportive of a physically active\u0000lifestyle are augmented by other school-based contexts which provide the opportunity\u0000to actually meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity participation.\u0000\u0000","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2021-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"49326518","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of physical activity. An international position statement 应对COVID-19大流行:身体活动的作用。国际立场声明
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2021-11-09 DOI: 10.30819/iss.43-1.05
Erick Burhaein, N. Demirci, C. C. V. Lourenço, Z. Németh, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza
Since its appearance at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 in Wuhan (China),the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly worldwide. The outbreakwas declared a pandemic in March 2020. Home confinement, travel restrictions, theclosing of venues for exercise and recreation, and the cancellation of indoor andoutdoor events including sport have been characteristic features of the public healthresponses around the world. The result has been a reduction in the levels of physicalactivity experienced by large numbers of the world population of all ages. This hascaused considerable alarm for physical activity professionals around the world. Inresponse, this position statement makes a case for the importance of continuing toembrace regular physical activity alongside the existing public health strategies thatare being implemented in the management of the effects of the virus internationally. Tobe consistent with these policies this activity should always be away from others(application of social distancing) and preferably outdoors. Some potential benefitsspecific to the current situation, are suggested by reference to existing knowledge aboutthe significance of exercise in the maintenance of a healthy immune system. However,these recommendations need to be viewed primarily within an unchanging context ofthe long-term value of healthy levels of physical activity for population well-being andquality of life. This has been made the more important on account of the potentialharmful effects of the current reduced levels. Some recommendations for appropriatedosage and types of PA for those with different conditions are provided.
{"title":"Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of physical activity. An international position statement","authors":"Erick Burhaein, N. Demirci, C. C. V. Lourenço, Z. Németh, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza","doi":"10.30819/iss.43-1.05","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.43-1.05","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 Since its appearance at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 in Wuhan (China),\u0000the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly worldwide. The outbreak\u0000was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Home confinement, travel restrictions, the\u0000closing of venues for exercise and recreation, and the cancellation of indoor and\u0000outdoor events including sport have been characteristic features of the public health\u0000responses around the world. The result has been a reduction in the levels of physical\u0000activity experienced by large numbers of the world population of all ages. This has\u0000caused considerable alarm for physical activity professionals around the world. In\u0000response, this position statement makes a case for the importance of continuing to\u0000embrace regular physical activity alongside the existing public health strategies that\u0000are being implemented in the management of the effects of the virus internationally. To\u0000be consistent with these policies this activity should always be away from others\u0000(application of social distancing) and preferably outdoors. Some potential benefits\u0000specific to the current situation, are suggested by reference to existing knowledge about\u0000the significance of exercise in the maintenance of a healthy immune system. However,\u0000these recommendations need to be viewed primarily within an unchanging context of\u0000the long-term value of healthy levels of physical activity for population well-being and\u0000quality of life. This has been made the more important on account of the potential\u0000harmful effects of the current reduced levels. Some recommendations for appropriate\u0000dosage and types of PA for those with different conditions are provided.\u0000\u0000","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":"14 25","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2021-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"41261384","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 7
Differences in high intensity running when playing a 4-4-2 formation with a high press strategy: a case study from the English Championship 高压策略下4-4-2阵形高强度跑动的差异——来自英国锦标赛的案例研究
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-21 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-2.03
Rhys Carr, Richard Mullen, M. Williams
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the high intensity running activity ofprofessional footballers playing a high press strategy in a 4-4-2 formation. Data wereobtained from an English Championship football team during a season of 27 homeleague and cup fixtures. The footballers were grouped by position: central midfield(CM) central defender (CD) full back (FB) wide midfield (WM) and centre forward(CF) while they played a 4-4-2 formation (2 CD and 2 FB; 2 CM and 2 WM; and 2CF). High intensity running distance was greater for both CFs and WMs than otherpositions. The CFs and WMs were unable to sustain the level of high intensity runningobserved in the first 5 minutes beyond the 65th minute of the match. When introducedas a substitute, only the CFs covered greater distances compared to the exact time whenthey started a match. The knowledge gained on the distances at high intensity coveredon a positional basis and the impact of introducing a CF substitution provides thefootball manager with critical information when preparing for competition.
