Transition in psychiatry describes the transition from child psychiatric to adult psychiatric care. This transition is not purely medical, it takes place on many levels of care. Transition in the narrow sense describes the targeted and planned process of making this change ideal for patients and medical treaters.Due to the legally fixed border to be an adult at the age of 18 years and different financing systems for children and adults, there is often a break in care of psychiatric ill adolescents. The few available studies show that only about a quarter of patients are satisfied with the process of transition and 90% of employees in the healthcare system also experience this phase as deficient.So far there are no general concepts for an orderly transition in Austria, different individual solutions are available regionally.It is necessary to include all professional groups involved, but due to the regionally very heterogeneous supply, adapted concepts are necessary. It is aimed to include a meeting of all involved professionals, the establishment of good communication and flexibility regarding to the age of transition. Concerning the need for specialized transition facilities, there is currently a lack of solid data in Austria, these data should be collected. Likewise, legal framework conditions would have to be specified and then outpatient, day clinic and inpatient settings would have to be created under child psychiatric and adult psychiatric co-management in order to support the process of transition as best as possible.