Objectives: To date, the reliability of ultrasound for the quantitative assessment of pleural effusion has been limited. In the following study, an easy and cost-effective bedside ultrasound method was developed and investigated for specific use in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: 22 patients (median age: 58.5 years, range: 37-88 years, 14 men and 8 women) with a total of 31 pleural effusions were examined in the ICU. The inclusion criterion was complete visualization of the effusion on chest computed tomography (CT). The ultrasound (US) examination was performed less than 6 h after the diagnostic CT scan. The pleural effusion volume was calculated volumetrically from the CT scan data. Within 4.58 +/- 2.87 h after the CT scan, all patients were re-examined with US in the ICU. The fluid crescent's thickness was measured between each intercostal space (ICS) with the patient in a supine position and a 30° inclination of the torso. The US measurements were compared to the calculated CT volumes using regression analysis, resulting in the following formula: V=13.330 x ICS6 (V=volume of the effusion [ml]; ICS6=sonographic measurement of the thickness of the liquid crescent [mm] in the sixth ICS).
Results: A significant correlation between the sonographically measured and the CT-calculated volumes was best observed for the sixth ICS (R2=0.589; ICC=0.7469 with p<0.0001 and a 95% CI of 0.5364-0.8705).
Conclusion: The sonographic assessment of pleural effusions in a supine position and a 30° inclination of the torso is feasible for the volumetric estimation of pleural effusion. This is especially true for ICU patients with severe primary diseases and orthopnea who are unable to sit upright or lie flat.
The introduction of imaging techniques in clinical practice 40 years ago changed the clinical management of many diseases, including cystic echinococcosis (CE). For the first time cysts were clearly seen before surgery. Among the available imaging techniques, ultrasound (US) has unique properties that can be used to study and manage cystic echinococcosis. It is harmless, can image almost all organs and systems, can be repeated as often as required, is portable, requires no patient preparation, is relatively inexpensive and guides diagnosis, treatment and follow-up without radiation exposure and harm to the patient. US is the only imaging technique which can be used in field settings to assess CE prevalence because it can be run even on solar power or a small generator in remote field locations. Thanks to US classifications, the concept of stage-specific treatments was introduced and because US is repeatable, the scientific community has gained a clearer understanding of the natural history of the disease. This paper reviews the scope of US in CE, describes its strengths and weaknesses compared to other imaging techniques and its relationship with serodiagnosis and discusses sonographic features that may be helpful in differential diagnosis.
Purpose: Ultrasonography is a useful tool to measure testicular volume. According to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology, the combination of testicular atrophy and testicular microlithiasis (TML) is a risk factor for testicular cancer. Testicular atrophy is defined as a volume of less than 12 ml. The aim of this study was to compare testicular volume in patients with TML to patients with normal testicular tissue.
Materials and methods: From 2013 to 2015 we included a total of 91 adult patients with TML, and 91 adult patients with normal testicular tissue as a control group. All patients underwent scrotal B-mode ultrasound investigation including measurement of width, length and height in both testicles. Testicular volume was calculated using the formula π/6×length×height×width.
Results: The median age for patients with TML was 48 years (range: 19-94 years), and 48 years (range: 20-75 years) in patients with normal tissue. No statistically significant difference was found between total testicular volume (both testes) >30 ml in patients with TML compared to patients without (OR 0.77 (95% CI 0.43-1.38, p=0.37). However, patients with TML tended to have lower testicular volume compared to patients without TML, when investigating testicular volume below 12 ml.
Conclusion: Overall, no association was found between testicular volume and TML, but there was a trend indicating that severe atrophy is often seen in patients with TML compared to patients without TML. However, a significant difference was only found in testicular volume ≤8 ml.
Purpose: It was the aim of our study to evaluate this procedure using pelvic anatomical landmarks in order to assess the accuracy of fusion imaging and to critically evaluate the applicability in daily practice.
Methods: In a prospective, single center study, 10 patients with clinical signs of deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) were selected. We measured the distance between the landmark organ and the target shown by the software system (measurement 1). Measurement 2 depicts the distance between the landmark and the nearest calibration point. The calibration inaccuracy was measured as a third type of measurement (measurement 3).
Results: Measurement 1: the average distance between the organ landmark to the target was 13.6 mm (range: 0-96 mm). Measurement 2: in 31 of the 40 attempts (77.5 %), we could measure the distance from the landmark organ to the nearest calibration point. The average distance was 34.4 mm (range: 0-69 mm).Measurement 3: A perfect match was seen in 6 of 20 attempts (30.0 %). There was a deviation in 14 of the 20 attempts (70.0 %). The mean distance was 11.1 mm (range: 6-23 mm). Conclusion Although very promising, MRI-ultrasound fusion imaging (MUFI) currently cannot be readily implemented into daily practice as a routine evaluation of DIE.
Purpose: Atherosclerotic arteries are challenging to evaluate quantitatively using spectral Doppler ultrasound because of the turbulent flow conditions that occur in relation to the atherosclerotic stenoses. Vector velocity ultrasound is angle independent and provides flow information, which could potentially improve the diagnosis of arterial stenoses. The purpose of the study is to distinguish significant stenoses in the superficial femoral artery (> 50% diameter reduction) from non-significant stenoses based on velocity ratios derived from the commercially available vector velocity ultrasound technique Vector Flow Imaging (VFI).
Materials and methods: Velocity ratios (intrastenotic blood flow velocity divided by pre- or poststenotic velocity) from a total of 16 atherosclerotic stenoses and plaques in the superficial femoral artery of 11 patients were obtained using VFI. The stenosis degree, expressed as percentage diameter reduction of the artery, was determined from digital subtraction angiography and compared to the velocity ratios.
Results: A velocity ratio of 2.5 was found to distinguish clinically relevant stenoses with>50% diameter reduction from clinically non-relevant stenoses with<50% diameter reduction and the difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion: The study indicates that VFI is a potential future tool for the evaluation of arterial stenoses.