本研究的目的是识别和描述职业足球运动员在4-4-2阵型中采用高压策略的高强度跑步活动。数据是从一支英格兰锦标赛足球队获得的,该队本赛季共有27场主场比赛和杯赛。足球运动员按位置分组:中场(CM)、中后卫(CD)、边后卫(FB)、宽中场(WM)和中锋(CF),他们采用4-4-2的队形(2 CD和2 FB;2 CM和2 WM;以及2CF)。CF和WMs的高强度跑步距离均大于其他位置。CF和WMs无法维持比赛第65分钟后前5分钟观察到的高强度跑动水平。当替补上场时,只有CF比他们开始比赛的确切时间跑得更远。在位置基础上获得的高强度覆盖距离的知识以及引入CF替代的影响为足球经理在准备比赛时提供了关键信息。
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引用次数: 0
Book review: Knijnik, J. (2018). The World Cup Chronicles: 31 Days that Rocket Brazil.Balgowlah Heights, NSW: Fairplay Publishing. 书评:Knijnik,J.(2018)。《世界杯编年史:火箭巴西队的31天》,新南威尔士州巴尔戈拉高地:公平竞赛出版社。
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-21 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-2.06
Luiz Uehara
{"title":"Book review: Knijnik, J. (2018). The World Cup Chronicles: 31 Days that Rocket Brazil.\u0000Balgowlah Heights, NSW: Fairplay Publishing.","authors":"Luiz Uehara","doi":"10.30819/iss.42-2.06","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.42-2.06","url":null,"abstract":"<jats:p>\u0000\t\u0000 </jats:p>","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2020-12-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"44718968","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Editorial 编辑
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-21 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-2.01
J. Saunders
In my last editorial I was contemplating living the new and unexpected experience oflife with Covid 19. Six months ago, was a time for contemplation. We were all enteringinto an event of major historical significance. The world has experienced epidemicsbefore, and we had only to turn to the works of writers such as Camus to realise howrecurrent human behaviour is. We tend so often to be caught by surprise despite thelessons that are so readily available to us through reference to history. The Spanish ‘fluepidemic of 1919 was the obvious benchmark to which we could turn. Following hoton the heels of the Great War of 1914-1918 it was responsible for more casualties thanoccurred in the war to end all wars (50 million). It infected 500 million people worldwide.After just over ten months we are a long, long way from those sorts of figures. Asof 12th November, 51,975,458 case of infection have been reported. Deaths attributedto the virus number 1,281,309 worldwide. Of course, what makes Covid 19 so significant is not simply that it should havehappened, but that it is the first pandemic in this era of globalisation which we haveentered only comparatively recently. Some might remember the SARS epidemic whichaffected mainly people in Asia. As indicated by its name, severe acute respiratorysyndrome (SARS-CoV-2), it was very similar initially in its effects. Yet, after firstemerging in 2002, it was eradicated less than two years later. It seems that this wasachieved largely by what has been called simple public health measures. This involved“testing