Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) utilization among cisgender women (subsequently 'women') is low across age groups, relative to their risk of HIV acquisition. We hypothesize that age-related differences in psychosocial factors also influence women's intention to initiate oral PrEP in Washington, D.C.
Methods: A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional survey data was performed to evaluate factors influencing intention to initiate oral PrEP among women seen at a family planning and a sexual health clinic. A bivariate analysis was performed to identify differences by age group in demographic characteristics, indications for PrEP, and attitudes toward PrEP; we then performed additional bivariate analysis to assess these variables in relation to PrEP intention.
Results: Across age groups, perceived risk of HIV acquisition was not significantly different and was not associated with intention to initiate PrEP. Awareness of and attitude toward PrEP, injunctive norms, descriptive norms, and self-efficacy were not different across age, however there were significant age-associated differences in relation to PrEP intention. Specifically, among 18-24-year-olds, intention to start PrEP was associated with support from provider (p = 0.03), main sexual partner (p < 0.01), and peers (p < 0.01). For women 25-34 years old, having multiple sexual partners (p = 0.03) and support from casual sexual partners (p = 0.03) was also important. Among women 35-44 years old, prior awareness of PrEP (p = 0.02) and their children's support of PrEP uptake (p < 0.01) were associated with intention to initiate PrEP. Among 45-55 year-old women intention to initiate PrEP was positively associated with engaging in casual sex (p = 0.03) and negatively associated with stigma (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: Overall, there were more similarities than differences in factors influencing intention to initiate PrEP across age groups. Observed differences offer an opportunity to tailor PrEP delivery and HIV prevention interventions to increase awareness and uptake for cisgender women.