In the uncertainties within which the worldwide food security lies nowadays, the agricultural industry is raising a crucial need for being equipped with the state-of-the-art technologies for a more efficient, climate-resilient and sustainable production. The traditional production methods have to be revisited, and opportunities should be given for the innovative solutions henceforth brought by big data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things (IoT). In this context, we develop an optimized tinyML-oriented model for an active machine learning-based greenhouse microclimate management to be integrated in an on-field microcontroller. We design an experimental strawberry greenhouse from which we collect multivariate climate data through installed sensors. The obtained values' combinations are labeled according to a five-action multi-label control strategy, then used to prepare a machine learning-ready dataset. The dataset is used to train and five-fold cross-validate 90 Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with varied hyperparameters to select the most performant –yet optimized– model instance for the addressed task. Our multi-label control approach enables designing highly scalable models with reduced computational complexity, comprising only n control neurons instead of (1 + ∑nk=1Cnk) neurons (usually generated from a classic single-label approach from n input variables). Our final selected model incorporates 2 hidden layers with 7 and 8 neurons respectively and 151 parameters; it scored a mean accuracy of 97% during the cross-validation phase, then 96% on our supplementary test set. The model enables an intelligent and autonomous greenhouse management with the less required computations. It can be efficiently deployed in microcontrollers within real world operating conditions.