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Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture II.1: Religion—Deities and Mythical Characters 腓尼基文化百科词典2 .1:宗教-神灵和神话人物
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0354
Megan Daniels
The Phoenicians have received growing attention in scholarship on the ancient Mediterranean in recent decades (most recently in Anglophone scholarship: López-Ruiz 2021; Sader 2019; Quinn 2018). Yet, as C. López-Ruiz notes, “the study of the Phoenicians is still extremely fragmented, striving to find a space of its own” (2021: 4). These peoples have frequently fallen through the rifts created by the artificial bifurcation of “West” and “East,” of classics and Near Eastern or biblical studies, and of Indo-European and Semitic. Another contributing factor to this fragmentation is the lack of “direct textual transmission” of Phoenician literature, with most knowledge conveyed to us via Greco-Roman sources and archaeological evidence, as noted in the volume under review (165).The recent turn toward more globalizing histories of the Mediterranean Iron Age has somewhat rehabilitated the Phoenicians as active agents in the creation of the interconnected cultural and economic currents that shaped this ancient world (e.g., Hodos 2020). Yet the study of the Phoenicians—their language, culture, history, and archaeology—remains hyper-specialized and rather inaccessible to broader scholarly communities due to the issues described above. The current encyclopedia project, the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture (EDPC), aims to remedy these sticking points by providing “a compact repertoire that is as complete as possible, of easy and immediate consultation, organized according to criteria that aim to be consistent” (ix). The EDPC in its entirety contains over 2,000 entries by around 200 different authors from 20 countries, as per the publisher’s overview.The volume under review is volume II.1: Religion—Deities and Mythical Characters. The first volume in this series focused on historical figures in the Phoenician world. Another volume on religion will appear in the near future as volume II.2: Cult and Ritual and will be a close compliment to II.1. Later volumes will deal with topics such as language and written sources, archaeological sites and toponyms, and social, political, and economic life. As the editors note, each volume in this series strives to be “in one sense independent, but at the same time inseparable from the others.” (ix) The volumes thus contain a consistent system of tagging individual lemmata within and between volumes to create entries that are concise but inherently interconnected and comprehensive, to allow researchers the fullest reading possible on each topic. This complex tagging system naturally causes one to wonder whether the entire EDPC will one day be digitized in such a way that turns the tags into navigable hyperlinks between entries and volumes (volumes I and II.1 are currently available as eBooks but are not linked to one another via any type of content management system).Volume II.1 focuses on Phoenician deities directly attested in the Levant, primarily in the first millennium BCE (xii). Perhaps the greatest challen
近几十年来,腓尼基人在古代地中海的学术研究中受到越来越多的关注(最近在英语国家的学术研究中:López-Ruiz 2021;撒德牌2019;奎因2018)。然而,正如C. López-Ruiz所指出的那样,“对腓尼基人的研究仍然非常分散,努力寻找自己的空间”(2021:4)。这些民族经常陷入人为的“西方”和“东方”、经典和近东或圣经研究、印欧语和闪米特语的分歧中。造成这种碎片化的另一个因素是腓尼基文学缺乏“直接的文本传播”,大多数知识都是通过希腊罗马文献和考古证据传递给我们的,正如本文所述(165)。最近,地中海铁器时代的历史转向更加全球化,这在一定程度上恢复了腓尼基人在创造相互联系的文化和经济潮流方面的积极作用,这些潮流塑造了这个古老的世界(例如,Hodos 2020)。然而,对腓尼基人的研究——他们的语言、文化、历史和考古——仍然是高度专业化的,而且由于上述问题,更广泛的学术团体很难接触到。目前的百科全书项目,腓尼基文化百科词典(EDPC),旨在通过提供“尽可能完整的紧凑曲目,方便快捷的查询,根据旨在保持一致的标准进行组织”来解决这些问题。根据出版商的概述,EDPC整体包含来自20个国家的约200位不同作者的2000多个条目。正在审查的卷是卷II.1:宗教-神灵和神话人物。这个系列的第一卷集中在腓尼基世界的历史人物。关于宗教的另一卷将在不久的将来作为第二卷2:邪教和仪式出版,将是第二卷1的密切补充。以后的卷将处理的主题,如语言和书面来源,考古遗址和地名,以及社会,政治和经济生活。正如编辑们所指出的,这个系列的每一卷都力求“在某种意义上独立,但同时又与其他卷不可分割”。