Precipitated by chronic psychological stress, immune system dysregulation, and a hyperinflammatory state, the sequelae of postacute COVID-19 (long COVID) include depression and new-onset diabetes. We hypothesize that exercise counters the neuropsychiatric and endocrine sequelae of long COVID by inducing the release of circulating factors that mediate the anti-inflammatory response, support brain homeostasis, and increase insulin sensitivity.
We discuss recent evidence supporting the hypothesis that sarcopenia is an emerging health concern among people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) because of increasing life expectancy and HIV- and treatment-related comorbidities. We also hypothesize that combined exercise at higher intensity has a key role in managing sarcopenia in this population because it directly (increases muscle strength and stimulates hypertrophy) and indirectly (prevents mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and persistent inflammation) counteracts sarcopenia hallmarks.
We define exercise snacks as isolated ≤1-min bouts of vigorous exercise performed periodically throughout the day. We hypothesize that exercise snacks are a feasible, well-tolerated, and time-efficient approach to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and reduce the negative impact of sedentary behavior on cardiometabolic health. Efficacy has been demonstrated in small proof-of-concept studies. Additional research should investigate this novel physical activity strategy.
Best-practice guidance and management of pregnant and postpartum elite athletes and women in arduous occupations is limited by the lack of high-quality evidence available within these populations. We have summarized the adaptations and implications of pregnancy and childbirth, proposed a novel integrative concept to address these changes, and made recommendations to progress research in this area.
Nonenzymatic nitric oxide (NO) generation via the reduction of nitrate and nitrite ions, along with remarkably high levels of nitrate ions in skeletal muscle, have been described recently. Skeletal muscle nitrate storage may be critical for maintenance of NO homeostasis in healthy aging, and nitrate supplementation may be useful for the treatment of specific pathophysiologies and for enhancing normal functions.
Inducible heme oxygenase (HO)-1 catalyzes the breakdown of heme to biliverdin, iron, and carbon monoxide (CO). CO binds to cytochrome c oxidase and alters mitochondrial redox balance and coordinately regulates mitochondrial quality control (MQC) during oxidant stress and inflammation. The hypothesis presented is that the skeletal muscle HO-1/CO system helps modulate components in the MQC cycle during metabolic stress.