The Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment (VHP4Safety) project aims to build a virtual human platform (VHP) to protect human health and revolutionize the safety assessment of chemicals and pharmaceuticals by transitioning from animal-based to human-based approaches. The goal of this article is to introduce the project and its interdisciplinary approach to co-creation with multiple academic, regulatory, industrial and societal partners covering the entire safety assessment knowledge chain. Three research lines drive the project: 1) building the VHP; 2) feeding the VHP with human data; and 3) implementing the VHP. The project focusses on three case studies that incorporate human-relevant scenarios not included in current animal-based safety assessment strategies. The VHP is built on tools and services, including pharmacokinetic and computational models, and integrates several data sources within each case study, including data on human physiology, epidemiology, toxicokinetic and -dynamic parameters, as well as data on chemical characteristics and exposures. In addition, the VHP integrates new data generated within the project using new approach methodologies representing key events within adverse outcome pathways. Implementation of the VHP is investigated using an innovation systems approach, engaging stakeholders, and organizing training and education. Central to the VHP4Safety project is our co-creative approach, which is facilitated by biannual designathons and hackathons that foster active involvement of all project participants from over 30 partner organizations. By integrating technological innovations with transparency and stakeholder collaboration, the VHP4Safety project will help shape the transition to next generation safety assessment in which animal testing becomes redundant.