The potential chronic health risks of occupational and environmental exposure to styrene were evaluated to update health hazard and exposure information developed since the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis risk assessment for styrene was performed in 2002. The updated hazard assessment of styrene's health effects indicates human cancers and ototoxicity remain potential concerns. However, mechanistic research on mouse lung tumors demonstrates these tumors are mouse-specific and of low relevance to human cancer risk. The updated toxicity database supports toxicity reference levels of 20 ppm (equates to 400 mg urinary metabolites mandelic acid + phenylglyoxylic acid/g creatinine) for worker inhalation exposure and 3.7 ppm and 2.5 mg/kg bw/day, respectively, for general population inhalation and oral exposure. No cancer risk value estimates are proposed given the established lack of relevance of mouse lung tumors and inconsistent epidemiology evidence. The updated exposure assessment supports inhalation and ingestion routes as important. The updated risk assessment found estimated risks within acceptable ranges for all age groups of the general population and workers with occupational exposures in non-fiber-reinforced polymer composites industries and fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRP) workers using closed-mold operations or open-mold operations with respiratory protection. Only FRP workers using open-mold operations not using respiratory protection have risk exceedances for styrene and should be considered for risk management measures. In addition, given the reported interaction of styrene exposure with noise, noise reduction to sustain levels below 85 dB(A) needs be in place.
Human biomonitoring is the foundation of environmental toxicology, community public health evaluation, preclinical health effects assessments, pharmacological drug development and testing, and medical diagnostics. Within this framework, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) serves as an important tool for gaining insight into human variability and responses and for developing risk-based assessments in the face of sparse or highly complex measurement data. The analytical procedures that provide data for clinical and public health efforts are continually evolving to expand our knowledge base of the many thousands of environmental and biomarker chemicals that define human systems biology. These chemicals range from the smallest molecules from energy metabolism (i.e., the metabolome), through larger molecules including enzymes, proteins, RNA, DNA, and adducts. In additiona, the human body contains exogenous environmental chemicals and contributions from the microbiome from gastrointestinal, pulmonary, urogenital, naso-pharyngeal, and skin sources. This complex mixture of biomarker chemicals from environmental, human, and microbiotic sources comprise the human exposome and generally accessed through sampling of blood, breath, and urine. One of the most difficult problems in biomarker assessment is assigning probative value to any given set of measurements as there are generally insufficient data to distinguish among sources of chemicals such as environmental, microbiotic, or human metabolism and also deciding which measurements are remarkable from those that are within normal human variability. The implementation of longitudinal (repeat) measurement strategies has provided new statistical approaches for interpreting such complexities, and use of descriptive statistics based upon intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) has become a powerful tool in these efforts. This review has two parts; the first focuses on the history of repeat measures of human biomarkers starting with occupational toxicology of the early 1950s through modern applications in interpretation of the human exposome and metabolic adverse outcome pathways (AOPs). The second part reviews different methods for calculating the ICC and explores the strategies and applications in light of different data structures.
The environmental toxicant lead (Pb) and the essential element calcium (Ca) play an interactive role in extracellular and intracellular regulatory functions that affect health. Lead's usurping calcium binding sites, as well as its interactions with thiols and phosphates have been suggested to be the basis for adverse effects on many organ systems especially the nervous system. Among regulatory processes controlled by Ca are calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase, calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, calmodulin inhibitor sensitive potassium channels, and calmodulin-independent protein kinase C (PKC) activation. This review focused on Pb studies describing the modulation of PKC, which is also regulated by steroids. Steroid hormone regulation may relate to a focal point for the sex differences of Pb and cellular signaling events. Picomolar concentrations of Pb may stimulate partially purified PKC, but higher concentrations inhibit activity. Although knowledge exists regarding Pb and PKC isoforms, especially interaction of Pb with the purified enzyme, there are conflicting reports concerning metal-mediated activation or inhibition of PKC and downstream signaling events. The effect of Pb on PKC in vivo remains elusive. Most reports of Pb and PKC in whole animal and human studies indicated that Pb either inhibits PKC or exerts no significant effect. However, most of the animal studies were performed with males. Recent studies performed with females and males separately revealed that females and males respond to Pb quite differently, and for this reason, it is suggested that future Pb studies of PKC and other biomedical investigations be performed with females and males.
A risk assessment of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) was conducted based upon its toxicological profile and exposure evaluation. Since 1935, BAC has been used in a wide variety of products such as disinfectants, preservatives, and sanitizers. It is well-established that BAC is not genotoxic nor does it display tumorigenic potential, but safety concerns have been raised in local usage such as for ocular and intranasal applications. The Foundation of Korea Cosmetic Industry Institute (KCII) reported that in a hair conditioner manufactured as a cosmetic or personal product in South Korea, BAC was present at concentrations of 0.5-2%. The systemic exposure dosage (SED) was determined using the above in-use concentrations and a risk assessment analysis was conducted. The Margin of Safety (MOS) values for hair conditioners were calculated to be between 621 and 2,483. The risk of certain personal and cosmetic products was also assessed based upon assumptions that BAC was present at the maximal level of regulation in South Korea and that the maximal amount was used. The MOS values for the body lotion were all above 100, regardless of the application site. Collectively, data indicate that there are no safety concerns regarding use of products that contain BAC under the current concentration restrictions, even when utilized at maximal permitted levels. However, a chronic dermal toxicity study on BAC and comprehensive dermal absorption evaluation needs to be conducted to provide a more accurate prediction of the potential health risks to humans.
