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Response to: Comment on “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” by Evans et al. (Geo: Geography and Environment 2019; e00075) 对Evans等人对“泥炭地碳储量和燃烧历史:地毯式泥炭核心证据突出了木炭对泥炭物理性质和长期碳储量的影响”的评论(地理:地理与环境2019;e00075)
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-06-19 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.78
Andreas Heinemeyer, William L. Burn, Quinn Asena, Anthony L. Jones, Mark A. Ashby
<p>We would like to thank the authors Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) for submitting a comment on our recent publication “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>); we especially value their direct and open approach. We hope that our response clarifies our methods, findings and conclusions; we also provide further references and more detailed information around the limitations and remaining knowledge gaps.</p><p>We do understand that burning on peatlands is a highly controversial issue, not just in the UK (i.e., grouse moor management on deep peat/blanket bog) but also globally, particularly in the tropics (e.g., agricultural management on deforested and drained peatlands). We therefore would like to clarify up front that our findings are to be seen only in the context of rotational burning on UK upland blanket bogs – an interpretation within other fire contexts, specifically a tropical context, is not and never was felt appropriate by the authors. We previously clarified this limitation in our conclusions: “… estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns and the impacts of more severe arson or wildfire are likely to differ (i.e., when peat burning occurs).” However, within the UK context we feel this work adds considerable weight to the somewhat limited, but now growing body of evidence regarding prescribed heather burning impacts on blanket bog ecosystem services, specifically carbon storage. We would also like to clarify that our previous and additional criticism of Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) is exclusively based on the data presented. Indeed, as the only major study on prescribed burning impacts on soil carbon stocks at that time (as highlighted by Evans et al., <span>2014</span>), we feel that Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) should be subject to detailed scrutiny in order to determine gaps in our understanding and inform future research. While we appreciate that the comments made by Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) are well intended, we remain confident in the robustness of our data and below we defend the methods and main results. For this, we provide further clarification and justification of our methods, together with providing some additional references and graphical information to support the interpretation of our findings and our overall conclusions.</p><p>Evans et al. stated that our findings “could be net beneficial for C sequestration” and that this is “contrary to most current understanding.” Firstly, we do not make such claims as we did not include an unburnt comparison; we clarified this previously in the conclusions of our published paper: “Finally, our results do not allow a comparison to an unburnt scenario and estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns …” Secondly, the Evans et al. statement “most current understanding” is not backed up by any r
此外,我们建议,为了确定对碳封存的任何有意义的净影响,需要考虑流域尺度的方法,特别是包括地形(即坡度)和径流(即侵蚀)。然而,这在很大程度上缺乏证据基础。作者还指出,“这些发现可能对土地管理政策产生重大影响。”我们对此没有异议,但认为这正是研究的目标,特别是在证据基础薄弱或有争议的情况下,如英国规定的燃烧对毯状沼泽栖息地的影响(Evans等人,2014;Harper et al., 2018)。值得注意的是,在grandclement(2008)的博士论文中提供了进一步的证据(迄今为止似乎在Clement(2005)博士论文的证据基础中被忽视),他使用铅同位素定年法发现,未燃烧的岩心显示的泥炭积累速率只有燃烧岩心的一半(参见第8章:第160-161和180-184页,尽管该研究承认铅同位素定年法的不确定性)。然而,我们从未声明我们的发现或结论适用于英国以外的地区(正如Evans等人所暗示的那样)-见上文引用我们以前的出版物。我们的论文有一个明确的英国焦点,因为我们非常了解全球泥炭地的环境异质性(例如,植被类型影响泥炭的体积密度和水力传导性,以及潜在影响泥炭分解的管理和气候因素)。首先,Evans等人批评我们没有包含未燃烧控制。然而,这是不合理的,因为我们的假设显然不需要一个(即,我们正在研究燃烧与C积累和体积密度之间的关系;我们没有将燃烧与不干预进行比较)。我们还在论文中强调,理想情况下,未来的研究应该包括这样的比较——尽管这已经由Marrs等人(2019)完成;然而,Marrs等人(2019)没有直接测量Corg,也没有报告堆积密度值(我们认为这对于C存量的测定至关重要,并且需要非常详细和连续的深度增量分辨率)。此外,自20世纪50年代以来,我们的年度碳积累数据(转换为每公顷二氧化碳)(约3吨二氧化碳/公顷- 1年- 1)正好介于Garnett等人(2000;每年约3.8吨二氧化碳)以及Marrs等人(2019;自20世纪60年代以来,二氧化碳排放量为1.7 t /年。Evans等人强调,在我们的研究地点(23,25,28年)之间,总体烧伤频率(自1700年以来)的差异相当小。但在这样做时,他们忽略了我们原始表1 (Heinemeyer等人,2018年)中显示的较近时期(1950-2015年)中更明显和更规律的燃烧频率(13,16,22年),这些频率实际上与目前预计的10-15年松鸡沼泽燃烧频率非常相似。因此,在我们的研究地点之间,燃烧频率存在重要的和具有代表性的差异。此外,Evans等人批评缺乏更多的站点内采样,然而在更广泛的气候差异区域进行采样应该被视为一种优势,因为它提供了真实而有意义的复制,而不是仅提供一个站点的详细记录。重要的是,我们确实在所有三个地点发现了非常相似的正相关关系(以及与深度或年龄相似的变化),在堆密度和煤与木炭量之间。这意味着研究结果具有普遍意义,较少依赖于当地气候条件或土地利用历史的差异。此外,我们的地点代表了英国高地松鸡沼泽条件的特征范围(Mossdale更潮湿更寒冷,Nidderdale更干燥更温暖),这应该被视为方法学上的优势而不是劣势。最后,在每个地点取三个泥炭岩心,以便进行多次分析。将它们视为独立的复制会产生误导,因为在这种距离下,它们显然代表了伪复制;因此,将所有重复的数据(例如,木炭计数)合并在一起。Evans等人的相关陈述,即多个岩心占据更大的区域将显示出更大的处理内变异性,当然,这是意料之中的,但在生态土壤工作中并不奇怪。然而,对于我们的假设,不需要额外的站点内采样,因为通过比较三个站点之间的数据和关系可以提供复制。我们再次强调,整个流域(即斜坡区)和其他地点的进一步采样应该解决影响C积累的问题。具体来说,由于可能增加的径流,我们预计陡坡上的燃烧会造成相当大的侵蚀损失(因此碳平衡为负)(Clay等)。 (Holden et al., 2008),植被减少导致地表流量增加;然而,据我们所知,只有一般的,而不是具体的(即,考虑不同环境条件的研究),泥炭C积累模型研究在这方面存在(例如,Heinemeyer等人,2010)。其次,关于泥炭层最低深度(25厘米)的测年,Evans等人声称这是在“没有支持证据”的情况下完成的。然而,我们不仅在论文中已经承认这个年龄是不确定的,而且我们还为估计的1700年年龄提供了两个参考;基于与Garnett等人(2000)未燃烧地块非常相似的碳积累率,这一假设是有效的,尽管存在不确定性。尽管最低泥炭年龄(没有SCP可以使用)存在这种不确定性,但本研究的主要重点是在可能进行SCP测年的泥炭层顶部;正是这些层揭示了体积密度和碳与木炭量之间的强烈相关性。此外,Garnett et al.(2000)武断地确定SCP“起飞”年龄的批评仍然很重要,特别是因为这是Evans et al.(2014)纳入的唯一一项模拟规定燃烧对泥炭C储量影响的研究。我们不是在质疑马克·加内特研究的可信度;相反,我们只询问他们对SCP数据的解释,以及我们认为很可能存在缺陷的年龄测定。这一说法得到了最近对Hard Hill燃烧地块的评估的支持,该地块要么使用碳储量(Marrs等人,2019),要么使用通量(Clay等人,2010)技术。Garnett et al.(2000)报道的与未燃烧地块相比,燃烧地块上碳积累的大幅减少似乎与最近在同一地点进行的任何研究无关,这些研究表明,在规定的燃烧中,碳损失很小,甚至可能增加碳。此外,我们认为很难正确解释Garnett等人(2000)的SCP和木炭深度曲线(分别参考他们的图2和图3),因为并不是所有的图都被显示出来(只有两个区块,但在ANOVA统计中似乎都被用作独立重复),但没有给出原因;所示的这些图没有显示出预期的木炭层(即,未燃烧的地块显示出清晰的木炭峰,而燃烧地块的剖面图没有显示出预期的木炭峰),也不类似于预期的SCP剖面图(对于燃烧地块,根本没有SCP峰,直到最近时期几乎没有任何SCP增加)。Evans等人质疑我们的“嘈杂的SCP数据”,但我们质疑Garnett等人(2000)所显示的SCP数据,因为他们完全没有任何烧毁图的SCP峰值。此外,正如Evans等人所声称的,燃烧可能通过燃烧泥炭层(例如,留下SCP)而增加SCP浓度,这应该会在燃烧区域产生明显而强烈的SCP信号(但事实并非如此;参见Garnett等人的图2)。即使排除近表层的分析,也应该显示出清晰的SCP峰值(在20世纪70年代)和清晰的木炭峰值(表明随着时间的推移有规律的烧伤事件)。此外,Evans等人提出的SCP“起飞”比SCP峰值或发作更稳健的说法也没有任何参考文献支持。事实上,Clement(2005)的一篇博士论文使用了与Garnett等人(2000)相同的方法,但对这种“起飞”方法提出了质疑。Clement(2005)指出了这种“起飞”假设的不确定性,并特别质疑Garnett等人1950年的“起飞”日期,强调它更可能反映19世纪50年代,这一点通过比较相应的碳积累率得到了证实。重要的是,这两项研究的SCP年代测定都只基于1厘米的泥炭剖面。因此,我们的0.5 cm增量应该提供更可靠的SCP计数、峰值和泥炭深度/年龄测定。Garn
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引用次数: 5
Modelling the differences between El Niño and La Niña years and planktonic larval duration on dispersal across the southeast Australian biogeographic barrier 模拟El Niño和La Niña年和浮游生物幼虫在澳大利亚东南部生物地理屏障上扩散的差异
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-05-04 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.74
Lucia A. Aguilar, Samuel A. Matthews, David J. Ayre, Todd E. Minchinton