people with symptoms (fever and respiratory problems), isolating andquarantining suspected cases, and restricting travel.” These same measures of coursehave been implemented in most countries following the virus’ spread to Italy early in2020. However, the fact that different nations have responded differently and alsoexperienced very different outcomes should be of considerable interest as we considerthe whole concept of a global threat and global responses. The ten worst affectedcountries currently are in order: Contry; Confirmed Cases; DeathsUnited States; 10,460,302; 244,421India; 8,684,039; 128,165Brazil; 5,749,007; 163,406France; 1,865,538; 42,535Russia; 1,836,960; 31,593Spain; 1,417,709; 40,105Argentina; 1,273,343; 34,531United Kingdom; 1,256,725; 50,365Colombia; 1,165,326; 33,312Italy; 1,028,424; 42,953 They are dominated by the advanced economies of the northern hemisphere. Thecountries who have previously experienced the SARS epidemic in Asia have faredcomparatively lightly. Bearing in mind that statistics of this nature may not be strictlycomparable given variation in the criteria used and the methods of sourcing andcollecting this information, it is still interesting to hypothesise why outcomes can differso much. Explanations might include reference to the environments in which peoplelive – physical space, climate and availability of sophisticate
在我的上一篇社论中,我正在考虑新冠肺炎带来的意想不到的新生活体验。六个月前,是沉思的时候。我们都在参与一个具有重大历史意义的事件。世界上以前也经历过流行病,我们只需要看看加缪等作家的作品,就能意识到人类行为是如何反复出现的。尽管我们可以从历史中很容易得到一些教训,但我们往往还是会感到惊讶。1919年西班牙的流感大流行显然是我们可以参照的基准。在1914-1918年的第一次世界大战之后,它造成的伤亡人数超过了所有战争的伤亡人数(5000万)。它感染了全世界5亿人。仅仅过了10个月,我们离这些数字还有很长的路要走。截至11月12日,已报告51,975,458例感染。全球死于该病毒的人数为1,281,309人。当然,Covid - 19之所以如此重要,不仅仅是因为它应该发生,而是因为它是我们刚刚进入这个全球化时代的第一次大流行。有些人可能还记得主要影响亚洲人的非典疫情。正如其名称严重急性呼吸系统综合征(SARS-CoV-2)所示,它最初的影响非常相似。然而,在2002年首次出现后,不到两年就被消灭了。这似乎主要是通过所谓的简单公共卫生措施实现的。这包括“对有症状(发烧和呼吸系统问题)的人进行检测,隔离和检疫疑似病例,以及限制旅行。”当然,在2020年初该病毒传播到意大利之后,大多数国家都采取了同样的措施。然而,在我们考虑全球威胁和全球反应的整个概念时,不同国家做出了不同的反应,也经历了非常不同的结果,这一事实应该引起我们相当大的兴趣。目前受影响最严重的十个国家依次为:国家;确诊病例;DeathsUnited状态;10460302;244421年印度;8684039;128165年巴西;5749007;163406年法国;1865538;42535年,俄罗斯;1836960;31593年西班牙;1417709;40105年阿根廷;1273343;34531年英国;1256725;50365年哥伦比亚;1165326;33312年意大利;1028424;42,953 .它们由北半球的发达经济体主导。此前在亚洲经历过SARS疫情的国家受到的影响相对较轻。考虑到使用的标准和获取和收集这些信息的方法的差异,这种性质的统计数据可能不具有严格的可比性,假设为什么结果会有如此大的差异仍然很有趣。解释可能包括参考人们所处的环境——物理空间、气候和复杂的医疗保健系统的可用性等等——或者他们可能会详述相关人员的文化,他们是否愿意遵循强加给他们的指示,相互竞争的目标的重要性,这些目标可能会使优先考虑健康和身体健康不那么重要。无论如何,令人满意的解释更有可能涉及到个人和他们所处环境的相互作用。任何解释或理解人类行为的尝试都需要考虑各种因素,知道如何考虑这些因素是国际和比较研究学者所具备的技能基础的重要组成部分。在一个全球化的世界里,这些技能和知识比以往任何时候都更加重要。然而,正是由于全球化进程的一些影响,这些技能可能正变得越来越难以获得。我向你推荐一部最近由Netflix制作的纪录片,它在YouTube上随处可见。《社会困境》是对社交媒体使用情况的考察,尤其关注年轻人对智能手机的使用日益上瘾,特别是他们的社交媒体节目,以及对世界青年心理健康和福祉恶化的日益关注之间的关系。它将自恋的心理障碍与沉迷于手机的年轻人无法体验真正的人与人之间的互动联系起来,并由此导致攻击性欺凌和功能失调行为的增加。因此,通过社交媒体的代理世界体验互动和个人验证的结果,而不是面对面,是对个人的非人性化,并导致在单一观点的简单二分法中扭曲了对世界的体验,对或错。因此,无论这场大流行的持续影响如何,随着这些影响的继续显现,我们继续在自己的世界中建立对其他人的理解将是很重要的。 我们需要避免陷入这样的陷阱:认为我们自己的世界是唯一的世界,是正确的世界。无论人工智能变得多么智能,屏幕都只是二维的,正是这些额外的维度使我们能够成长为人类,并应对我们自己独特世界的复杂性和挑战。在我们这个全球化的数字化世界里,对名人崇拜的追求和美化是一个不太有益的趋势。名人地位的困难之一是,它经常是基于不值得的和无关的特征,如演技、身体美或运动声誉。然而,许多人似乎觉得,这种地位使他们有资格在与他们的专业知识无关的领域发表意见或试图影响他人。瑞奇·热维斯(Ricky Gervais)在主持2020年金球奖(golden globes)颁奖典礼时,给即将领奖的明星们提出了令人耳目一新的现实建议:你们没有资格向公众说教任何事情。你对现实世界一无所知。你们大多数人在学校的时间比GretaThunberg还少。所以,如果你赢了,上来接受你的小奖品。感谢你的代理人和上帝,然后****离开。好吗?正是本着这种愿意向在世界各地不同地方和不同专业情况下工作的同事学习的精神,我向你们赞扬以下几页所作的贡献。首先,我们请到了来自刘海瑞、沈伟和Peter Hastie的关于课程模式应用的报告,这种模式起源于美国,并在世界各地的许多地方得到了普及。体育教育的起源来自于这样一种认识:在很多情况下,体育教育未能激发学生参与体育运动时所能看到的同样程度的热情。因此,该模型扩展了在许多传统体育教育环境中发现的技能/技术重点,以包括更多的体育维度-正式竞争,从属关系,整个赛季的节日体验。他们得出的结论是,在中国的大学环境中,当采用这种模式作为他们学习的基础时,学生们的表现水平更高,参与的积极性也更高。我们的第二篇文章从教育环境转移到当代体育科学框架,职业体育的世界和世界上更高水平的比赛之一-英格兰锦标赛。里斯·卡尔、里奇·马伦和摩根·威廉姆斯在整个赛季中监测了球员的跑步强度。他们特别质疑在4-4-2阵型中对高强度跑动的要求,以及实施高压力战术,就像利物浦在2019赛季取得巨大成功的英超联赛中所采用的那样。他们的结论是,对于处于中锋和中场边路位置的球员来说,所产生的需求不可能在整场比赛中维持。然后,他们能够为经理和他们的支持人员提供一些实际和战术上的启示,涉及换人策略和球员在这些位置上的身体准备以及这些战略责任。我们的第三篇文章探讨了作为教育工作者,当我们将体育运动的实践与我们所坚持的理想进行比较时,我们中的许多人所感到的永恒的不适。作为该领域的专业人士,我们中的许多人都被我们对体育所能提供的东西的信念所驱使。然而,现代体育的商品化,再加上对胜利的过度需求,这一动机超过了所有其他动机,不断产生我们试图与我们的专业实践分离的行为和结果。这篇由IrantzuIbanez、Ana Zuazagoitia、Ibon Echeazarra、Luis Maria Zulaika和Iker Ros撰写的文章以西班牙巴斯克地区为背景,探讨了学生在职前培训中关于课外运动实践的价值观。学生们意识到,他们对课外体育作为一种教育体验的理想与体育在整个社会中进行的方式对当前实践的影响之间存在不匹配。作者最后呼吁在学校的体育实践和指导它的教育价值观之间建立更大的一致性。我们的最后一篇报道来自南非,Lesego phetlthe、Heather Morris-Eyton和Alliance Kubayi报道了广东省足球教练的担忧。很明显,这些教练和世界各地的其他人一样,在他们选择的职业中承受着一定程度的压力。这种压力的来源既在于他们要处理的
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引用次数: 0
Sources of Stress among Soccer Coaches in Gauteng Province, South Africa 南非豪登省足球教练的压力来源
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-21 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-2.05
Lesego Phetlhe, H. Morris-Eyton, A. Kubayi
The purpose of this study was to examine sources of stress among football coaches inGauteng Province, South Africa. Participants were 150 football coaches whocompleted the twenty-six item Stressors in Sports Coaching Questionnaire (Kubayi,Toriola, and Didymus, 2018). Players were generally seen as providing the greatestsource of stress through ‘players underperforming in training’ and ‘lack of disciplineand commitment from players’. The most important task related stressors came fromthe ‘lack of recognition of good coaching’ and ‘performing multiple roles’. ‘Highexpectation to win’ and ‘my performance is judged on players’ results’ were the majorsources of performance stress and ‘job insecurity’ was the leading environmentalstressor. It is recommended that sport clubs and managers in Gauteng need to increasethe resources available to their coaches to cope with the stresses that have beenidentified. Particular attention should be paid to assist coaches in improving theirresilience and coping skills when under pressure from the many external demands thataccompany their coaching role.
