During the conducted studies, it was established that the use of ion modification by irradiation with O+ and Ar+ ions makes it possible to elevate the degradation resistance of anode materials due to the effect of vacancy defect creation, the density of which varies with the irradiation fluence. At the same time, the analysis of changes in the band gap and the optical density value, expressing changes in structural distortions, revealed that ion irradiation leads to a rise in the stability of the preservation of electronic properties during long-term resource tests, which are inextricably linked with the degradation of ZnO/CoZn nanostructures due to oxidation processes as a result of lithiation. During assessment of changes in the parameters of the band gap and optical density of the samples after resource tests, it was found that the observed growth in these indicators is due to oxidation processes and partial amorphization due to the formation of oxide inclusions in the structure of nanowires, the presence of which is due to the interaction of nanostructures with the electrolyte over a long period of time during charging/discharging, which results in near-surface layer degradation due to the introduction of oxygen, and in the case of a long service life, to the formation of oxide inclusions that elevate the density of defects and vacancies in the structure. According to tests of synthesized ZnO/CoZn nanostructures as anode materials, it was found that the use of O+ and Ar+ ions not only leads to a growth in the degradation resistance of capacitive characteristics during long-term tests, but also to the stability maintenance of indicators with a reversible decrease in the charging rate at charging rate variation.