Phylogeographic and genetic studies have revealed complex variation in connectivity across the Southeast Australian Biogeographic Barrier (SEABB) for intertidal rocky-shore invertebrates. The objective of this study was to use Connie2 to test whether differences between El Niño and La Niña years alter the probability of larvae crossing the SEABB. The SEABB occurs on the SE corner of Australia and is the convergence site of two major ocean currents (Zeehan and East Australian Currents) as well as an historical land bridge connecting Tasmania to the mainland. It includes extensive sandy shore lacking suitable substrate for rocky-shore specialists. Study locations included coastal sites from New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania categorised into four regions (Barrier, Eastern, Western, and Southern). Connie2, an interactive hydrodynamic modelling tool available online, was used to evaluate connectivity via larval dispersal by comparing the effect of planktonic larval duration (PLD) from five to 120 days, season of spawning, and ENSO variability (comparing La Niña and El Niño years) on the cumulative probability of dispersal between and among populations (regions) arrayed either side of the SEABB. For all years, strong connections were detected among sites within regions, even for low to moderate (less than 20% predicted dispersal) PLDs and irrespective of season. Connectivity across SEABB (between regions) was also strongly influenced by all variables but occurred only at PLD of at least 30 days for summer spawning. Connectivity across the SEABB was strongest from west to east and south to east during La Niña events. Our findings support the importance of SEABB as a barrier to dispersal. Migration across SEABB is predicted only for summer spawners (PLD ≥30 days). Predicted dispersal is only weakly influenced by El Niño and La Niña extremes, but connectivity may be altered by projected changes to the relative strengths of the Zeehan and East Australian Currents.