“因此,各卷内和卷间的个别引理有一个一致的标记系统,以创造简洁但本质上相互联系和全面的条目,使研究人员能够充分阅读每个主题。这种复杂的标签系统自然会让人怀疑,整个EDPC是否有一天会以这样一种方式被数字化,即把标签变成条目和卷之间可导航的超链接(卷1和卷2 .1目前作为电子书提供,但没有通过任何类型的内容管理系统相互链接)。卷II.1主要关注腓尼基人在黎凡特直接证实的神祇,主要是在公元前第一个千年(xii)。也许这一卷最大的挑战在于神祇和神话人物的动态性质,以及不断变化的融合,这使得在其各自的文化边界内(或实际上在一千年的时间跨度内)不可能包含任何神祇。编辑们在一开始就承认“一个神……是一个极其复杂的象征性宇宙,根据孕育它的文化的历史演变,在形式和内容上都有变化,并不断地对其进行重新塑造”(x)。他们也有理由质疑,希腊世界普遍适用的神、英雄和凡人的三位一体划分是否适合腓尼基文化。因此,在比布罗斯的斐洛的《腓尼基历史》中,详细记载了诸如利海因(被神化的王室祖先)和神的人格化,如厄洛斯(“爱”)、福斯、皮尔和福洛克斯(“光”、“火”和“火焰”)以及波托斯(“欲望”)等人物。此外,在古代地中海的跨文化互动的复杂性需要包括外国神话或神圣字符吸收到腓尼基文化。因此,读者不仅会遇到梅尔卡特、埃什蒙、阿斯塔特和各种各样的巴力,还会遇到奥西里斯、伊诺-琉科西娅、萨图恩和卡莱斯提斯。在许多情况下,这些“外来的”神首先会在他们自己的文化背景下被描述,在条目的末尾会有一个较短的部分,有时是由一个单独的作者来描述,通过像神的名字这样的元素来详细描述他们在腓尼基世界的证据。除了神话或神圣的人物,读者还会遇到神话元素的条目,如赫拉克勒斯/赫拉克勒斯的支柱和一般类别,如神话和神话,个人名字中的神,神的名字和称号。 总的来说,EDPC的宗教卷分为两个子卷,这使得人们有空间清楚地关注神和神话人物,以及每一个人的证据的性质,把围绕这些人物及其崇拜场所的崇拜和仪式放在后面的卷中。因此,本卷中神灵和神话人物的覆盖范围是值得称赞的,但与任何百科全书式的项目一样,受到一致性和全面性的挑战。在探索这些挑战时,考虑非专家(或邻近领域的专家,如古典学或埃及学)如何体验这些条目是很有用的。首先,编者在引言中指出,所有条目在理论上都遵循一致的格式(xiii-xiv),首先是语言和文献数据,然后是一般历史信息,其次是从黎凡特开始并向西移动的直接证据,然后是其他几个类别。实际上,单个条目在长度和结构上差异很大,考虑到证据的多样性,这是可以理解的(考虑到腓尼基人与近东其他地区的联系,人们也可能质疑从黎凡特向西的焦点)。例如,有些条目会在最后列出所有神灵或英雄的古代来源(如Elissa),而其他条目则会将条目分成时间段、词源和图像等子部分,并在每个部分中讨论相关的古代来源(如Eshmun)。每个条目末尾的参考书目按出版日期按时间顺序排列,并以紧凑的格式和字体呈现。对于只有少数来源的条目,这种安排是可以接受的,但它使具有更广泛的参考书目(例如,Bes, 74-75)的条目难以为读者导航,并且当然妨碍了对来源的任何快速扫描。也许最令人沮丧的是,许多条目完全省略了学术参考文献,而引用关键资料本可以引导读者通过对给定的神或神话人物的相互竞争的学术解释。例如,读者会遇到这样的短语:“根据最近的研究……”(128),没有后续的参考文献。一些作者暗示了关于邪教起源的争论,但没有澄清这些争论背后的学者和作品(例如,关于德墨忒耳和科伊:“这些信息的可靠性最近受到质疑,有人认为作者的评论是刻板印象和想象的先入之见的一部分。”[94])。其他条目更善于引导读者了解这些人物背后的学术争论(例如,Sadambaal, 204-5)以及古代证据(例如,Sarepta的神圣之神,129-31)。在腓尼基神和神话人物的关键参考著作中,这些文献不仅是证据的指南,而且是对这些证据有意义的论点的指南。条目中似乎没有什么重大遗漏。许多来自腓尼基世界之外的人物在这些页面中有很好的特色,因为他们出现在比布罗斯的腓尼基历史中,在优西比乌斯的Praeparatio Evangelica中被引用(菲洛自己有自己的条目,他的半神话来源,Sanchouniathon也是如此)。两个令人费解的遗漏是阿芙罗狄蒂和赫拉,特别是考虑到包括其他希腊神,如狄俄尼索斯、得墨忒尔和科瑞、阿波罗、雅典娜和波塞冬等。对于阿芙罗狄蒂,读者被称为阿多尼斯;阿施塔特;迦巴勒Baalat;Baaltis;关于赫拉,读者可以参考阿斯塔特和蒂尼特。毫无疑问,这些人物和其他希腊神灵一样,是与他们的对应人物混合在一起的。然而,包括阿芙罗狄蒂,例如,可能会允许更多的探索塞浦路斯作为一个主要的地方,神的身份得到表达和发展,特别是像帕福斯,基提翁和阿玛索斯这样的地点(毫无疑问,这些地点将出现在EDPC的后几卷)。事实上,另一个可能包括塞浦路斯或瓦纳萨的伟大女神。这些女神代表了塞浦路斯和黎凡特海岸之间的联系(希罗多德,《历史》1.105.2-3),并且在神话中与金拉斯的形象密切相关(塔西佗,《历史》2.3;比较包萨尼亚,希腊描述8.5.2;参见Franklin 2015;Młynarczyk 2020),他在本卷中以Cinyras的名字出现。总的来说,阿芙罗狄蒂,以及赫拉,可能也允许不同的观点来探索主要腓尼基神的表达,如阿斯达尔特和蒂尼特,他们都在这本书中得到了广泛的治疗。许多参赛作品包含有用的彩色和黑白图像,其中大多数很小,但质量可以接受。最后以板块1-3的形式呈现了三幅地形
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引用次数: 0
Divine Connections: Case Studies in the Phoenician Context 神圣的联系:在腓尼基背景下的案例研究
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0192
Giuseppe Garbati
ABSTRACT The present contribution examines relations between deities in the Phoenician context. Its principal aim is to reconstruct some of the ways in which the Phoenicians conceived of the divine dimension, its protagonists, and the connections between them.
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引用次数: 0
Clay Boat Models from Yavneh-Yam: Toward an Understanding of Their Chronology, Function, and Use 雅夫内-雅姆的泥船模型:对其年代、功能和使用的理解
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0337
Moshe Fischer (ל”ז), Alexander Fantalkin, Itamar Taxel, Liora Bouzaglou, Oren Tal
ABSTRACT This study presents an assemblage of complete and fragmented clay-made boat models uncovered during controlled archaeological excavations from Yavneh-Yam, which is located on the southern coastal plain of Israel. First, the relevant contexts from the Persian and early Hellenistic periods at the site that yielded these models are contextualized within the framework of contemporary geopolitical dynamics. This is in order to clarify the geopolitical status of Yavneh-Yam during these periods and the crucial role of the Phoenician agency. A detailed presentation of the boat models follows, including their typology, petrography (thin-section), and technological examination. Finally, we discuss a possible function and use of this group of votive objects, with far-reaching implications for deciphering the possible Phoenician ritual practices related to Phoenician seafaring activity in the Mediterranean.
