Background: Mental health rehabilitation for children and adolescents was implemented in Austria from 2018 onwards based on a rehabilitation plan from 2016. In the meantime, three rehabilitation centres have been set up and put into operation in 3 different supply zones (East, North, South).
Methods: An inquiry was made to the ÖGK for up-to-date figures regarding admission and diagnoses and a statement by the heads of the Austrian rehabilitation centres was used to document and critically analyse the implementation of mental health rehabilitation for children and adolescents in Austria on the basis of these data and facts and in the light of the previous plans.
Results: A total of 96 treatment places were opened and put into operation in the three centres. The fourth center is scheduled to go into operation in 2022. With this, the bed rate will be in the calculated range, but well below the assumptions of the rehabilitation plan 2016. With regard to the structural quality criteria, in particular, the conceptualisation and calculation of personnel structures are not to be regarded as sufficient. The implementation of the 2016 rehabilitation plan was only partial, as only MHR Type I centers were established. The use seems to be sufficient after three years of operation, whereby the diagnostic spectrum shows that children and adolescents with acute problems (stress disorders, depressive episode) were more likely to be cared for.
Conclusion: Fortunately, the described mental health rehabilitation centers have gone into operation and have been well received. However, it should be noted that the original concept has been abandoned or reduced, that the structural quality and conceptualization should be reconsidered, and it is strongly recommended to implement the original concept.