Background: The gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) Ostertagia ostertagi can cause severe disease in first season grazers (FSG) and impaired performance due to subclinical infections in adult cows. Diagnostic methods to assess exposure include faecal egg count and detection of specific antibodies using antibody-ELISAs resulting in an optical density ratio (ODR). Using the ELISA test on bulk tank milk (BTM) allows for a herd level diagnosis. Appropriate use of diagnostic methods for evaluation of O. ostertagi exposure is required to optimize herd parasite surveillance and aid in a sustainable control regime. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between different diagnostic tests used to assess GIN exposure in Norwegian production systems. A cross-sectional field study was carried out in twenty herds in Norway in the fall of 2020. Serum and faecal samples were taken from 380 individuals, of which 181 were FSG and 199 were cows. In addition, milk was collected from every cow and one BTM sample was taken from each herd. Faecal egg counts were performed. The distribution of ODR values in individual samples within and between herds and the associations between BTM ODR and individual ODR values were described. The data were analysed using visual assessment of scatter plots, Pearson correlation coefficients and linear regression.
Results: A high variability of the within-herd individual ODR values in serum and milk in every herd was detected. The ODR in BTM explained a low degree of the variation in the individual serum and milk samples. When plotting the ODR results in milk or serum according to four BTM categories, the distribution of ODR values were notably different in the highest and lowest BTM categories. The correlation between individual milk and serum samples was moderate (r = 0.68), while the highest correlation (r = 0.81) was between the BTM ODR and the group average individual milk samples.
Conclusions: A poor predictive ability for BTM ODR to assess individual ODR values in both FSG and cows was demonstrated. However, the study indicates that the evaluation by ELISA test on BTM to assess exposure to GIN could be useful in herds with a very high or low BTM ODR.
Background: Advanced bipolar tissue sealer/dividers provide the most reliable and efficient means of tissue dissection and blood vessel sealing in laparoscopic surgery and the techniques are continuously improved. In veterinary practice, cost-effectiveness is of major impact, leading to re-use of instruments designed and sold for single use. Two high-end devices were evaluated and compared in a highly standardized laparoscopic ovariectomy procedure in dogs: The new generation Ligasure Maryland Sealer/Divider (LMSD) with improved atraumatic curved jaw shape for delicate tissue handling and dissection and non-stick nanocoating, and the new-generation Articulating Enseal G2 (AENG2) with several proclaimed features improving surgical performance, including articulation of the forceps tip; improved tissue compression during sealing; unique offset electrode configuration; and specific nanoparticle coating minimizing thermal spread and tissue sticking. Twenty-one client-owned dogs admitted for elective laparoscopic ovariectomy were randomly assigned to one of two groups: ovariectomy using AENG2 on the left ovary and LMSD in the right ovary or vice-versa. Procedural video recordings were used to assess ovarian ligament fat score, smoke formation, occurrence of bleeding, and excision duration. Excised tissues were examined histopathologically and collateral thermal damage was scored in three anatomic zones: suspensory ligament, vascular pedicle, and uterine junction. Tissue sealers were used repeatedly following standardized cleaning protocol with instrument washing machine and ethylene oxide gas sterilization and the number of uses until device failure was recorded.
Results: Excision times were significantly increased for AENG2 (median 01:35 min) compared to LMSD (median 01:00 min). Minor hemorrhage from incomplete sealing occurred in 3 sites in 2 patients (2x AENG2, 1x LMSD) and was not significantly different between groups. Smoke production as scored on videos and thermal tissue damage scores on histopathology also did not differ between AENG2 and LMSD. Both vessel sealers could be re-used repeatedly.
Conclusion: AENG2 provides a good alternative to LMSD in laparoscopic ovariectomy, with only minor differences in measured variables. Subjectively, the articulating feature of AENG2 did not improve surgical performance in laparoscopic ovariectomy and the use of LMSD appeared more straight-forward for this specific procedure. However, differences in operating these devices may be subject to personal preference.
Background: Although Chlamydia sp. causes widespread disease outbreaks in juvenile crocodiles in Thailand, data regarding the epidemiology, and risk factors of such infections are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and possible risk factors associated with Chlamydia sp. infections on Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) farms in Thailand. A cross-sectional study was conducted from July to December 2019. Samples were collected from 40 farms across six regions in Thailand. Conjunctival, pharyngeal, and cloacal swab samples were analyzed for Chlamydiaceae nucleic acids using semi-nested PCR followed by phylogenetic analysis based on the ompA gene fragment. Risk factors of infection were analyzed using chi-square and univariate regression to calculate odds ratios.