{"title":"Clay Boat Models from Yavneh-Yam: Toward an Understanding of Their Chronology, Function, and Use","authors":"Moshe Fischer (ל”ז), Alexander Fantalkin, Itamar Taxel, Liora Bouzaglou, Oren Tal","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0337","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0337","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT This study presents an assemblage of complete and fragmented clay-made boat models uncovered during controlled archaeological excavations from Yavneh-Yam, which is located on the southern coastal plain of Israel. First, the relevant contexts from the Persian and early Hellenistic periods at the site that yielded these models are contextualized within the framework of contemporary geopolitical dynamics. This is in order to clarify the geopolitical status of Yavneh-Yam during these periods and the crucial role of the Phoenician agency. A detailed presentation of the boat models follows, including their typology, petrography (thin-section), and technological examination. Finally, we discuss a possible function and use of this group of votive objects, with far-reaching implications for deciphering the possible Phoenician ritual practices related to Phoenician seafaring activity in the Mediterranean.","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"15 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685976","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Bearded Man and the Pregnant Woman Terracotta Figurines: A Case of Divine “Open Relationship” in Persian-Period Levant? 大胡子男人和孕妇陶俑:波斯时期黎凡特的神圣“开放关系”案例?
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0177
Ida Oggiano, Fabio Porzia
ABSTRACT In this article, the authors analyze a widespread Persian-period terracotta figurine type in the Levant: the seated man with an atef crown or a cylindrical tiara and a hand touching his beard. As well as studying the specific attributes and the evolution of this iconography, the authors will address its association in cultic contexts with another figurine: the pregnant woman. By providing new arguments to identify the bearded man and the pregnant woman as (mainly) divine images, which are at the same time associated and distinct, the authors stress that the idea of a divine couple in an “open relationship” is of pivotal importance in understanding the organization of ancient polytheisms.
{"title":"The Bearded Man and the Pregnant Woman Terracotta Figurines: A Case of Divine “Open Relationship” in Persian-Period Levant?","authors":"Ida Oggiano, Fabio Porzia","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0177","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0177","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT In this article, the authors analyze a widespread Persian-period terracotta figurine type in the Levant: the seated man with an atef crown or a cylindrical tiara and a hand touching his beard. As well as studying the specific attributes and the evolution of this iconography, the authors will address its association in cultic contexts with another figurine: the pregnant woman. By providing new arguments to identify the bearded man and the pregnant woman as (mainly) divine images, which are at the same time associated and distinct, the authors stress that the idea of a divine couple in an “open relationship” is of pivotal importance in understanding the organization of ancient polytheisms.","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"15 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685824","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Achaemenid / Early Zoroastrian Influences on Phoenician Cultic Practices during the Persian Period 阿契美尼德/早期琐罗亚斯德教在波斯时期对腓尼基人宗教习俗的影响
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0209
Meir Edrey
ABSTRACT The Achaemenid rule is often perceived by modern scholars as religiously tolerant and nonintrusive, mainly due to the biblical narrative and the Cyrus decree. However, even if the Achaemenids did not impose their beliefs and religious ideology on their subordinates, Achaemenid and Zoroastrian influences seem to have seeped into the religion and cultic practices of peoples under their hegemony. In the southern Levant, dramatic changes to Phoenician cult practices occurred during the Persian period, some of which are consistent with principles of the Zoroastrian faith. Although written sources suggest the Achaemenids did interfere with the cultic practices of various peoples, it seems unlikely that they forced their system of beliefs on the Phoenicians, with whom they maintained good relations. It is, however, more than possible that as part of those warm relations, certain Zoroastrian ideas diffused into Phoenician society bringing about changes to the Phoenicians’ cultic practices.
{"title":"Achaemenid / Early Zoroastrian Influences on Phoenician Cultic Practices during the Persian Period","authors":"Meir Edrey","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0209","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0209","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT The Achaemenid rule is often perceived by modern scholars as religiously tolerant and nonintrusive, mainly due to the biblical narrative and the Cyrus decree. However, even if the Achaemenids did not impose their beliefs and religious ideology on their subordinates, Achaemenid and Zoroastrian influences seem to have seeped into the religion and cultic practices of peoples under their hegemony. In the southern Levant, dramatic changes to Phoenician cult practices occurred during the Persian period, some of which are consistent with principles of the Zoroastrian faith. Although written sources suggest the Achaemenids did interfere with the cultic practices of various peoples, it seems unlikely that they forced their system of beliefs on the Phoenicians, with whom they maintained good relations. It is, however, more than possible that as part of those warm relations, certain Zoroastrian ideas diffused into Phoenician society bringing about changes to the Phoenicians’ cultic practices.","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"15 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685826","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Phoenician Iron Smithing and Cult at Persian-Period Tel Akko 波斯时期泰尔阿克的腓尼基铁器锻造和崇拜
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0159
Ann E. Killebrew
ABSTRACT Renewed excavations on Tel Akko have uncovered evidence of large-scale Phoenician industrial iron smithing during the Persian period (sixth–fourth centuries BCE). It is distinguished not only by the scale of production but also by the integration of ritual activities with iron smithing. This article presents evidence for an iron workers’ cult at Tel Akko—a largely unexplored aspect of Phoenician religion and cultic practices.
对Tel Akko遗址的重新发掘发现了波斯时期(公元前6 - 4世纪)腓尼基大规模工业铁器锻造的证据。它的特点不仅在于生产规模,而且在于仪式活动与铁器锻造的结合。这篇文章提供了铁工人在泰尔阿科崇拜的证据,这是腓尼基宗教和崇拜实践的一个很大程度上未被探索的方面。
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引用次数: 1
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-Nets 描绘地中海腓尼基人:关于迦南-腓尼基贸易网
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0357
Meir Edrey
Over the past few years, Phoenician studies have been reawakened after a long academic slumber, and many new studies on this extraordinary civilization that encompassed almost the entire Mediterranean basin have emerged (e.g., Quinn 2018; Elayi 2018; Edrey 2019; Sader 2019; López -Ruiz and Doak 2019; López-Ruiz 2021). Dalit Regev has added two new commendable studies to this growing body of works; New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery (2020) and Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-Nets (2021), the latter of which is the focus of this review.The book commences with an introduction that delves into the ongoing debate surrounding the identity of the Phoenicians, seeking to define and examine their origins, territorial boundaries, and available sources (Ch. 1).1 Regev presents ample evidence to support the interchangeable use of the terms Canaanites and Phoenicians. She also mentions the frequently cited remarks of Augustine of Hippo from the fourth century CE on the people of North Africa, who supposedly referred to themselves as Canaanites, an assertion that has been convincingly refuted by Quinn (2018: 33–36). Later, Regev proposes a compelling theory concerning the rise of the use of the name Sidonians during the Hellenistic period (14). Regev rightfully argues for the continuity of the Canaanites in the form of the Phoenicians from the Bronze Age and to the Roman period, both culturally and genetically (compare Elayi 2018: 8), despite the lack of a common name throughout the ages. While the identification of the Phoenicians as Canaanites is quite common (e.g., Sader 2019: 4), Regev takes an unconventional approach by equating all Canaanites with Phoenicians, irrespective of their specific geographic location within this relatively large territory. This untraditional view enables her to associate virtually all economic activities of the Canaanites, extending from the eastern Jordan River to the southern Nile Delta, with the Canaanite-Phoenicians.Chapter 2 focuses on the framework by which these Canaanite-Phoenicians facilitated their trade activities. Regev puts forth the argument that all Phoenician trade was organized by the state, involving both officials and private agents operating within networks facilitated by a Phoenician diaspora. The chapter also delves into the mobility of Phoenician artisans across the Mediterranean, starting from the Bronze Age. In addition, Regev draws comparisons between the operational methods of the Phoenician diaspora trade network and other historical diaspora networks, such as the second-millennium BCE Mesopotamian trade colony at Kanesh, which may have started even earlier (Kulakoğlu and Öztürk 2015), or the medieval Jewish-diaspora trade network as exemplified by the documents of the Cairo Geniza (Goitein 1999).The all-encompassing approach to the Phoenicians as Canaanites and vice versa comes into play in Chapter 3, which deals with what Regev refers to as “Early Network
在过去的几年里,腓尼基人的研究在漫长的学术睡眠后重新觉醒,并且出现了许多关于这个几乎涵盖整个地中海盆地的非凡文明的新研究(例如,Quinn 2018;Elayi 2018;Edrey 2019;撒德牌2019;López -Ruiz and Doak 2019;Lopez-Ruiz 2021)。达利特·雷格夫(Dalit Regev)在这个不断增长的作品中增加了两项新的值得称赞的研究;《迦南-腓尼基陶器的新发现》(2020年)和《绘制地中海腓尼基人:迦南-腓尼基贸易网》(2021年),后者是本综述的重点。这本书开始与一个介绍,深入到正在进行的辩论围绕腓尼基人的身份,寻求定义和检查他们的起源,领土边界,和可用的资源(第1章)雷格夫提供了充分的证据来支持迦南人和腓尼基人这两个术语的可互换使用。她还提到了经常被引用的公元四世纪河马的奥古斯丁对北非人民的评论,据说他们称自己为迦南人,这一断言已被奎因令人信服地驳斥(2018:33-36)。后来,Regev提出了一个令人信服的理论,关于西顿人这个名字在希腊化时期的兴起(14)。Regev正确地论证了从青铜时代到罗马时期,迦南人以腓尼基人的形式在文化和基因上的连续性(比较Elayi 2018: 8),尽管在各个时代都缺乏一个共同的名字。虽然将腓尼基人认定为迦南人是很常见的(例如,Sader 2019: 4),但Regev采取了一种非常规的方法,将所有迦南人等同于腓尼基人,而不管他们在这片相对较大的领土上的具体地理位置如何。这种非传统的观点使她能够将几乎所有迦南人的经济活动,从约旦河东部延伸到尼罗河三角洲南部,与迦南-腓尼基人联系起来。第二章着重于迦南-腓尼基人促进其贸易活动的框架。雷格夫提出的论点是,所有腓尼基人的贸易都是由国家组织的,包括官员和私人代理人,他们在腓尼基侨民的推动下在网络中运作。这一章还深入探讨了从青铜时代开始腓尼基工匠在地中海的流动性。此外,Regev还将腓尼基散居贸易网络的运作方式与其他历史上的散居贸易网络进行了比较,例如公元前2000年在卡内什的美索不达米亚贸易殖民地,它可能更早开始(Kulakoğlu和Öztürk 2015),或者中世纪的犹太人散居贸易网络,如开罗文献(Goitein 1999)所示。将腓尼基人视为迦南人的包罗万象的方法在第三章中发挥了作用,这一章涉及Regev所说的“早期网络”。她首先回顾了埃及与迦南人的贸易网络,并正确地强调了迦南人在其海上活动中发挥的首要作用。Regev也将乌加里特语包括在网络中,尽管乌加里特人清楚地将自己与迦南人区分开来(Green 2003: 221)。然而,乌加里特可能仍然包括在迦南领域。然而,在讨论赫梯-迦南网络时,Regev将法伊南和亭纳的铜贸易归因于迦南-腓尼基人(47)。虽然某些沿海的迦南(腓尼基)城市很可能是这个网络的节点,但当地的迦南人参与了通过约旦河谷在阿拉瓦的铜贸易的生产、运输和组织。除了贸易网络,第三章还深入研究了腓尼基艺术风格的发展和演变,追溯其起源,从青铜时代一直到希腊化时期。第四章专门介绍了展示腓尼基艺术风格的各种媒介,包括金属物品、玻璃和彩陶、象牙和精美的紫色染料。它首先探索了埃及图案在腓尼基艺术中的广泛应用,以及埃及物品在地中海地区的广泛分布,作为腓尼基人存在的证据。例子包括装饰鸵鸟蛋,描绘狒狒和生殖器护身符。本章接着介绍了其他各种各样的奢侈品,这些奢侈品被认为是腓尼基人贸易的产物。第5章介绍了本书的主要论点,探讨了以地中海盆地为重点的各种贸易网络及其地理区域,但也延伸到阿拉伯、波斯湾和印度。雷格夫开始与塞浦路斯的讨论,确定它是大腓尼基的一部分。 尽管塞浦路斯的东海岸一直与黎凡特南部海岸,特别是腓尼基保持着持续的联系,但这种认同似乎太过深远。唯一明确确定的腓尼基人在岛上的存在和霸权是在基提翁,在铁器时代和波斯时期的部分时间里,它也统治着伊达里昂。然而,岛上的其他古代王国展示了腓尼基、塞浦路斯和希腊文化特征的混合体,包括名称、像塞浦路斯音节文字这样的书写系统,以及物质文化的各个方面。