系统地理学和遗传学研究揭示了东南澳大利亚生物地理屏障(SEABB)潮间带岩岸无脊椎动物连通性的复杂变化。本研究的目的是使用Connie2来测试El Niño和La Niña年之间的差异是否会改变幼虫穿越SEABB的可能性。SEABB位于澳大利亚的东南角,是两个主要洋流(泽汉洋流和东澳大利亚洋流)的交汇处,也是连接塔斯马尼亚岛和大陆的历史大陆桥。它包括广泛的沙质海岸,缺乏适合岩岸专家的基材。研究地点包括新南威尔士州、维多利亚州和塔斯马尼亚州的沿海地区,分为四个地区(屏障、东部、西部和南部)。通过比较浮游幼虫持续时间(PLD)(5 - 120天)、产卵季节和ENSO变率(比较La Niña和El Niño年)对分布在SEABB两侧的种群(区域)之间和之间的累积扩散概率的影响,利用在线可获得的交互式流体动力学建模工具Connie2来评估幼虫扩散的连通性。在所有年份中,在区域内的站点之间都检测到强连接,即使是低到中等(低于20%的预测扩散)pld,也与季节无关。各区域之间的连通性也受到所有变量的强烈影响,但仅发生在夏季产卵至少30天的PLD。La Niña事件期间,南海两岸的连通性从西到东和从南到东最强。我们的发现支持了SEABB作为扩散障碍的重要性。仅预测夏季产卵者(PLD≥30天)的洄游。预测的扩散只受到El Niño和La Niña极端事件的微弱影响,但连通性可能会因预测的泽汉洋流和东澳大利亚洋流相对强度的变化而改变。
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引用次数: 2
Mapping microbial stories: Creative microbial aesthetic and cross-disciplinary intervention in understanding nurses’ infection prevention practices 绘制微生物故事:了解护士感染预防实践的创造性微生物美学和跨学科干预
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-04-15 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.76
Emma Roe, Charlotte Veal, Paul Hurley

Consistent implementation of hand-washing within the hospital environment remains a challenge in infection prevention (IP) procedures. IP is one of a number of measures to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A cross-disciplinary team was assembled to experiment with different ways of visualising the microbial. The paper details a comparative experimental design where nurses (= 2) performed a series of routine care procedures in a mock-ward setting where traces of coloured ultra-violet glow-powders had been purposely placed, first with routine hand-washing and second without routine hand-washing. The results presented as a series of photos, video-clips, ethnographic observations and nurse interviews explore nurse–microbial relations and the potential for affective and embodied encounters with microbial worlds to generate new insight in IP. We argue for creating unfamiliar aesthetics that engage the sensate as an intervention in established IP education. The aesthetic rendered invisible microbes visible through techno-artistic practice. The performance term “devising” was used to analyse the cross-disciplinary methodological process. Finally, we consider the potential for nurses to act as microbial citizens as they extend their care for the human to entail the need to care for the microbial, perhaps not to kill but to relocate the risky pathogen, as part of a commitment to multispecies living in a world with AMR.