{"title":"Sources of Stress among Soccer Coaches in Gauteng Province, South Africa","authors":"Lesego Phetlhe, H. Morris-Eyton, A. Kubayi","doi":"10.30819/iss.42-2.05","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.42-2.05","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 The purpose of this study was to examine sources of stress among football coaches in\u0000Gauteng Province, South Africa. Participants were 150 football coaches who\u0000completed the twenty-six item Stressors in Sports Coaching Questionnaire (Kubayi,\u0000Toriola, and Didymus, 2018). Players were generally seen as providing the greatest\u0000source of stress through ‘players underperforming in training’ and ‘lack of discipline\u0000and commitment from players’. The most important task related stressors came from\u0000the ‘lack of recognition of good coaching’ and ‘performing multiple roles’. ‘High\u0000expectation to win’ and ‘my performance is judged on players’ results’ were the major\u0000sources of performance stress and ‘job insecurity’ was the leading environmental\u0000stressor. It is recommended that sport clubs and managers in Gauteng need to increase\u0000the resources available to their coaches to cope with the stresses that have been\u0000identified. Particular attention should be paid to assist coaches in improving their\u0000resilience and coping skills when under pressure from the many external demands that\u0000accompany their coaching role.\u0000\u0000","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2020-12-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"46144396","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The experiences and understandings of the K-13 curriculum implementation of Indonesian teachers of Adapted Physical Education (APE) 印尼适应体育教师实施K-13课程的经验与体会
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-12 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-e.04
Erick Burhaein, B. Tarigan, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza
The purpose of this study was to illuminate the experiences and understandings ofadaptive physical education (APE) teachers in their implementation of the newlyintroduced K-13 curriculum in special needs schools (SLB) in Indonesia. This researchis a replication of previous research (Sigid XXABSTRACT Setiawan, 2018) conducted with primaryschool physical education (PE) teachers. Twenty-six APE teachers aged 28-39 years (X= 34.04, SD = 3.46) who worked with various disabilities in SLB were involved asparticipants. Data collected were observations, interviews, and documentation workingwithin a phenomenological framework. Results indicated that teachers’ experiences ofthe K-13 implementation were focused on (1) the acquisition of basic knowledge andcompetence, (2) the adoption of the scientific approach, (3) the use of authenticassessment, and (4) awareness of the supporting and inhibiting factors. Theunderstandings arising from these experiences were that: (1) the required knowledge ofAPE SLB teachers could be found within the supporting government publications; (2)the scientific approach placed systematic student problem solving at its core, and; (3)authentic assessment involves a comprehensive focus on the learning and developmentof skills, attitudes and knowledge. A comparison of these findings with those of theprimary teacher study showed that some of the additional understandings revealed bythe Adapted PE teachers reflected some of the specific demands and challenges facingteachers in the context of special needs education. This research should serve as areference for novice teachers in emphasizing that good K-13 curriculum learning at alllevels must involve preparation for its implementation and its assessment.Recommendations for the value of ongoing research of this nature with a broader cohortof teachers are made.
