Inferior Wall ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (INF STEMI) is a severe condition with high mortality. Rapid treatment with Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) is preferred. Pulse Pressure (PP) is a known risk factor for both cardiovascular disease and may be a valuable predictor of outcomes in these patients. The study aims to evaluate the relationship between PP and long-term prognosis, mortality, and major cardiovascular events after inferior STEMI in cases who underwent PPCI. This cross-sectional study included subjects with a confirmed diagnosis of inferior STEMI who underwent PPCI. Patient data were gathered from hospital records and analyzed for the relationship between PP and MACE during hospitalization and one-year follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. This cross-sectional study of 320 cases found that DM, DBP, and Cr patients had a higher incidence of MACEs (P-value #x003C;0.05). Subjects with higher LVEF and SBP had fewer MACEs (P-value #x003C;0.05). Cases with a PP of ≤50 had a higher mortality and heart failure incidence during hospitalization than those with a PP >50 (P-value #x003C;0.05). However, the two groups had no significant difference in one-year MACE rates. The study found that increasing DBP, Cr, and DM and decreasing LVEF and SBP impacted MACE incidence. PP ≤50 had more heart failure incidence and mortality during hospitalization in patients with inferior STEMI.
Risk communication of Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria appeared to be urban-centered with the dominant use of social media, print communication and other controlled media. In such times of public health emergencies, non-literate population could be vulnerable as a result of their limited understanding of the nature of such health risk. Therefore, the study seeks to investigate the extent to which Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) communicated the risk of Covid-19 disease to non-literate population in its public health campaign during the pandemic in South-West Nigeria. The study adopts risk communication theory which advances the approach communication should take during public health emergencies. Using descriptive cross-sectional mixed methods research design, a sample of 420 respondents were purposively selected from 6 towns in the rural areas of Lagos, Oyo and Osun states to examine the level of awareness on Covid-19 pandemic among non-literates. In addition, NCDC risk communication on Covid-19 for non-literate population were analyzed from 3 Jingles in Yoruba language as well as 9 flyers designed for Covid-19 disease from NCDC websites. Results showed that NCDC awareness creation on Covid-19 disease for non-literates in Southwest achieved significant success as a result of the medium used in creating awareness. Specifically, radio was highly rated among majority of the respondents (60.4%) followed by health workers (19.8%) as channels that created understandable message on Covid-19 safety protocols. Further findings on Jingles content revealed that all Covid-19 safety protocols were communicated in Yoruba language for Southwest populace. However, NCDC fall short in communicating Covid-19 risk effectively for non-literates in Southwest as jingles only buttressed the Covid-19 safety protocols and symptoms as well as the need to comply, without educating the masses on the dreadful nature of the disease and its dynamics. Though flyers designed by the NCDC communicated risk to an extent, nevertheless, graphics and symbols on Covid-19 disease were complimented by words in English language only, which could be difficult for non-literates to decipher. Based on the findings, the study recommends that public health agencies need to educate non-literate population about the nature of a disease more than creating awareness about the outbreak of a disease, and such education should be strategic, context-specific, and evidence-based.
One of the most common female reproductive health problems is primary dysmenorrhea. Data on the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea complained about 50-90% of women in the world. Primary dysmenorrhea data in the US is 30-70%, in Sweden is 30%, in Mexico is 64%, in Italy is 68%, in Jordan is 55.8%, in Turkey is 84.9%, and in Malaysia is 74.5%, in Indonesia is 60-70 and 15% of its, it interferes with daily activities including work. The cause of this is hypercontractility of the myometrium due to excessive secretion of prostaglandins. This study aims to explore the most effective non-pharmacological therapies in reducing the level of primary dysmenorrhea pain in women of childbearing age. The design of this study is a literature review with the PRISMA method. Database Google, Google Scholar, Research gate, Cochran Data Base, Embase, NCBI, Sciendirect, SAGE, Elsevier, Sinta. The population of this study was all full-text international journals indexed by Scopus and national journals indexed by Sinta 1-6 published in 2011-2021 including RCT amount of 114 articles. A sample of 23 articles meets the inclusion criteria and used thematic data analysis. The results of non-pharmacological therapy that effectively overcome primary dysmenorrhea pain, namely the first group with (P=0.000). The conclusions showed that Murrotal Qur'an, yoga, acupressure, counter pressure massage, effleurage massage, consume green coconut water and avocado juice combination with massage were proven to be equally effective in overcoming complaints of primary dysmenorrhea pain quickly without being accompanied by side effects.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 has caused more than 6.5 million deaths, while over 600 million people are infected. With regard to the tools and techniques of disease analysis, spatial analysis is increasingly being used to analyze the impact of COVID-19. The present review offers an assessment of research that used regional data systems to study the COVID-19 epidemic published between 2020 and 2022. The research focuses on: categories of the area, authors, methods, and procedures used by the authors and the results of their findings. This input will enable the contrast of different spatial models used for regional data systems with COVID-19. Our outcomes showed increased use of geographically weighted regression and Moran I spatial statistical tools applied to better spatial and time-based gauges. We have also found an increase in the use of local models compared to other spatial statistics models/methods.
