Text-to-image synthesis is a challenging task that aims to generate realistic and diverse images from natural language descriptions. However, existing text-to-image diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) sometimes fail to satisfy the semantic descriptions of the users, especially when the prompts contain multiple concepts or modifiers such as colors. By visualizing the cross-attention maps of the Stable Diffusion model during the denoising process, we find that one of the concepts has a very scattered attention map, which cannot form a whole and gradually gets ignored. Moreover, the attention maps of the modifiers are hard to overlap with the corresponding concepts, resulting in incorrect semantic mapping. To address this issue, we propose a Gather-and-Bind method that intervenes in the cross-attention maps during the denoising process to alleviate the catastrophic forgetting and attribute binding problems without any pre-training. Specifically, we first use information entropy to measure the dispersion degree of the cross-attention maps and construct an information entropy loss to gather these scattered attention maps, which eventually captures all the concepts in the generated output. Furthermore, we construct an attribute binding loss that minimizes the distance between the attention maps of the attributes and their corresponding concepts, which enables the model to establish correct semantic mapping and significantly improves the performance of the baseline model. We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets and demonstrate that our method can better capture the semantic information of the input prompts. Code is available at https://github.com/huan085128/Gather-and-Bind.