A temporal trend can be seen in recent human history where the dominant causes of death have shifted from infectious to chronic diseases in industrialized societies. Human influences in the current "Anthropocene" epoch are exponentially impacting the environment and consequentially health. Changing ecological niches are suggested to have created health transitions expressed as modifications of immune balance from infections inflicting pathologies in the Holocene epoch (12,000 years ago) to human behaviors inflicting pathologies beginning in the Anthropocene epoch (300 years ago). A review of human immune health and adaptations responding to environmental (biological, chemical, physical, and psychological) stresses, which are influenced by social conditions, emphasize the involvement of fluctuations in immune cell subsets affecting influential gene-environment interactions. The literature from a variety of fields (anthropological, immunological, and environmental) is incorporated to present an expanded perspective on shifts in diseases within the context of immune balance and function and environmental immunology. The influences between historical and contemporary human ecology are examined in relation to human immunity. Several examples of shifts in human physiology and immunity support the premise that increased incidences of chronic diseases are a consequence of human modification of environment and lifestyle. Although the development of better health care and a broader understanding of human health have helped with better life quality and expectancy, the transition of morbidity and mortality rates from infections to chronic diseases is a cause for concern. Combinations of environmental stressors/pollutants and human behaviors and conditions are modulating the immune-neuroendocrine network, which compromises health benefits.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous syndrome characterized by abnormal reproductive cycles, irregular ovulation, and hyperandrogenism. This complex disorder has its origins both within and outside the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Cardio-metabolic factors, such as obesity and insulin resistance, contribute to the manifestation of the PCOS phenotype. Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders among women of reproductive age. Growing evidence suggested an association between reproductive and metabolic features of PCOS and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC), such as bisphenol A. Further, the environmental obesogen tributyltin (TBT) was shown to induce reproductive, metabolic and cardiovascular abnormalities resembling those found in women and animal models of PCOS. However, the causal link between TBT exposure and PCOS development remains unclear. The objective of this review was to summarize the most recent research findings on the potential association between TBT exposure and development of PCOS-like features in animal models and humans.
A recent quantitative weight of evidence (QWoE) assessment of higher tier studies on the toxicity and risks of neonicotinoids in honeybees by Solomon and Stephenson reported a colony-level no-observed-adverse effect concentration (NOAEC) of 25 µg/kg (ppb) for imidacloprid and clothianidin. The toxicity of these insecticides to honeybees is however known to be reinforced with chronic exposure, and extrapolation of time-to lethal-effect toxicity plots compiled from published studies indicate that an imidacloprid level of 0.25 ppb, i.e. one-hundredth of the reported colony NOAEC, would kill a large proportion of bees nearing the end of their life. This huge discrepancy points to the impressive resilience of beehives in counteracting lethal effects of neonicotinoids, as long as the colony remains otherwise healthy with a productive queen that is able to maintain the colony population. The explicit connection between innate immunity loss and the neonicotinoids leading to infestation with a wide variety of pathogens appears to be the decisive factor that ultimately bring down stressed colonies.
Pharmaceuticals are ubiquitous in the natural environment with concentrations expected to rise as human population increases. Environmental risk assessments are available for a small portion of pharmaceuticals in use, raising concerns over the potential risks posed by other drugs that have little or no data. With >1900 active pharmaceutical ingredients in use, it would be a major task to test all of the compounds with little or no data. Desk-based prioritization studies provide a potential solution by identifying those substances that are likely to pose the greatest risk to the environment and which, therefore, need to be considered a priority for further study. The aim of this review was to (1) provide an overview of different prioritization exercises performed for pharmaceuticals in the environment and the results obtained; and (2) propose a new holistic risk-based prioritization framework for drugs in the environment. The suggested models to underpin this framework are discussed in terms of validity and applicability. The availability of data required to run the models was assessed and data gaps identified. The implementation of this framework may harmonize pharmaceutical prioritization efforts and ensure that, in the future, experimental resources are focused on molecules, endpoints, and environmental compartments that are biologically relevant.
Male reproductive alterations found in animals and humans following in utero phthalate exposure include decreased anogenital distance (AGD) and other reproductive-tract malformations. The aim of this investigation was to conduct systematic reviews of human and animal evidence of the effect of in utero exposure to diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) on anogenital distance (AGD) in males. PubMed, Embase, and Toxline were searched for relevant human and experimental animal studies on August 15, 2016. Search results were screened for relevance, and studies that met the inclusion criteria were evaluated for quality and data extracted for analysis. Confidence in the human and animal bodies of evidence was assessed and hazard conclusions reached by integrating evidence streams. The search yielded 6 relevant human studies and 19 animal studies. Meta-analysis of 5 human observational prospective cohort studies showed that increased maternal urinary concentrations of DEHP metabolites were associated with decreased AGD in boys (-4.07 [CI, -6.49 to -1.66] % decrease per log10 rise in DEHP metabolites). Meta-analysis and meta-regression of the 19 experimental animal studies found reduced AGD with DEHP treatment, with a dose-response gradient, and with heterogeneity explained by species and strain. There is a moderate level of evidence from human investigations and a high level of data from animal studies that in utero exposure to DEHP decreases AGD. Based upon the available human and animal evidence, and consideration of mechanistic data, DEHP is presumed to be a reproductive hazard to humans on the basis of effects on AGD.