As an effective control measure to ensure uninterrupted power supply to critical loads under extreme faults, network splitting is of great significance for maintaining system safety and stability. The purpose of this study is to develop a method to accurately and quickly find a reasonable splitting surface and reliably perform network splitting. To address the current problem of poor node classification when splitting, the correlation between nodes is obtained through modal analysis of the system. Node classification criteria are proposed to accurately classify different types of nodes and obtain a suitable splitting space. Based on the node correlation, a splitting adaptation index reflecting the suitability of splitting is proposed. Furthermore, a comprehensive index for the optimisation of the splitting surface is proposed by combining the minimum unbalanced power and the splitting adaptation index, and the splitting surface is quickly determined based on this index. Finally, simulation verification is carried out using the IEEE-118 standard system, which shows that the method can accurately determine the splitting space and optimise the selection of the splitting surface.