Results: The prevalence of Chlamydia sp. infection across all regions was 65%. The ompA phylogenetic analysis showed that Chlamydia sp. detected in this study was genetically closely related to Chlamydia crocodili and Chlamydia caviae. The risk factors for infection were water source, reusing treated wastewater from the treatment pond, not disposing of leftover food, low frequency of water replacement in the enclosure of juvenile crocodiles, and lack of water replacement after the death of a crocodile.
Conclusion: The prevalence of Chlamydia sp. infection in farmed crocodiles in Thailand was 65% during the study period. Cloacal swabs were superior to conjunctival and pharyngeal swabs due to their higher sensitivity in detecting Chlamydia sp., as well as their lower invasiveness. Good management and biosecurity in crocodile farming can reduce the risk of Chlamydia sp.
Background: Early diagnosis of disease in calves is crucial for fast recovery and prudent use of antibiotics. The serum concentration of acute phase proteins (APPs) is up- or downregulated in response to tissue injury and has been studied widely in human medicine. There is growing interest in using APPs as biomarkers for different diseases and as a tool to initiate and monitor treatment in veterinary medicine as well. The concentration of APPs in saliva in healthy calves has not been established and the use of pharyngeal swabs offers a non-invasive alternative to blood sampling. Pharyngeal swabs, tracheal aspirate (TA) and blood samples were collected from 84 clinically healthy commercial dairy calves and analyzed for the APPs serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (Hp) and lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP).
Results: We found detectable concentrations of SAA, Hp and LBP in pharyngeal swabs from calves, as well as in TA and serum. There were no biologically interesting correlations between the SAA concentrations in serum and TA or pharyngeal swabs. This also applied to Hp and LBP concentrations in serum and TA or pharyngeal swabs.
Conclusions: SAA, Hp and LBP can be measured in saliva and TA from calves, but there was no correlation between the specific APP concentration in serum and pharyngeal swab or TA. There was a considerable technical variation in the sampling method for both pharyngeal swab and TA, and further validation of the methods is needed.
Background: A 3D printed self-locking device made of polydioxanone (PDO) was developed to facilitate a standardized ligation technique. The subcutaneous tissue reaction to the device was evaluated after implantation in ten horses of mixed age, sex and breed and compared to loops of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). In two of the horses, the implants were removed before closing the skin. The appearance of the implants and surrounding tissue was followed over time using ultrasonography. Implants were removed after 10 and 27 (± 1) days for histologic examination.
Results: On macroscopic inspection at day 10, the PDO-device was fragmented and the surrounding tissue was oedematous. On ultrasonographic examination, the device was seen as a hyperechoic structure with strong acoustic shadowing that could be detected 4 months post-implantation, but not at 7 months. Histology revealed a transient granulomatous inflammation, i.e., a foreign body reaction, which surrounded both PDO and PLGA implants. The type and intensity of the inflammation varied between individuals and tissue category.
Conclusions: The 3D printed PDO-device caused a transient inflammatory reaction in the subcutaneous tissue and complete resorption occurred between 4 and 7 months. Considering the intended use as a ligation device the early fragmentation warrants further adjustments of both material and the 3D printing process before the device can be used in a clinical setting.
Background: Urinary tract problems are a common complaint in small animal medicine and urolithiasis is considered to be an important cause of urinary tract disease in dogs. In this study the main aim was to investigate whether the occurrence of cystine urolithiasis increased during a five-year period. A second aim was to evaluate possible risk-factors as breed, age and gender. This study also evaluated how urine specific gravity, pH and level of cystine in urine responded to preventive strategies. Medical records of dogs with urolithiasis presented at nine Norwegian animal clinics and one animal hospital between 2015 and 2020 were retrospectively reviewed.
Results: The incidence of cystine uroliths increased significantly during the five study years (R2 = 0.72, P = 0.0199). Dogs with cystine uroliths were significantly younger (5.0 years (n = 84, 95% CI [4.4-5.6])) when they were diagnosed with cystine uroliths compared to dogs with other types of uroliths (8.1 years (n = 255, 95% CI[7.8-8.5]) P < < 0.0001). Cystine levels in urine were increased in 93% of the dogs with cystine urolithiasis. Cystinuria decreased significantly after neutering (P < 0.0001). Breeds most commonly affected with cystine urolithiasis in this study were Staffordshire bull terrier, Danish Swedish farmdog and Chihuahua.
Conclusions: The results from this study supports a suggested genetic basis for cystine urolithiasis as described in previous studies. Neutering is considered an important part of preventing reoccurrence since cystine values decreased significantly after neutering.
