Introduction: Individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI) experience high rates of poor functional outcomes such as inability to complete activities of daily living (ADL). Occupational therapy needs to be customised to the individual's function, goals, and environment to facilitate improvement in ADLs after ABI. Virtual reality (VR) is a novel treatment approach that aims to improve skills within an individualised environment. This study aimed to review the current literature for the use of VR platforms that incorporate ADLs to improve functional outcomes after ABI.
Methods: This review followed the six-stage framework by Arksey & O'Malley (2005). Electronic databases were searched for peer-reviewed journal articles based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: One thousand and six hundred eighty articles were screened, including 413 full text articles and 13 articles were included for review. Among the 13 articles, six were RCTs and the rest were pre-post intervention studies. Studies largely used non-immersive VR platforms, which incorporated ADLs such as grocery shopping, aiming to improve functional outcomes.
Consumer and community consultation: Consumer and community were not involved in executing this study.
Conclusion: This review suggests mixed results if VR is effective at treating upper limb, cognition, and ADL function after ABI. Using their clinical reasoning, occupational therapists can determine the suitability of VR for ADL rehabilitation for specific patient populations and settings. Plain Language Summary Individuals who sustain an acquired brain injury can have difficulty performing their daily activities such as, making a meal or getting dressed, because of limited function (e.g., physical and cognitive problems). To help improve their ability to complete daily activities, occupational therapy needs to be customised to the individual's function, goals, and environment. Virtual reality is a new rehabilitation approach that allows individuals to improve their function in an individualised environment. In this study, we reviewed the current studies that have used virtual reality platforms that incorporate daily activities to improve function after acquired brain injury. We searched databases and screened the titles and abstracts of 1,680 studies. Then, 413 full-text studies were screened, and 13 studies were included. Studies mostly used non-immersive platforms to practise daily activities such as, grocery shopping, aiming to improve function after acquired brain injury. This review suggests mixed results if virtual reality can effectively treat function after acquired brain injury.