Garnet and zircon in a marble-hosted eclogite from the Dabie ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane, eastern China record a wealth of information on multistage pervasive fluid–rock interactions and Hf mobility in deep continental subduction zones. The eclogite has a peak mineral assemblage of garnet + omphacite + phengite + coesite + magnesite ± dolomite + rutile. Five (inner patchy core, outer core, mantle, inner rim, outer rim) compositional zones were recognized for garnet. According to phase equilibria modeling, the inner patchy and outer cores of garnet likely document a prograde breakdown of lawsonite to UHP peak (3.0–4.5 GPa and 630–750 °C), while a Ca-metasomatism could have also played a role in their formation. The other three garnet zones resulted from multistage garnet re-equilibration at eclogite-facies conditions during isothermal exhumation. The stepwise compositional changes between these different garnet zones suggest that dissolution and reprecipitation played a key role in the garnet re-equilibration, while the repeated actions of such a re-equilibration mechanism reflect multistage pervasive fluid–rock interactions. Zircon from the rock develops three eclogite-facies domains (1, 2, 3). Textural relationships suggest that domain 2 formed in between domain 1 and 3. LA-ICP-MS analyses yielded 206Pb/238U ages of 233 ± 6 Ma, 232 ± 2 Ma and 222 ± 3 Ma for domain 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Domain 1 includes coesite and magnesite and its Th/U is usually higher than 0.1. This domain is interpreted to have formed in the absence of allanite during prograde UHP metamorphism. Domain 2 shows slightly lower ∑MREEs (middle rare earth elements; 7.5–13.5 ppm) and lower Ti (3.0–6.0 ppm) contents than domain 1 (∑MREEs = 10.5–21.0 ppm; Ti = 4.5–7.0 ppm) and most likely formed at the UHP peak. Domain 3 contains much lower ∑MREEs (3.5–6.0 ppm) and higher Ti (7.5–11.0 ppm) contents than domain 1 and 2, which is interpreted to have formed in the stability field of epidote during decompression. Domain 2 (0.282354–0.282607) and 3 (0.282449–0.282636) display lower initial 176Hf/177Hf values than domain 1 (0.282563–0.282667), suggesting that external fluids introduced Hf into the eclogite. These findings not only shed new light on the flow mode of fluids and their role in resetting mineral compositions in deep subduction zones, but also suggest that Hf (a key high-field strength and tracer element) can be efficiently mobilized by (U)HP fluids. Moreover, this study highlights the influence of epidote-group minerals and pressure on the chemistry (Th/U ratio and REE and Ti contents) of zircon.