本研究的目的是阐明适应型体育教师在印尼特殊需求学校实施新引入的K-13课程的经验和理解。这项研究是对先前对小学体育教师进行的研究(Sigid XXABSTRACT Setiawan,2018)的复制。26名年龄在28-39岁之间的APE教师(X=34.04,SD=3.46)参与了天冬氨酸盐的研究,他们在SLB中有各种残疾。收集的数据是在现象学框架内进行的观察、访谈和文献。结果表明,教师实施K-13的经验主要集中在(1)基本知识和竞争力的获得,(2)科学方法的采用,(3)真实评估的使用,以及(4)对支持和抑制因素的认识。从这些经验中得出的理解是:(1)APE SLB教师所需的知识可以在政府支持的出版物中找到;(2) 科学方法以系统的学生问题解决为核心;(3) 真正的评估包括全面关注技能、态度和知识的学习和发展。将这些发现与小学教师研究的结果进行比较表明,适应性体育教师所揭示的一些额外理解反映了教师在特殊需求教育背景下面临的一些具体需求和挑战。这项研究应作为新手教师的参考,强调良好的K-13课程学习在各个层面都必须包括实施和评估的准备工作。对与更广泛的教师群体进行的这种性质的持续研究的价值提出了建议。
{"title":"The experiences and understandings of the K-13 curriculum implementation of Indonesian teachers of Adapted Physical Education (APE)","authors":"Erick Burhaein, B. Tarigan, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza","doi":"10.30819/iss.42-e.04","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.42-e.04","url":null,"abstract":"\u0000 The purpose of this study was to illuminate the experiences and understandings of\u0000adaptive physical education (APE) teachers in their implementation of the newly\u0000introduced K-13 curriculum in special needs schools (SLB) in Indonesia. This research\u0000is a replication of previous research (Sigid XXABSTRACT Setiawan, 2018) conducted with primary\u0000school physical education (PE) teachers. Twenty-six APE teachers aged 28-39 years (X\u0000= 34.04, SD = 3.46) who worked with various disabilities in SLB were involved as\u0000participants. Data collected were observations, interviews, and documentation working\u0000within a phenomenological framework. Results indicated that teachers’ experiences of\u0000the K-13 implementation were focused on (1) the acquisition of basic knowledge and\u0000competence, (2) the adoption of the scientific approach, (3) the use of authentic\u0000assessment, and (4) awareness of the supporting and inhibiting factors. The\u0000understandings arising from these experiences were that: (1) the required knowledge of\u0000APE SLB teachers could be found within the supporting government publications; (2)\u0000the scientific approach placed systematic student problem solving at its core, and; (3)\u0000authentic assessment involves a comprehensive focus on the learning and development\u0000of skills, attitudes and knowledge. A comparison of these findings with those of the\u0000primary teacher study showed that some of the additional understandings revealed by\u0000the Adapted PE teachers reflected some of the specific demands and challenges facing\u0000teachers in the context of special needs education. This research should serve as a\u0000reference for novice teachers in emphasizing that good K-13 curriculum learning at all\u0000levels must involve preparation for its implementation and its assessment.\u0000Recommendations for the value of ongoing research of this nature with a broader cohort\u0000of teachers are made.\u0000\u0000","PeriodicalId":40315,"journal":{"name":"International Sports Studies","volume":" ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.2,"publicationDate":"2020-12-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"49305927","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 13