Natural remedies in the treatment of health conditions are an appealing option for many individuals. Previous studies reported that fermented and unfermented rooibos tea have considerable anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Most of this knowledge, however, originates from animal and cell culture studies. The aims of this review are to evaluate the existing, but limited, body of knowledge regarding rooibos tea interventions in humans and to identify the gaps in the literature. The PRISMA extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines were followed in the collation of this scoping review. Among the databases searched were Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of Science. This review comprised 18 publications, with half (50%) of the studies being conducted in South Africa. There were 488 participants in all, ranging in age from six to 83 years, in the investigations. Rooibos tea was either fermented, unfermented, or black in 62% of the studies. Doses ranging from 200 to 1,200 ml were employed. In both healthy and at-risk individuals, rooibos has been shown to enhance lipid profiles, boost antioxidant status, and lower blood glucose levels. The existing findings suggests that rooibos consumption demonstrated to improve lipid profiles, boost antioxidant status, and lower blood glucose levels in both apparently healthy, and individual at-risk individuals or diagnosed of chronic conditions. Thus, it can be presumed that rooibos tea provides some health benefits, yet these findings are based on a limited number of human intervention studies and a small total sample size. Additionally, a variety of rooibos dosages and types of tea in the experiments had inconsistent results that were probably impacted by the amount consumed. Future studies should include a dose-response study in humans, as well as large scaled clinical trials to evaluate the health effects of Rooibos.
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB) is a threat for the future control of TB disease. In Indonesia, the success rate of MDR TB patient recovery is still very low, following the still low recovery rate of TB patients. This paper aims to discuss the trial result of message delivery containing knowledge and motivation to the MDR TB sufferers. There are about 34 MDR TB patients participating in this research. During the research, everyone received a message in their handphone or the handphone of their family members every day, contained information on medication and motivation to comply with the medication. At the end of the research, the measurement on knowledge and attitude, on the compliance with medication, and on the compliance with laboratory examinations was conducted. The results were compared with the assessment before this intervention was conducted. Out of 32 patients that managed to complete the intervention, the average means of their knowledge and attitude increased significantly. The average mean of knowledge before the intervention was 9.74 to become 10.94, and the average mean of attitude was from 7.06 to become 18.47 (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the medication compliance score and the laboratory examination compliance score also changed significantly (P<0.05). SMS delivery routinely even in a short period of time managed to change knowledge and motivation of MDR TB sufferers. To conclude, it is necessary to develop recent technology effort in order to scaling-up MDR TB patients. Existing social channels in the community must be used intensively to reduce this disease negative impact.
In many countries, there is a high number of teenage pregnancies, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and unsafe sexual behavior, so there is a need for adolescent health intervention programs to change behavior. The effectiveness of comprehensive interventions in various contexts to reduce teenage pregnancy, STIs, and related sexual risk behaviors is reviewed in this systematic. This study aimed to identify risk sexual behavior, sexually transmitted infections, and adolescent pregnancy prevention interventions. Literature search strategy from January 2008 to December 2022 through electronic databases. Key words 'teenage prenancy' OR 'teen pregnancy' OR 'pregnancy adolescence', AND 'maternal education', AND 'randomised clinical trial', AND 'risk behavior'. Articles that were deemed worthy of following the PRISMA guidelines were 28 articles. Most studies looked at school-based, individual, community, clinic, and family-based care. Most studies were followed up after intervention at intervals from one month to seven years, and the majority of the population and sample were adolescents with ages ranging from 13 to 18 years. Implementation of research in urban, suburban, and rural areas. This program has proven successful in preventing pregnancy, contraceptive use, STI and HIV, sexual behavior, dropping out of school, knowledge about pregnancy, sexuality, attitudes towards sexuality, intention to change risky sexual behavior, self-efficacy, and increasing parent-children. This article describes some basic trends in adolescent pregnancy prevention interventions in several countries that can be used as a reference for health programs. Unproven effectiveness can be implemented in conjunction with other interventions that have a high-quality impact.
The population of Banyumas Regency, Indonesia is around 1,620,918 people in 2018, waste production in Banyumas Regency is large and increases from year to year. Waste production in this district reaches 1,100 m3 per day. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the development model of waste management through improving the local wisdom system in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects holistically. This model consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal. Research instruments used are the researchers as the main instrument (human instrument), interview guidelines, check list and record tool. Data validity using the source triangulation technique carried out by crossing the answer check between informants. The result of this study is that community empowerment in waste management is very important. The local wisdom model in the community which is identified in this study is the existence of community empowerment and the contribution of women in household waste management.