Curved segments account for a disproportionately high proportion of fatal and serious injury crashes, with most of these crashes occurring on rural two-lane (R2L) highways. During the 10-year period from 2008 to 2017, a total of 1 234 fatal single-vehicle roadway departure (SV-RwD) crashes occurred on R2L roads in Louisiana, out of which 635 (51.5 %) crashes occurred on curved segments. Therefore, it is critical to investigate the causes of SV-RwD crashes, specifically those that occur on curved segments. This study aimed to investigate the ‘association knowledge’ of the factors contributing to SV-RwD crashes on R2L curved segments in Louisiana using fatal and injury crash data collected from 2008 to 2017. The study utilized Cluster Correspondence Analysis (CCA), a robust joint dimension reduction and clustering method for handling high-dimensionality and multicollinearity of crash data, to achieve this objective. Based on the cluster validation measures, the study identified five clusters with specific traits, including alcohol-impaired male drivers with no seatbelt usage, young (15–24 years old) female drivers’ crash involvement in cloudy weather conditions, animal-involved crashes in rainy weather conditions, crashes occurring on hillcrest locations under cloudy weather conditions, and crashes in the dark with the presence of streetlights and higher traffic volume. Furthermore, young (15–24 years) female drivers were identified in most clusters, implying that this specific age group of female drivers requires special consideration when dealing with SV-RwD collisions on R2L curved segments. To improve safety on R2L curved segments, policymakers can use the findings of this study to develop targeted countermeasures.