腓尼基人对塞浦路斯东部和南部的影响确实很大;然而,关于腓尼基人在一个广泛地区的霸权的争论仍然存在争议。敌对的腓尼基人、塞浦路斯人和希腊人军队的复杂性一直持续到波斯和希腊化时期。因此,认定红上黑陶工业完全由腓尼基人主导,并将塞浦路斯定义为一个大型工业区,似乎大大低估了塞浦路斯的作用,而且没有真正的理由。接着是西里西亚和小亚细亚,Regev认为萨莫色雷斯岛在公元前第二个千年早期“似乎是克里特人和腓尼基人的停靠港”(92),尽管缺乏支持这一说法的考古证据,而且腓尼基人的影响似乎主要来自后来关于卡德摩斯神话的书面资料。腓尼基人在铁器时代和波斯时期的影响和存在的证据要令人信服得多。然后讨论转向希腊和爱琴海世界。雷格夫探索了腓尼基人在爱琴海中部每个岛屿的潜在存在或参与。对于克里特岛,她认为可能是腓尼基人在青铜时代代表迈锡尼人运输商品(96)。关于腓尼基人在铁器时代存在的证据更有趣,也更谨慎。虽然在Kommos的所谓腓尼基神庙(在黎凡特南部或任何其他腓尼基遗址都没有类似的神庙),以及在克里特岛遗址发现的腓尼基陶器和双耳罐,都是腓尼基人永久存在的微弱证据,但在克诺索斯出现的火葬和土葬可能表明,一小群腓尼基人(或塞浦路斯腓尼基人)与当地居民一起涌入。在Eleftherna和Knossos的墓地中发现的少数陪葬石碑(cippi)与塞浦路斯的例子(例如,Karageorghis 1997)相当相似,也可能支持这种假设。Regev对科林斯和雅典的处理远没有那么谨慎,并与她对塞浦路斯的假设相呼应,主要是关于腓尼基人参与科林斯和雅典陶器的生产和分销(100-105)。接下来的两个地区,地中海中部和北非,地中海西部和大西洋的处理是基于更坚实的基础,因为有充足的考古和历史证据表明腓尼基人的参与,存在,甚至霸权。然而,当转向阿拉伯,波斯湾,特别是没有早期腓尼基人存在的印度时,所提供的证据依赖于谨慎的假设和希腊化时期以后的晚期铭文和文本来源。Regev对各种奢华的发现进行了分类,比如伊什塔/阿斯塔特的吊坠或伊朗西北部的象牙(126件),并认为它们可能来自腓尼基。她还引用了公元前8至7世纪来自也门的铭文,这些铭文与腓尼基人有些相似,作为腓尼基人与当时的阿拉伯人联系的证据(127)。雷格夫指出,某些阿拉伯陶器在形式上与腓尼基陶器相似,并广泛认为它们受到腓尼基陶器的影响,尽管她承认这种相似性可能是受以东陶器间接影响的结果。至于印度,雷格夫引用了最近在黎凡特南部发现的外来植物遗骸,并认为它们可能是从东南亚进口的。在所有这些例子中,尽管存在当地商人——阿拉伯部落或纳巴泰人——的证据,雷格夫仍然认为腓尼基人可能参与了这些以陆地为基础的贸易网络。最后一章涉及“腓尼基工业网络”,重点关注某些腓尼基商品,如陶器、葡萄酒和香油,其中一些Regev在前几章中已经提到了它们的来源,以及腓尼基人为了获得它们而设计的(有时是假设的)网络。 Regev再次赞扬腓尼基人不仅组织和运作了这些贸易网络,而且还通过分布在链中每个环节的腓尼基代理人监督生产、包装和分销。雷格夫还认为,所有这些工业网络都是由一个或多个腓尼基中部城邦的政治或宗教权威组织起来
{"title":"Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-Nets","authors":"Meir Edrey","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0357","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0357","url":null,"abstract":"Over the past few years, Phoenician studies have been reawakened after a long academic slumber, and many new studies on this extraordinary civilization that encompassed almost the entire Mediterranean basin have emerged (e.g., Quinn 2018; Elayi 2018; Edrey 2019; Sader 2019; López -Ruiz and Doak 2019; López-Ruiz 2021). Dalit Regev has added two new commendable studies to this growing body of works; New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery (2020) and Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-Nets (2021), the latter of which is the focus of this review.The book commences with an introduction that delves into the ongoing debate surrounding the identity of the Phoenicians, seeking to define and examine their origins, territorial boundaries, and available sources (Ch. 1).1 Regev presents ample evidence to support the interchangeable use of the terms Canaanites and Phoenicians. She also mentions the frequently cited remarks of Augustine of Hippo from the fourth century CE on the people of North Africa, who supposedly referred to themselves as Canaanites, an assertion that has been convincingly refuted by Quinn (2018: 33–36). Later, Regev proposes a compelling theory concerning the rise of the use of the name Sidonians during the Hellenistic period (14). Regev rightfully argues for the continuity of the Canaanites in the form of the Phoenicians from the Bronze Age and to the Roman period, both culturally and genetically (compare Elayi 2018: 8), despite the lack of a common name throughout the ages. While the identification of the Phoenicians as Canaanites is quite common (e.g., Sader 2019: 4), Regev takes an unconventional approach by equating all Canaanites with Phoenicians, irrespective of their specific geographic location within this relatively large territory. This untraditional view enables her to associate virtually all economic activities of the Canaanites, extending from the eastern Jordan River to the southern Nile Delta, with the Canaanite-Phoenicians.Chapter 2 focuses on the framework by which these Canaanite-Phoenicians facilitated their trade activities. Regev puts forth the argument that all Phoenician trade was organized by the state, involving both officials and private agents operating within networks facilitated by a Phoenician diaspora. The chapter also delves into the mobility of Phoenician artisans across the Mediterranean, starting from the Bronze Age. In addition, Regev draws comparisons between the operational methods of the Phoenician diaspora trade network and other historical diaspora networks, such as the second-millennium BCE Mesopotamian trade colony at Kanesh, which may have started even earlier (Kulakoğlu and Öztürk 2015), or the medieval Jewish-diaspora trade network as exemplified by the documents of the Cairo Geniza (Goitein 1999).The all-encompassing approach to the Phoenicians as Canaanites and vice versa comes into play in Chapter 3, which deals with what Regev refers to as “Early Network","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"186 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685982","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The History and Archaeology of Phoenicia; Phoenician Identity in Context: Material Cultural Koiné in the Iron Age Levant; and Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean 腓尼基的历史与考古研究语境中的腓尼基人身份:铁器时代黎凡特的物质文化交融腓尼基人和地中海的形成
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0366