在医院环境中始终如一地实施洗手仍然是感染预防程序中的一个挑战。知识产权是应对抗菌素耐药性(AMR)的一系列措施之一。一个跨学科的团队被召集起来,用不同的方法来观察微生物。这篇论文详细介绍了一个比较实验设计,护士(n = 2)在一个模拟病房环境中执行一系列常规护理程序,故意放置彩色紫外线发光粉的痕迹,第一次常规洗手,第二次不常规洗手。研究结果以一系列照片、视频剪辑、人种学观察和护士访谈的形式呈现,探讨了护士与微生物的关系,以及与微生物世界的情感和具体接触的潜力,以产生对知识IP的新见解。我们主张创造不熟悉的美学,让感官参与到现有的知识产权教育中。美学通过技术艺术的实践使看不见的微生物变得可见。使用绩效术语“设计”来分析跨学科的方法过程。最后,我们考虑到护士作为微生物公民的潜力,因为他们扩展了对人类的护理,需要照顾微生物,也许不是杀死,而是重新安置危险的病原体,作为承诺的一部分,多物种生活在一个有抗菌素耐药性的世界。
{"title":"Mapping microbial stories: Creative microbial aesthetic and cross-disciplinary intervention in understanding nurses’ infection prevention practices","authors":"Emma Roe,&nbsp;Charlotte Veal,&nbsp;Paul Hurley","doi":"10.1002/geo2.76","DOIUrl":"10.1002/geo2.76","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Consistent implementation of hand-washing within the hospital environment remains a challenge in infection prevention (IP) procedures. IP is one of a number of measures to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A cross-disciplinary team was assembled to experiment with different ways of visualising the microbial. The paper details a comparative experimental design where nurses (<i>n </i>=<i> </i>2) performed a series of routine care procedures in a mock-ward setting where traces of coloured ultra-violet glow-powders had been purposely placed, first with routine hand-washing and second without routine hand-washing. The results presented as a series of photos, video-clips, ethnographic observations and nurse interviews explore nurse–microbial relations and the potential for affective and embodied encounters with microbial worlds to generate new insight in IP. We argue for creating unfamiliar aesthetics that engage the sensate as an intervention in established IP education. The aesthetic rendered invisible microbes visible through techno-artistic practice. The performance term “devising” was used to analyse the cross-disciplinary methodological process. Finally, we consider the potential for nurses to act as microbial citizens as they extend their care for the human to entail the need to care for the microbial, perhaps not to kill but to relocate the risky pathogen, as part of a commitment to multispecies living in a world with AMR.</p>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-04-15","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.76","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"43929997","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 3
Diatom community responses to long-term multiple stressors at Lake Gusinoye, Siberia 西伯利亚古西诺耶湖硅藻群落对长期多重压力的响应
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-04-03 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.72
Jennifer K. Adams, Yumei Peng, Neil L. Rose, Alexander A. Shchetnikov, Anson W. Mackay

Global freshwater systems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors via impacts on ecological structure and function necessary to maintain their health. In order to properly manage freshwater ecosystems, we must have a better understanding of the ecological response to human-induced stressors, especially in multiple stressor environments. When long-term observational records are scarce or non-existent, paleolimnology provides a means to understanding ecological response to long-term stress. Lake Gusinoye is a large, deep lake in continental southeast Siberia, and has been subject to multiple human-induced stressors since the 19th century. Diatom assemblages since the late 17th century were reconstructed from a Lake Gusinoye sediment core to increase our understanding of the response of primary producer communities to centuries of environmental change. Records of anthropogenic contamination of Lake Gusinoye (as indicated by spheroidal carbonaceous particle, trace metal, and element records) indicate increases in regional and local development c. 1920. Diatom assemblages were initially dominated by Aulacoseira granulata, which declined beginning in the 18th century, likely as a response to hydrological change in the Gusinoye basin due to regional climate warming following the termination of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Significant diatom compositional turnover was observed since the 19th century at Lake Gusinoye. Since the early 20th century, Lake Gusinoye diatom assemblages have changed more profoundly as a result of multiple anthropogenic stressors, including nutrient influx, aquaculture, and wastewater discharge from the Gusinoozersk State Regional Power Plant. Recent diatom assemblages are dominated by Lindavia ocellata and nutrient-rich species, including Fragilaria crotonensis and Asterionella formosa. Evidence of continued nutrient enrichment at Lake Gusinoye is likely due to aquaculture in the lake, and suggests potential interactive effects of warming regional temperatures and increasing nutrients (eutrophication).