Editorial 社论
IF 0.2 Q4 HOSPITALITY, LEISURE, SPORT & TOURISM Pub Date : 2020-12-11 DOI: 10.30819/iss.42-e.01
J. Saunders
A mere two years ago International Sports Studies was celebrating its fortiethanniversary. At that time, at the beginning of 2018, your editor was able to reflect onthe journey of our professional association – the International Society for ComparativePhysical Education and Sport (ISCPES). It started with a small, cohesive, and optimisticgroup of physical education scholars from Europe and North America interested inworking across boundaries and exploring new international horizons. The group thatmet in Borovets in 2017 on the eve of the society’s fortieth anniversary, represented awider range of origins. They were also more circumspect, tempered by their experiencein what had become, four decades later, a very much more complex competitive andfragmented professional environment. Such a comparison seems almost to havereflected a common journey, from the hope and optimism of youth to entry into thechallenges and responsibilities of mid adulthood. Yet from the perspective ofcontemporary history, these last four decades seem generally to be viewed as havingbeen a time of unbroken human progress. Certainly, this is a defensible view when weuse technological and economic progress as the criterion. The nation of Indonesiaprovides an excellent example of progress by these measures.The world’s 10th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, and amember of the G-20. Furthermore, Indonesia has made enormous gains inpoverty reduction, cutting the poverty rate by more than half since 1999, to9.78% in 2020. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, Indonesia was able to maintaina consistent economic growth, recently qualifying the country to reach uppermiddle-income status.The World Bank (www.worldbank.org/en/country/indonesia/overview)Indeed, when we look at the economic growth charts of the world over the lastcentury, without exception they resemble a J curve with growth over the last half centurybeing particularly rapid. But, from time to time, we need to be reminded that humanexistence is rather like a coin. Looking at the top side provides one picture but then,when we turn the coin over, a totally different view presents itself. From time to time,pictures find their way to our television screens that remind us that real challenges ofpoverty are still faced by many today. Similarly, though we have talked about seventyfiveyears of peace, the other side of the coin reveals that around the globe armed conflicthas continued remorselessly since the official ending of World War II in September 2nd1945.A visit to Wikipedia and its list of ongoing conflicts in the world will inform thecasual reader, that in the current or past calendar year there have been over 10,000 deathsrelated to four major wars – in Afghanistan, the Yemen, Syria and Mexico. In addition,eleven wars, eighteen ‘minor conflicts’ and fifteen ‘skirmishes’ have added to death andmisery for many around the world. I make these points in case those of us who aref