Ann E. Killebrew
The past five years have witnessed a plethora of publications devoted to the Phoenicians and their impact on the Mediterranean world (for an overview of key publications, see Sader 2019: xi and the book reviews by Megan Daniels, Meir Edrey, and Jolanta Młynarczyk in this issue). Three recently published books are critiqued in this review. Two monographs, authored by Hélène Sader and Meir Edrey, examine the history, archaeology, and identity of the Iron Age inhabitants of Phoenicia. These publications are especially significant as they fill a void in Phoenician studies—a field that in the past tended to focus on Phoenician influence outside the Levantine homeland. The third book, by Carolina López-Ruiz, explores the impact of the Phoenicians on cultural exchange and the spreading of their “orientalizing kit” (López-Ruiz’s term; see below) westward, which transformed much of the Iron Age Mediterranean world during the eighth and seventh centuries BCE.Sader’s book, The History and Archaeology of Phoenicia, includes a preface followed by six chapters that examine the origins and etymology of the term Phoenicia (Ch. 1), a survey of Iron Age Phoenicia (Chs. 2 and 3), Phoenician language and material culture (Ch. 4), religion (Ch. 5), economy (Ch. 6), and a conclusion.In her opening preface statement (xi–xv), Sader carefully lays out her approach to the Phoenicians. She begins with a brief summary of relevant publications spanning the past three decades. In contrast to these earlier publications that tended to present a global history of Phoenicia or the Phoenicians, she approaches the topic through the lens of primary textual and archaeological sources from the Phoenician homeland, a template which is used in each chapter. According to Sader, the territory of Phoenicia, as described by first-millennium BCE Greek authors, was dominated and defined by four distinct coastal Levantine polities or kingdoms: Arwad, Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre with their hinterlands. In her preface, she also refutes claims in recent publications that the Phoenicians are a modern invention (see, e.g., Martin 2017; Quinn 2018). Instead, she argues that the inhabitants of these four kingdoms shared a common Semitic language, customs, belief systems, and material culture. Thus, they can rightfully be referred to as “Phoenicians.”Chapter 1 opens with an introduction to the Phoenicians. Sader defines her terminology and builds a foundation upon which the remaining chapters are constructed. This includes the origin and etymology of the name Phoenicia, origins of the Phoenicians (i.e., inhabitants of Phoenicia), chronological and geographic setting, and a summary and discussion of the often problematic textual and archaeological evidence. Two very helpful tables summarize the periodization of excavated sites in northern Phoenicia (table 1.1) and southern Phoenicia (table 1.2).Chapter 2 presents the archaeological evidence from Iron I sites in the Phoenician homeland, which continues Late
在过去的五年里,有大量的出版物专门研究腓尼基人及其对地中海世界的影响(有关主要出版物的概述,请参阅Sader 2019: xi和Megan Daniels, Meir Edrey和Jolanta Młynarczyk在本期的书评)。这篇评论对三本最近出版的书进行了评论。hl<e:1> Sader和Meir Edrey撰写的两本专著研究了腓尼基铁器时代居民的历史、考古和身份。这些出版物尤其重要,因为它们填补了腓尼基人研究的空白——这个领域过去倾向于关注腓尼基人在黎凡特家园以外的影响。第三本书,卡罗琳娜López-Ruiz,探讨了腓尼基人对文化交流的影响,以及他们的“东方化工具包”(López-Ruiz的术语;(见下文),在公元前8世纪和7世纪,它改变了铁器时代地中海世界的大部分地区。萨德尔的书《腓尼基的历史和考古》包括前言,随后是六章,研究了腓尼基一词的起源和词源(第1章),铁器时代腓尼基的调查(第2章和第3章),腓尼基人的语言和物质文化(第4章),宗教(第5章),经济(第6章)和结论。在她的开篇序言声明(xi-xv)中,萨德尔仔细地列出了她对腓尼基人的看法。她首先简要总结了过去三十年的相关出版物。与这些早期出版物倾向于呈现腓尼基或腓尼基人的全球历史相比,她通过腓尼基家乡的主要文本和考古来源的镜头来处理这个主题,每个章节都使用了一个模板。根据萨德尔的说法,腓尼基的领土,正如公元前一千年希腊作家所描述的那样,被四个不同的沿海黎凡特政治或王国所统治和界定:阿尔瓦德、比布罗斯、西顿和提尔及其腹地。在她的序言中,她还驳斥了最近出版物中关于腓尼基人是现代发明的说法(参见,例如,Martin 2017;奎因2018)。相反,她认为这四个王国的居民拥有共同的闪米特语言、习俗、信仰体系和物质文化。因此,他们可以理所当然地被称为“腓尼基人”。第一章以腓尼基人的介绍开篇。Sader定义了她的术语,并建立了一个基础,在此基础上构建其余章节。这包括腓尼基这个名字的起源和词源,腓尼基人(即腓尼基居民)的起源,时间和地理背景,以及对经常有问题的文本和考古证据的总结和讨论。两个非常有用的表格总结了北腓尼基(表1.1)和南腓尼基(表1.2)出土遗址的年代划分。第二章介绍了腓尼基人故乡的铁器时代遗址的考古证据,这些遗址延续了青铜时代晚期的文化传统。两个相关的文本,《提革拉-皮列泽一世编年史》和《韦纳蒙报告》,被详细讨论。在对腓尼基几个重要的铁器时代遗址进行调查之后,本章总结了铁器时代的建筑和丧葬习俗。萨德尔指出,与许多青铜时代晚期地中海东部的定居点经历了破坏或衰落相比,许多腓尼基遗址避免了破坏,并在标志着青铜时代结束的危机之后的铁器时期繁荣起来。最大的一章,第3章,探讨了铁器时代II和III(约公元前10世纪中期至公元前4世纪中期)的腓尼基。这是本书中最长的一章,分为三个小节。在她的第一部分中,Sader根据四个政体,Arwad, Byblos, Sidon和Tyre讨论了主要的古典资料,并提供了每个政体的政治历史概述。根据这一证据,作者确定腓尼基是公元前一千年希腊的地理概念,其最大范围包括乌加里特以南的土地,直到形成沙伦平原南部边界的Yarkon河。剩下的两个部分重建了腓尼基王国的物理特征、定居模式、腓尼基遗址的分布和政治组织。第4章深入探讨腓尼基文化的问题,提出一个关键问题:是否有可能“分离出可以证明认为黎凡特海岸文化是同质的标识符或特定特征……”还是通过语言和物质文化的视角来区分个体文化的实质性差异”(147)?四大王国的共同特征包括语言和物质文化方面。在建筑上缺乏统一性;然而,在腓尼基遗址中,使用细石砌筑是一个普遍的特征。 腓尼基北部和南部之间的地区差异在陶器组合中很明显。虽然许多奢侈品通常被定义为“腓尼基”,包括金属器皿、象牙制品、砗砗螈贝壳和彩绘鸵鸟蛋,在腓尼基人的家乡是罕见的,但Sader坚持认为,有足够的证据表明,这些物品中的许多都属于腓尼基人的艺术传统和身份,特别是在波斯、希腊化和罗马时期。在第五章中,萨德尔检查了来自四个铁器时代沿海黎凡特王国的证据,以确定是否存在一套共同的宗教仪式和神灵。她将这一章细分为五个部分:反映在文本和铭文证据中的一般特征(5.1),宗教建筑(5.2),邪教文物(5.3),外国影响(5.4)和殡葬习俗(5.5)。基于零碎的铭文和非腓尼基文本来源,Sader认为腓尼基宗教是由一套共同的信仰、神和仪式定义的。相比之下,第5.2节中展示的12个地点的宗教建筑的考古证据表明,虽然没有共同的规划或特征来定义腓尼基宗教建筑,但可以区分区域和时间组。祭祀物品包括前神像(尤其是女性雕像)、护身符、祭祀工具和器皿。埃及和希腊对腓尼基人的信仰和习俗的影响也是显而易见的。