全球淡水系统受到多种人为压力源的威胁,其生态结构和功能受到影响。为了更好地管理淡水生态系统,我们必须更好地了解生态对人为压力源的反应,特别是在多重压力源环境中。当长期观测记录很少或不存在时,古湖泊学为理解生态对长期压力的反应提供了一种手段。Gusinoye湖是西伯利亚大陆东南部的一个大而深的湖泊,自19世纪以来一直受到多种人为因素的影响。从古西诺耶湖沉积物岩心重建了自17世纪晚期以来的硅藻组合,以增加我们对初级生产者群落对几个世纪环境变化的响应的理解。古西诺耶湖的人为污染记录(如球形碳质颗粒、微量金属和元素记录所示)表明,自1920年以来,区域和地方的发展有所增加。硅藻组合最初以Aulacoseira granulata为主,在18世纪开始减少,可能是由于小冰期(LIA)结束后区域气候变暖导致Gusinoye盆地水文变化的响应。自19世纪以来,在古西诺耶湖观察到显著的硅藻成分更替。自20世纪初以来,由于多种人为压力因素,包括营养物流入、水产养殖和Gusinoozersk州区域发电厂的废水排放,Gusinoye湖的硅藻组合发生了更深刻的变化。最近的硅藻组合以星藻(Lindavia ocellata)和营养丰富的种类(Fragilaria crotonensis和Asterionella formosa)为主。有证据表明,古西诺耶湖的营养物质持续富集可能是由于湖中的水产养殖造成的,并表明区域温度升高和营养物质增加(富营养化)可能存在相互作用。
{"title":"Diatom community responses to long-term multiple stressors at Lake Gusinoye, Siberia","authors":"Jennifer K. Adams,&nbsp;Yumei Peng,&nbsp;Neil L. Rose,&nbsp;Alexander A. Shchetnikov,&nbsp;Anson W. Mackay","doi":"10.1002/geo2.72","DOIUrl":"10.1002/geo2.72","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Global freshwater systems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors via impacts on ecological structure and function necessary to maintain their health. In order to properly manage freshwater ecosystems, we must have a better understanding of the ecological response to human-induced stressors, especially in multiple stressor environments. When long-term observational records are scarce or non-existent, paleolimnology provides a means to understanding ecological response to long-term stress. Lake Gusinoye is a large, deep lake in continental southeast Siberia, and has been subject to multiple human-induced stressors since the 19th century. Diatom assemblages since the late 17th century were reconstructed from a Lake Gusinoye sediment core to increase our understanding of the response of primary producer communities to centuries of environmental change. Records of anthropogenic contamination of Lake Gusinoye (as indicated by spheroidal carbonaceous particle, trace metal, and element records) indicate increases in regional and local development c. 1920. Diatom assemblages were initially dominated by <i>Aulacoseira granulata</i>, which declined beginning in the 18th century, likely as a response to hydrological change in the Gusinoye basin due to regional climate warming following the termination of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Significant diatom compositional turnover was observed since the 19th century at Lake Gusinoye. Since the early 20th century, Lake Gusinoye diatom assemblages have changed more profoundly as a result of multiple anthropogenic stressors, including nutrient influx, aquaculture, and wastewater discharge from the Gusinoozersk State Regional Power Plant. Recent diatom assemblages are dominated by <i>Lindavia ocellata</i> and nutrient-rich species, including <i>Fragilaria crotonensis</i> and <i>Asterionella formosa</i>. Evidence of continued nutrient enrichment at Lake Gusinoye is likely due to aquaculture in the lake, and suggests potential interactive effects of warming regional temperatures and increasing nutrients (eutrophication).</p>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-04-03","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.72","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"45001466","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 3
Gendered and generational tensions in increased land commercialisation: Rural livelihood diversification, changing land use, and food security in Ghana's Brong-Ahafo region 土地商业化加剧中的性别和代际紧张关系:加纳布朗-阿哈福地区农村生计多样化、土地利用变化和粮食安全
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-03-29 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.73
Simon Mariwah, Ruth Evans, Kwabena Barima Antwi

Many smallholder farmers in Jaman North District, Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana are shifting from food crop production to increased cultivation of cashew, an export cash crop. This paper examines gendered and generational tensions in increased commercialisation of land, livelihood diversification, and household food security in the context of globalisation and environmental change. Using qualitative, participatory research with 60 middle-generation men and women, young people and key stakeholders, the research found that community members valued the additional income stream. Young people and women, however, were apprehensive about the long-term consequences for food security of allocating so much land to cashew plantations. Young, middle, and older generations were concerned about their weak bargaining position in negotiating fair prices with export companies and intermediaries. Greater integration into the global economy exposed rural actors to multiple risks and inequalities, such as the uneven effects of economic globalisation, rises in food prices, hunger and food insecurity, growing competition for land, youth outmigration and climate change. The shift towards cashew cultivation appears to be exacerbating gender and generational inequalities in access to land and food insecurity and leading to exploitation within the global agri-food supply chain among already vulnerable rural communities in the global South. With stronger farmer associations and cooperatives, however, cashew farmers stand the chance of benefitting from greater integration into the global economy, through strengthened bargaining positions. Greater understanding is needed about the complex interactions between sustainable food systems, changing land use and gender and generational inequalities in rural spaces.

