In addition to the role that our visual system plays in determining what we are seeing right now, visual computations contribute in important ways to predicting what we will see next. While the role of memory in creating future predictions is often overlooked, efficient predictive computation requires the use of information about the past to estimate future events. In this article, we introduce a framework for understanding the relationship between memory and visual prediction and review the two classes of mechanisms that the visual system relies on to create future predictions. We also discuss the principles that define the mapping from predictive computations to predictive mechanisms and how downstream brain areas interpret the predictive signals computed by the visual system.
Our sense of sight relies on photoreceptors, which transduce photons into the nervous system's electrochemical interpretation of the visual world. These precious photoreceptors can be disrupted by disease, injury, and aging. Once photoreceptors start to die, but before blindness occurs, the remaining retinal circuitry can withstand, mask, or exacerbate the photoreceptor deficit and potentially be receptive to newfound therapies for vision restoration. To maximize the retina's receptivity to therapy, one must understand the conditions that influence the state of the remaining retina. In this review, we provide an overview of the retina's structure and function in health and disease. We analyze a collection of observations on photoreceptor disruption and generate a predictive model to identify parameters that influence the retina's response. Finally, we speculate on whether the retina, with its remarkable capacity to function over light levels spanning nine orders of magnitude, uses these same adaptational mechanisms to withstand and perhaps mask photoreceptor loss.
This article was withdrawn on October 15, 2020, at the request of the journal editors, with agreement from the authors, owing to a substantial amount of unattributed or improperly cited text overlap with other sources. In accordance with Annual Reviews' commitment to transparency, the original PDF of the article remains available for download at
Photoreceptors are highly specialized sensory neurons with unique metabolic and physiological requirements. These requirements are partially met by Müller glia and cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which provide essential metabolites, phagocytose waste, and control the composition of the surrounding microenvironment. A third vital supporting cell type, the retinal microglia, can provide photoreceptors with neurotrophic support or exacerbate neuroinflammation and hasten neuronal cell death. Understanding the physiological requirements for photoreceptor homeostasis and the factors that drive microglia to best promote photoreceptor survival has important implications for the treatment and prevention of blinding degenerative diseases like retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration.