Large-diameter monopiles are currently the dominant foundation solution for supporting offshore wind turbines (OWTs). Monopiles exhibit a rigid response with significant rotation under lateral load and overturning moment. There is some debate regarding the applicability of p-y models derived from tests on small-diameter slender piles (such as the sand p-y model recommended by the API standard) to monopiles. To address this issue, this study gathered existing field pile load tests and finite element analysis results for large-diameter monopiles in sand and established a database incorporating the CPT results from each testing site. Through a comprehensive analysis of the collected database, a CPT-based p-y model with a modified hyperbolic formulation is proposed. The model has four parameters, which are the initial soil-pile interaction stiffness (kini), the ultimate soil resistance (pu), the stiffness degradation coefficient (m), and the ultimate soil resistance adjustment coefficient (A). All of them are functions of the CPT cone tip resistance (qc), thus avoiding potential uncertainties with the determination of input soil parameters, such as the peak friction angle, which is necessary for the conventional API p-y model. The model is demonstrated to provide satisfactory performance in predicting the lateral response of monopiles in sand.