{"title":"Gendered and generational tensions in increased land commercialisation: Rural livelihood diversification, changing land use, and food security in Ghana's Brong-Ahafo region","authors":"Simon Mariwah,&nbsp;Ruth Evans,&nbsp;Kwabena Barima Antwi","doi":"10.1002/geo2.73","DOIUrl":"10.1002/geo2.73","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Many smallholder farmers in Jaman North District, Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana are shifting from food crop production to increased cultivation of cashew, an export cash crop. This paper examines gendered and generational tensions in increased commercialisation of land, livelihood diversification, and household food security in the context of globalisation and environmental change. Using qualitative, participatory research with 60 middle-generation men and women, young people and key stakeholders, the research found that community members valued the additional income stream. Young people and women, however, were apprehensive about the long-term consequences for food security of allocating so much land to cashew plantations. Young, middle, and older generations were concerned about their weak bargaining position in negotiating fair prices with export companies and intermediaries. Greater integration into the global economy exposed rural actors to multiple risks and inequalities, such as the uneven effects of economic globalisation, rises in food prices, hunger and food insecurity, growing competition for land, youth outmigration and climate change. The shift towards cashew cultivation appears to be exacerbating gender and generational inequalities in access to land and food insecurity and leading to exploitation within the global agri-food supply chain among already vulnerable rural communities in the global South. With stronger farmer associations and cooperatives, however, cashew farmers stand the chance of benefitting from greater integration into the global economy, through strengthened bargaining positions. Greater understanding is needed about the complex interactions between sustainable food systems, changing land use and gender and generational inequalities in rural spaces.</p>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-03-29","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.73","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"44835272","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 9
Beyond the planetary boundary layer: Bacterial and fungal vertical biogeography at Mount Sonnblick, Austria 超越行星边界层:奥地利Sonnblick山的细菌和真菌垂直生物地理学
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-02-11 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.69
Nora Els, Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer, Catherine Larose, Timothy M. Vogel, Birgit Sattler

The atmosphere harbours a vast diversity of primary biological aerosols (PBAs) that are subjected to vertical and horizontal dispersal mechanisms that are not fully understood. In addition to size and weight constraints on PBAs to be lifted into the air column, local meteorological features dominate the fate of bioaerosols and their possible inclusion in long-range transport. For organic particles to be included into long distant dispersal, they have to overcome surface vertical mixing of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) to reach levels of laminar air movement. Hence, the biogeography of PBAs along a vertical distribution through the PBL needed further study. To assess the microbial biodiversity along an altitudinal gradient, air samples were collected between 1,000 and 3,100 m above sea level at Mount Sonnblick in the Austrian Alps. 16S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer sequencing for bacteria and fungi, respectively, were used to define distinct microbial communities that were separated by the PBL. Up to the top of the PBL, plant-associated bacteria and fungi were detected and were subjected to limited vertical dispersal due to size-constraints. This indicates that those communities become aerosolised but were not lifted into higher altitudes. However, a variety of ubiquitous, thermophilic strains that are often identified with heavy dust events and high endurance towards extreme conditions were significantly increased (relative abundance) at higher elevations. The lack of information on vertical dispersal is due to reliance on ground-based investigations that bias the interpretation of dispersal dynamics. Thus, to understand the mechanisms for near-ground communities to become airborne and subsequently included in long-range transport, we recommend investigating meteorological driving forces for an improved biogeographical assessment. Here, we show, for the first time, an assessment of the biogeography of bacterial and fungal assemblages along a vertical alpine air column transect.

大气中蕴藏着多种多样的初级生物气溶胶(PBAs),它们受到尚未完全了解的垂直和水平扩散机制的影响。除了多氯联苯被提升到气柱的尺寸和重量限制外,当地的气象特征也决定了生物气溶胶的命运及其在远距离运输中的可能性。要使有机粒子进入远距离扩散,它们必须克服行星边界层(PBL)的表面垂直混合,以达到层流空气运动的水平。因此,通过PBL沿垂直分布的pbbas生物地理学有待进一步研究。为了评估微生物在海拔梯度上的多样性,我们在奥地利阿尔卑斯山的Sonnblick山海拔1000 ~ 3100 m之间采集了空气样本,分别使用16S rRNA基因和内部转录间隔序列测序对细菌和真菌进行了区分,以确定不同的微生物群落。在PBL的顶部,检测到与植物相关的细菌和真菌,由于尺寸限制,它们受到有限的垂直扩散。这表明这些群落被雾化了,但没有被提升到更高的高度。然而,各种普遍存在的嗜热菌株在高海拔地区显著增加(相对丰度),这些菌株通常与重尘事件和对极端条件的高耐力有关。缺乏关于垂直扩散的信息是由于依赖地面调查,这使对扩散动力学的解释产生偏差。因此,为了了解近地群落成为空中并随后包括在远程运输中的机制,我们建议调查气象驱动力,以改进生物地理评估。在这里,我们首次展示了沿垂直高山气柱样带的细菌和真菌组合的生物地理学评估。
{"title":"Beyond the planetary boundary layer: Bacterial and fungal vertical biogeography at Mount Sonnblick, Austria","authors":"Nora Els,&nbsp;Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer,&nbsp;Catherine Larose,&nbsp;Timothy M. Vogel,&nbsp;Birgit Sattler","doi":"10.1002/geo2.69","DOIUrl":"10.1002/geo2.69","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The atmosphere harbours a vast diversity of primary biological aerosols (PBAs) that are subjected to vertical and horizontal dispersal mechanisms that are not fully understood. In addition to size and weight constraints on PBAs to be lifted into the air column, local meteorological features dominate the fate of bioaerosols and their possible inclusion in long-range transport. For organic particles to be included into long distant dispersal, they have to overcome surface vertical mixing of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) to reach levels of laminar air movement. Hence, the biogeography of PBAs along a vertical distribution through the PBL needed further study. To assess the microbial biodiversity along an altitudinal gradient, air samples were collected between 1,000 and 3,100 m above sea level at Mount Sonnblick in the Austrian Alps. 16S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer sequencing for bacteria and fungi, respectively, were used to define distinct microbial communities that were separated by the PBL. Up to the top of the PBL, plant-associated bacteria and fungi were detected and were subjected to limited vertical dispersal due to size-constraints. This indicates that those communities become aerosolised but were not lifted into higher altitudes. However, a variety of ubiquitous, thermophilic strains that are often identified with heavy dust events and high endurance towards extreme conditions were significantly increased (relative abundance) at higher elevations. The lack of information on vertical dispersal is due to reliance on ground-based investigations that bias the interpretation of dispersal dynamics. Thus, to understand the mechanisms for near-ground communities to become airborne and subsequently included in long-range transport, we recommend investigating meteorological driving forces for an improved biogeographical assessment. Here, we show, for the first time, an assessment of the biogeography of bacterial and fungal assemblages along a vertical alpine air column transect.</p>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-02-11","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.69","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"42893343","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 14
Journal Information 期刊信息
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.57
{"title":"Journal Information","authors":"","doi":"10.1002/geo2.57","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2.57","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-01-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.57","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"137743686","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The politics of zoom: Problems with downscaling climate visualizations 放大的政治:缩小气候可视化的问题
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2019-01-30 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.70
Birgit Schneider, Lynda Walsh

Following the mandate in the Paris Agreement for signatories to provide “climate services” to their constituents, “downscaled” climate visualizations are proliferating. But the process of downscaling climate visualizations does not neutralize the political problems with their synoptic global sources—namely, their failure to empower communities to take action and their replication of neoliberal paradigms of globalization. In this study we examine these problems as they apply to interactive climate-visualization platforms, which allow their users to localize global climate information to support local political action. By scrutinizing the political implications of the “zoom” tool from the perspective of media studies and rhetoric, we add to perspectives of cultural cartography on the issue of scaling from our fields. Namely, we break down the cinematic trope of “zooming” to reveal how it imports the political problems of synopticism to the level of individual communities. As a potential antidote to the politics of zoom, we recommend a downscaling strategy of connectivity, which associates rather than reduces situated views of climate to global ones.

{"title":"The politics of zoom: Problems with downscaling climate visualizations","authors":"Birgit Schneider,&nbsp;Lynda Walsh","doi":"10.1002/geo2.70","DOIUrl":"10.1002/geo2.70","url":null,"abstract":"<div>\u0000 \u0000 <section>\u0000 \u0000 <p>Following the mandate in the Paris Agreement for signatories to provide “climate services” to their constituents, “downscaled” climate visualizations are proliferating. But the process of downscaling climate visualizations does not neutralize the political problems with their synoptic global sources—namely, their failure to empower communities to take action and their replication of neoliberal paradigms of globalization. In this study we examine these problems as they apply to interactive climate-visualization platforms, which allow their users to localize global climate information to support local political action. By scrutinizing the political implications of the “zoom” tool from the perspective of media studies and rhetoric, we add to perspectives of cultural cartography on the issue of scaling from our fields. Namely, we break down the cinematic trope of “zooming” to reveal how it imports the political problems of synopticism to the level of individual communities. As a potential antidote to the politics of zoom, we recommend a downscaling strategy of connectivity, which associates rather than reduces situated views of climate to global ones.</p>\u0000 </section>\u0000 </div>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.2,"publicationDate":"2019-01-30","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.70","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"46427616","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 13
Sublime encounters: Commodifying the experience of the geos 崇高的邂逅:地理体验的商品化
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2018-12-19 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.67
Amy Donovan

