Objective: Elevated rates of social difficulties are evident for children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) but the effects of social skills interventions have not been investigated for this population. The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®), a widely established social skills intervention in autism spectrum disorders with expansion to other conditions, was recently modified to be offered virtually. This study examined the feasibility and acceptability of this telehealth intervention.
Methods: 27 adolescents with NF1 with social skills difficulties and at least 1 caregiver enrolled in the study. 19 of those participants (Mage = 14.21 years, SD = 1.63; 7 females; 79% White) completed PEERS® via telehealth in a single-arm pilot study. Dropout rates, attendance records, helpfulness of the curriculum topics and caregiver-reported acceptability, including ratings on the Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire, were examined.
Results: Low study drop out (30% of enrolled participants; 14% of participants who began the intervention) and high attendance rates were observed. Caregivers found sessions related to common, everyday interactions most helpful. Adolescents indicated sessions related to having get-togethers and social nuances (e.g., humor) as most helpful. Caregiver ratings indicated acceptability of the intervention.
Conclusions: This investigation supported the feasibility and acceptability of telehealth PEERS®, a social skills intervention program, among adolescents with NF1 and their caregivers based on attendance patterns as well as appraisal of the curriculum and telehealth modality.
Objective: Culture and diversity-related training is critical to the development of competent pediatric psychologists. Evaluation of training efforts have been conducted at the program level, yet evaluation of trainee experiences in culture and diversity-related training remains unassessed. This trainee-led study was the first formal assessment of pediatric psychology trainee experiences of culture and diversity-related training and the impact of training on their own cultural humility.
Methods: Study overview and a survey link was distributed across 2 listservs associated with the American Psychological Association (Division 53, Division 54) and sent directly to directors of graduate, internship, and fellowship training programs with a request to share with trainees. Surveys assessing integration of cultural training and trainee cultural humility were completed. Trainees also provided qualitative feedback regarding their multicultural training and development.
Results: Pediatric psychology trainees (N = 90) reported inconsistent integration of culture and diversity topics into their training. Of the 34 training areas assessed, 10 were perceived as thoroughly integrated into formal training by at least half of the respondents. Trainees often sought independent cultural training outside of their programs, and no relationship was detected between perceived integration of cultural training and trainee cultural competence.
Discussion: Results indicate room for improvement regarding integration of cultural training and a need to better understand driving forces behind trainees independently seeking training outside of their formal training programs. Moreover, understanding the aspects of training that are most contributory to trainee development is needed given that no relationship between training and development emerged in the current study.
Background: Approximately 770 children are diagnosed with cancer in Australia every year. Research has explored their experiences and developed recommendations for improving support provided to families. These have included the provision of psychology services, improved communication between healthcare professionals and parents, and increased information for families.
Methodology: In our hermeneutic phenomenological study, 44 participants (21 fathers and 23 mothers), with ages ranging from 28 to 51 years (M = 37 years, SD = 5.6 years) were interviewed. Interviews ranged from 45 to 150 min (M = 65 min, SD = 18 min) duration.
Findings: Thematic analysis of the data generated seven themes. Take it second by second; Find some normality; Take care of yourself; You need to talk to someone; Just take all the help; Speaking up for your child; and Take care of the siblings.
Conclusion: The results of our study provide firsthand advice from parents. The overwhelming theme that emerged is that while many parents revealed that they had not asked for or received support, in hindsight they unanimously reflected that they wished they had sought out services. The strength of this study is that parents are more likely to accept the advice of other parents with a shared lived experience. The results of our study can be used to develop resources that could be provided to parents. These resources would emphasize that the recommendations come from parents who have traveled the same path and have learnt from hindsight and experience.