在第五章的最后一部分,Sader总结说腓尼基人的丧葬习俗是建立在近东传统的基础上的,包括对死后生命的信仰。她讲述了腓尼基人殡葬实践的三个方面:建筑、人类化和焚化,并以关于狗葬的笔记结束。第六章确定了腓尼基经济的三个部分:贸易、农业和工业,特别是冶金、紫色染料生产、陶瓷和橄榄油。这一章的大部分内容涉及贸易的性质和组织,以及黎凡特腓尼基的贸易伙伴,遵循整合主要文本来源的模板,尤其是以西结书27章,以及最近的考古证据。在她对腓尼基贸易的回顾中,Sader得出结论:“在铁器时代早期甚至晚期,北腓尼基似乎并没有在地中海贸易中发挥积极作用”(276)。相反,正如有限的书面资料和物质文化证据所表明的那样,贸易是由南部腓尼基王国和城市主导的。在她的结论中,Sader简明地总结了文本、铭文和考古证据,并令人信服地论证了四个沿海黎凡特王国及其腹地共享的腓尼基文化。南北遗址虽然有共同的文化和语言联系,但各自独立发展,这在出土物质文化的地域性中得到了最好的说明。她还观察到,南方王国经历了更大的经济和商业繁荣,这在文字和考古证据中都有所反映。梅尔·埃德里(Meir Edrey) 2019年出版的《语境中的腓尼基人身份:铁器时代黎凡特的物质文化共生》一书也探讨了腓尼基人在其沿海黎凡特家园的现象。在他的引言中,Edrey将腓尼基文化定义为青铜时代晚期独立城邦社会结构的铁器时代继承者。通过对在黎凡特沿海遗址发现的与腓尼基人有关的考古证据的分析,他旨在确定一种“腓尼基人共同文化”(或共享的物质文化),这种文化表明了共同的种族、宗教、邪教和社会身份。Edrey的卷包括介绍,七章探索地理边界(第1章),腓尼基历史(第2章),腓尼基建筑(第3章),海洋文化(第4章),宗教和邪教(第5章),腓尼基丧葬习俗(第6章),以及种族和身份(第7章),然后是结论。尽管Edrey的分析基于相同的原始资料,并得出了与hsam<s:1> rene Sader相似的结论,但他的方法、处理方法和证据体的组织方式不同,这使得这两本书比较起来很有趣。在这里,考古证据是按主题排列的,而不是按地点或王国排列的,腓尼基人的丧葬习俗与宗教和邪教分开,关于海洋文化和种族的章节完善了分析。埃德里的专著并没有专门论述腓尼基人的经济或工业。在他的开场白中,Edrey调查了地中海东部腓尼基人的考古研究历史,腓尼基人/腓尼基人这个词的使用和意义,并概述了关于腓尼基人起源的各种理论。 基于物质文化
{"title":"The History and Archaeology of Phoenicia; Phoenician Identity in Context: Material Cultural Koiné in the Iron Age Levant; and Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean","authors":"Ann E. Killebrew","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0366","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0366","url":null,"abstract":"The past five years have witnessed a plethora of publications devoted to the Phoenicians and their impact on the Mediterranean world (for an overview of key publications, see Sader 2019: xi and the book reviews by Megan Daniels, Meir Edrey, and Jolanta Młynarczyk in this issue). Three recently published books are critiqued in this review. Two monographs, authored by Hélène Sader and Meir Edrey, examine the history, archaeology, and identity of the Iron Age inhabitants of Phoenicia. These publications are especially significant as they fill a void in Phoenician studies—a field that in the past tended to focus on Phoenician influence outside the Levantine homeland. The third book, by Carolina López-Ruiz, explores the impact of the Phoenicians on cultural exchange and the spreading of their “orientalizing kit” (López-Ruiz’s term; see below) westward, which transformed much of the Iron Age Mediterranean world during the eighth and seventh centuries BCE.Sader’s book, The History and Archaeology of Phoenicia, includes a preface followed by six chapters that examine the origins and etymology of the term Phoenicia (Ch. 1), a survey of Iron Age Phoenicia (Chs. 2 and 3), Phoenician language and material culture (Ch. 4), religion (Ch. 5), economy (Ch. 6), and a conclusion.In her opening preface statement (xi–xv), Sader carefully lays out her approach to the Phoenicians. She begins with a brief summary of relevant publications spanning the past three decades. In contrast to these earlier publications that tended to present a global history of Phoenicia or the Phoenicians, she approaches the topic through the lens of primary textual and archaeological sources from the Phoenician homeland, a template which is used in each chapter. According to Sader, the territory of Phoenicia, as described by first-millennium BCE Greek authors, was dominated and defined by four distinct coastal Levantine polities or kingdoms: Arwad, Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre with their hinterlands. In her preface, she also refutes claims in recent publications that the Phoenicians are a modern invention (see, e.g., Martin 2017; Quinn 2018). Instead, she argues that the inhabitants of these four kingdoms shared a common Semitic language, customs, belief systems, and material culture. Thus, they can rightfully be referred to as “Phoenicians.”Chapter 1 opens with an introduction to the Phoenicians. Sader defines her terminology and builds a foundation upon which the remaining chapters are constructed. This includes the origin and etymology of the name Phoenicia, origins of the Phoenicians (i.e., inhabitants of Phoenicia), chronological and geographic setting, and a summary and discussion of the often problematic textual and archaeological evidence. Two very helpful tables summarize the periodization of excavated sites in northern Phoenicia (table 1.1) and southern Phoenicia (table 1.2).Chapter 2 presents the archaeological evidence from Iron I sites in the Phoenician homeland, which continues Late","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"22 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685984","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Phoenician-Punic Sanctuary of Ras il-Wardija (Gozo): A Reassessment of the Cult and Ritual of Astarte in the Light of Recent Discoveries by the Sapienza Archaeological Mission at Gozo–Ras il-Wardija Project (2021–2022) Ras il-Wardija(戈佐岛)的腓尼基-布尼基圣殿:根据戈佐- Ras il-Wardija项目(2021-2022)Sapienza考古任务的最新发现,重新评估阿斯达尔特的崇拜和仪式
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0297
Federica Spagnoli