仅仅两年前,《国际体育研究》还在庆祝它的四十周年纪念。当时,在2018年初,您的编辑能够反思我们的专业协会-国际比较体育与运动学会(ISCPES)的历程。它始于一群来自欧洲和北美的体育学者,他们对跨越国界和探索新的国际视野感兴趣,他们是一个小而团结、乐观的团体。2017年,在该协会成立四十周年前夕,该组织在波罗韦茨举行了会议,代表了更广泛的起源。四十年后,他们所处的职业环境变得更加复杂、竞争更加激烈、碎片化,这让他们更加谨慎。这样的比较似乎几乎反映了一个共同的旅程,从青年的希望和乐观到中年的挑战和责任。然而,从当代历史的角度来看,过去的四十年似乎通常被视为人类不断进步的时期。当然,当我们以技术和经济进步为标准时,这种观点是站得住脚的。印度尼西亚就是通过这些措施取得进展的一个很好的例子。按购买力平价计算,中国是世界第十大经济体,也是20国集团(g20)成员。此外,印度尼西亚在减贫方面取得了巨大成就,自1999年以来,贫困率下降了一半以上,到2020年降至9.78%。在2019冠状病毒病危机之前,印度尼西亚能够保持持续的经济增长,最近使该国有资格达到中高收入水平。世界银行(www.worldbank.org/en/country/indonesia/overview)Indeed),当我们看上个世纪的世界经济增长图表时,毫无例外,它们都类似于J曲线,过去半个世纪的增长特别迅速。但是,时不时地,我们需要被提醒,人类的存在就像一枚硬币。从正面看,我们看到的是一幅画面,但当我们把硬币翻过来时,就会看到完全不同的画面。我们的电视屏幕上不时出现一些图片,提醒我们今天许多人仍然面临着真正的贫困挑战。同样,尽管我们谈论了75年的和平,但硬币的另一面表明,自1945年9月2日第二次世界大战正式结束以来,全球武装冲突仍在无情地继续。随便浏览一下维基百科,看看它列出的世界上正在发生的冲突,你就会知道,在当前或过去的日历年里,有超过1万人死于阿富汗、也门、叙利亚和墨西哥的四场主要战争。此外,11场战争、18场“小冲突”和15场“小冲突”增加了世界各地许多人的死亡和痛苦。我提出这些观点是为了防止我们这些有幸生活在相对稳定、安全和繁荣的环境中的人,可能会变得自满,忘记我们需要做多少事情来增加世界各地兄弟姐妹的福利。人类的十年结束报告需要提醒我们,如果我们的进展总体上是稳定的,我们仍有需要改进的地方。此外,我们需要记住,财富和物质繁荣并不是人类幸福和幸福的唯一标准。衡量生活质量的标准远远不能只看国内生产总值(gdp)。随着我们进入另一个新的十年,这些想法现在似乎突然凸显出来。几乎在世界范围内,硬币似乎突然被翻转了。2018年,我们对未来的期望与2020年伊始的期望有所不同。在这个世界联系空前紧密的时代,我们被强烈地提醒,这种联系带来了一定程度的风险。有些人认为,相互联系提供了某种防止战争和冲突的保护,贸易关系为世界各国人民之间的和平合作提供了理由。然而,正是这种相互联系使我们今天面临更大的风险,面临最近袭击世界的大流行病的破坏。在应对covid - 19病毒方面最成功的国家是像新西兰这样的国家,它们将自己与其他国家隔离开来,限制跨境和境内的人员流动和互动。因此,在许多不同的环境中,人们发现自己被封锁并在家工作。这种对相互作用和运动的突然限制,为许多人提供了一个独特的反思机会。从21世纪疯狂的生活节奏中抽身而退,虽然不可避免地会给许多人带来经济上的担忧,但也给了其他人一个重新发现以前时代的简单快乐的机会。 有家人和朋友不慌不忙的陪伴,有机会在当地社区悠闲地散步,取代拥挤的通勤。因此,有很多声音指出这是一个重新设定我们的职业和生活方式的独特机会。有了这个机会,我们就有机会重新审视核心价值观,尤其是对我们这个瞬息万变的现代世界无止境的忙碌和经常是疯狂的生活方式背后的一些驱动因素提出质疑,这个世界不断要求我们所有人“跟上”和“领先”。因此,本着重新开始的精神,我很高兴地介绍《国际体育研究》的第一个特别增刊。我们非常重视我们的使命,即连接世界各地的体育教育和体育专业人士。它使我们非常清楚地意识到,对世界采取一种以熟悉的事物和我们自己的后院为中心的观点是危险的。然而,我们都倾向于陷入一种人生观,这种人生观似乎是由大型媒体和相互联系的世界中最响亮的声音所驱动和强化的。从新德里到安克雷奇,从内罗毕到札幌,都能很容易地看到追求名人梦的人。我们似乎被迫倾听他们和他们的想法,即使我们希望与他们断绝关系。在体育运动中也是如此,似乎在世界的各个角落,足球巨星梅西、罗纳尔多、博格巴、贝尔在任何比赛场所都为人所知。新闻和影响力似乎往往来自这些银幕和体育领域的名人所在的地方。它是好莱坞、马德里和都灵的街道和娱乐区,这些全球范围内相对受限的区域,不断被无处不在的屏幕带到我们所有人面前。联合国电信发展部门专门机构国际电联的一些最新数据估计,截至2019年底,全球有53.6%的人口,即41亿人在使用互联网(国际电联,2020年)。随着其影响力的扩大,这个数字还在稳步增长。本增刊关注印度尼西亚体育教育和运动研究的动机可以在比较体育教育和运动研究的起源中找到。我们都可以通过与他人和他们的方法来学习,无论是相似的还是独特的问题和挑战。然而,仅仅为了进行学术比较而将自己的处境与他人进行比较并不总是有意义的。通常,在另一个环境中拜访同事并深入研究他们的关注点和做法会更有意义。这样的研究被称为区域研究,它们涉及阐明在不同环境下发生的事情,以增加我们自己的理解和意识。印度尼西亚为这一研究提供了一个特殊而重要的起点。它位于印度洋和太平洋的东南亚大陆海岸外,是一个横跨赤道的群岛,横跨的距离相当于地球周长的八分之一。就人口而言,它是世界第四大国家(Legge, 2020)。这个国家的举止和人民看起来都很谦虚,但它可以为我们提供很多东西,特别是在我们共同的专业兴趣方面。第42卷e的目的是为我们在印度尼西亚的同事提供一个向国际社会发言的机会,并为国际社会提供一个更多地了解他们在印度尼西亚的同事的工作的机会。在比较研究的传统中,这是第一个系列。我非常高兴和荣幸地与来自印度尼西亚的一个特别编辑团队在这个项目中合作。下面简要介绍了它们的详细信息。我向你们赞扬这一具有代表性的体育教育和体育学者小组的工作。我邀请你们和我们一起,通过接触和倾听来自世界各地更广泛的同事圈子,抬起我们的头,重新审视我们自己的观点。我们可能无法在这个时候去见对方,但我们仍然可以互动和分享,这是我们作为学者和专业人士的责任。约翰·桑德,布里斯班,2020年11月获取自https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics?Legge, j.d.(2020)印度尼西亚。芝加哥:《大英百科全书》。访问标准:/ / www.britannica.com/place/Indonesia
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引用次数: 0
International Sports Studies
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