This paper discusses the rise in volcano tourism in the last few decades, focusing on its impact in recent eruptive crises in Iceland. The paper uses evidence from ethnographic research and surveys to argue that two divergent economic narratives come into conflict around volcanoes: the problematisation of the earth as potentially risky, and the elevation of those risky behaviours as something worth commodifying. Icelandic civil protection (Almannavarnir) have increasingly become concerned about the behaviour of tourists around active volcanoes, particularly during eruptions. However, this is also a considerable opportunity for tour groups. During the 2014–2015 eruptions at Holuhraun, there was concern about high levels of gas that were being emitted, and so tourists were banned from the site. This led to clandestine efforts to get in by helicopter after dark. The felt need for these experiences can be traced back at least to the Enlightenment period, and denotes an example of affective commodification, as the sublime encounter between humans and raw energy of the earth is rendered valuable in monetary terms – and yet transcends commodification in a simple sense.

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引用次数: 6
Three stories of Noah: Navigating religious climate change narratives in the Pacific Island region 诺亚的三个故事:在太平洋岛屿地区导航宗教气候变化的叙述
IF 2.2 Q2 GEOGRAPHY Pub Date : 2018-12-16 DOI: 10.1002/geo2.68
Hannah Fair

This paper makes a case for spiritualising climate change, outlining the importance of bringing diverse religious understandings into climate change responses, particularly in the Pacific Island region. It situates this as part of a wider geographical project of rendering climate change locally meaningful, and story-telling multiple climate change narratives, including Christian ones. It identifies one of the major obstacles to this spiritualisation: the treatment of religious thought as a barrier to climate change action by much of the existing social science research in the Pacific Islands. Rather than attempting to purify scientific and religious knowledge, this paper proposes an alternative approach, tufala save: the balancing of multiple epistemologies of climate change, exploring their convergences and tensions. This paper draws on four months of ethnographic fieldwork in Vanuatu, and over 60 semi-structured interviews with religious figures and individuals engaged in climate change adaptation and advocacy across the Pacific Island region. It applies the tufala save approach in order to explore one recurring narrative, the biblical story of Noah and the flood, due to the contentious associations between this story and climate change denial in Oceania. The paper traces three discursive manifestations of the Noah story within the Pacific Islands: rainbow covenant as a basis for denial, Noah as an icon of preparation, and Islanders as unjustly outside of the ark. The contrasts between these three articulations – in terms of the relations between the different knowledges and the possibilities for climate change action they encourage and foreclose – demonstrate the heterogeneity of religious responses to climate change and the potential for fruitful connections between religious and scientific knowledges. They highlight the potential for more-than-scientific yet not anti-scientific responses to climate change that are locally meaningful and morally compelling.

这篇论文提出了一个将气候变化精神化的案例,概述了将不同的宗教理解引入气候变化应对的重要性,特别是在太平洋岛屿地区。它将此作为一个更广泛的地理项目的一部分,该项目旨在使气候变化在当地具有意义,并讲述多种气候变化叙事,包括基督教的叙事。它指出了这种灵性化的主要障碍之一:太平洋岛屿上现有的许多社会科学研究将宗教思想视为气候变化行动的障碍。本文并没有试图净化科学和宗教知识,而是提出了另一种方法,tufala save:平衡气候变化的多种认识论,探索它们的趋同和紧张。本文借鉴了在瓦努阿图四个月的民族志田野调查,以及对太平洋岛屿地区从事气候变化适应和倡导的宗教人士和个人进行的60多次半结构化访谈。它运用土法拉拯救方法来探索一个反复出现的故事,即圣经中诺亚和洪水的故事,因为这个故事与大洋洲否认气候变化之间存在争议性的联系。本文追溯了太平洋岛屿上诺亚故事的三种话语表现:彩虹之约作为否认的基础,诺亚作为准备的象征,以及岛民被不公正地排除在方舟之外。这三种说法之间的对比——就不同知识之间的关系以及它们所鼓励和阻止的气候变化行动的可能性而言——表明了宗教对气候变化反应的异质性,以及宗教和科学知识之间富有成效的联系的潜力。他们强调了对气候变化做出超越科学但不反科学的反应的潜力,这些反应在当地是有意义的,在道德上是令人信服的。
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引用次数: 54
Geo-Geography and Environment
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