abstract:The promontory of Ras il-Wardija, on the northwestern cusp of the Island of Gozo, holds one of the most spectacular temples of the ancient Mediterranean dedicated to the Phoenician goddess Astarte. It dates to the fourth century BCE and hosted an important cult of Astarte/Hera/Juno throughout the Roman period (third–second centuries CE). The general plan has been clarified by the excavations of the Italian Mission between 1963 and 1967. In 2021 Sapienza University, thanks to an agreement with Heritage Malta and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, resumed research activities at Ras il-Wardija, studying the sanctuary’s cult and rituals through the pottery and small finds unearthed in the 1960s, but following new avenues of research. The discovery of several Punic dedication formulas similar to those found at Tas-Silġ suggests a link between the two cult places, probably stemming from festivities such as the Anagógia and Katagógia mentioned in classical sources.
位于戈佐岛西北角的拉斯瓦尔迪加海角,坐落着古代地中海最壮观的神庙之一,供奉着腓尼基女神阿斯塔特。它可以追溯到公元前4世纪,在整个罗马时期(公元3 - 2世纪)举办了阿斯达尔特/赫拉/朱诺的重要崇拜活动。意大利特派团在1963年至1967年期间的发掘工作澄清了总计划。2021年,Sapienza大学与马耳他遗产管理局和文化遗产管理局达成协议,恢复了在Ras il-Wardija的研究活动,通过20世纪60年代出土的陶器和小发现研究圣殿的邪教和仪式,但遵循新的研究途径。发现了几个类似于在塔斯-西尔吉发现的布匿奉献公式,这表明两个邪教场所之间存在联系,可能源于经典资料中提到的Anagógia和Katagógia等庆祝活动。
{"title":"The Phoenician-Punic Sanctuary of Ras il-Wardija (Gozo): A Reassessment of the Cult and Ritual of Astarte in the Light of Recent Discoveries by the Sapienza Archaeological Mission at Gozo–Ras il-Wardija Project (2021–2022)","authors":"Federica Spagnoli","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0297","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0297","url":null,"abstract":"abstract:The promontory of Ras il-Wardija, on the northwestern cusp of the Island of Gozo, holds one of the most spectacular temples of the ancient Mediterranean dedicated to the Phoenician goddess Astarte. It dates to the fourth century BCE and hosted an important cult of Astarte/Hera/Juno throughout the Roman period (third–second centuries CE). The general plan has been clarified by the excavations of the Italian Mission between 1963 and 1967. In 2021 Sapienza University, thanks to an agreement with Heritage Malta and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, resumed research activities at Ras il-Wardija, studying the sanctuary’s cult and rituals through the pottery and small finds unearthed in the 1960s, but following new avenues of research. The discovery of several Punic dedication formulas similar to those found at Tas-Silġ suggests a link between the two cult places, probably stemming from festivities such as the Anagógia and Katagógia mentioned in classical sources.","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"4 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685828","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Creating Communities of Mourners through the Sense of Taste: The Consumption of Bread in Liminal Rites 通过味觉创造送葬者群体:阈限仪式中的面包消费
0 ARCHAEOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0280
Meritxell Ferrer, Mireia López-Bertran
ABSTRACT Phoenicians and Punic people constructed a liminal community in the funerary realm that this article will explore, highlighting the centrality of taste through the consumption of bread. The study will unfold in three stages: It will begin with an overview of the recent interest in the “archaeology of senses.” In a second step, the written sources and the material and visual culture related to the existence of the so-called bread of mourning will be presented. Finally, the article will discuss how taste participates actively in the creation of a sense of alterity for the funerary community.
{"title":"Creating Communities of Mourners through the Sense of Taste: The Consumption of Bread in Liminal Rites","authors":"Meritxell Ferrer, Mireia López-Bertran","doi":"10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0280","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.11.2-3.0280","url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACT Phoenicians and Punic people constructed a liminal community in the funerary realm that this article will explore, highlighting the centrality of taste through the consumption of bread. The study will unfold in three stages: It will begin with an overview of the recent interest in the “archaeology of senses.” In a second step, the written sources and the material and visual culture related to the existence of the so-called bread of mourning will be presented. Finally, the article will discuss how taste participates actively in the creation of a sense of alterity for the funerary community.","PeriodicalId":43115,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies","volume":"3 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135685829","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
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Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies
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