Background: Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin is a common cause of severe neurological disease in dogs. The term covers a heterogeneous group of noninfectious inflammatory diseases, with immune dysregulation widely accepted as the underlying disease mechanism. Current treatment consists of immunosuppression, with corticosteroids being the mainstay of virtually all treatment regimens. However, side effects of corticosteroids can be severe, and might be the cause of death in some patients. This retrospective, multi-centric study aimed at describing a population of Scandinavian dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin in regards to reported side effects and cause of death, and to highlight possible differences in survival, when comparing corticosteroid monotherapy with other treatment regimens.
Results: Within the 5-year study period, 63 dogs were included. Of these, 35 (49.3%) died or were euthanized during the study period. Median survival time from time of diagnosis based on Kaplan-Meier curves for the overall population was 714 days (equivalent to around 25 months, range 0-1678 days). There was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.31) in survival between dogs treated with corticosteroid monotherapy (n = 26, median survival time 716 days, equivalent to around 25 months, range 5-911 days), dogs receiving a combination of corticosteroids and ciclosporin (n = 15, median survival time 916 days, equivalent to around 31 months, range 35-1678 days), and dogs receiving corticosteroids combined with either cytosine arabinoside, leflunomide, or a combination of 2 or more add-on drugs (n = 13, median survival time 1186 days, equivalent to around 40 months, range 121-1640 days). Side effects were registered for 47/63 dogs. Polyphagia (n = 37/47), polyuria/polydipsia (n = 37/47), diarrhea (n = 29/47) and lethargy (n = 28/47) were most frequently reported. The most common cause for euthanasia was relapse (n = 15/35, 42.9%), followed by insufficient or lack of treatment response (n = 9, 25.7%). Side effects were the direct cause of euthanasia in 2/35 dogs (5.7%).
Conclusions: A large proportion of dogs in the overall population were euthanized due to relapse, emphasizing a need for treatment regimens aimed at specifically preventing relapse for an improved long-term survival. Side effects in dogs receiving corticosteroid monotherapy were rarely a direct cause of death, but were reported for all dogs. No statistically significant difference in survival was found when corticosteroid monotherapy was compared to other treatment regimens.
Background: Rearing replacement heifers is pivotal for the dairy industry and is associated with high input costs for the preweaned calves, due to their higher susceptibility to diseases. Ensuring calf health and viability calls for systematic approaches in order to mitigate the costs induced by managing sick calves and to ensure animal welfare. The objective of this study was to develop a systematic and feasible health-monitoring tool for bovine dairy calves based on repeated clinical observations and diagnostic results of calves at three time points; the 1st (T0), the 3rd (T1) and the 12th (T3) week of age. The study included observations from 77 dairy heifer calves in nine Danish commercial dairy herds. Immunisation status was assessed by serum Brix% at T0. Clinical scoring included gastrointestinal disease (GD) and respiratory disease (RD). The average daily weight gain (ADWG) was estimated from heart-girth measurements. Pathogen detection from nasal swabs and faecal samples were analysed for 16 respiratory and enteric pathogens by means of high-throughput real time-PCR. All measures obtained in each herd were visualised in a panel to follow the health status of each calf over time.
Results: The individual clinical observations combined with diagnostic information from immunisation and pathogen detection form each enrolled calf are presented in a herd dashboard illustrating the health status over the study period. This monitoring revealed failure of passive transfer (Brix% < 8.1) in 31% of the 77 enrolled calves, signs of severe GD peaked at T0 with 20% affected calves, while signs of severe RD peaked at T2 with 42% affected calves. ADWG over the first eight weeks was estimated to be 760 g (± 190 g). Pathogen profiles varied between herds.
Conclusions: The large variation in both clinical disease and pathogen occurrence across herds emphasizes the need for herd specific monitoring. Combining the results of the present study from measures of immunisation, health and growth from individual calves in one visualisation panel allowed for the detection of patterns across age groups in the specific herds, showing promising potential for early detection and interventions that can lead to enhanced calf health and welfare.
Background: As calves are born without circulating immunoglobulin G (IgG) they depend on transfer of passive immunity via colostrum within the first hours of life. If calves are not sufficiently supplied with high qualitative colostrum they suffer from Failure of Transfer of Passive Immunity (FTPI). The objectives of this study were to evaluate a calf-side point-of-care test to detect calves with FTPI and to evaluate the cut-offs for a positive test result. Two hundred fifty calves from 11 dairy farms (born between September 2021 and September 2022) were included, whereof 23 were excluded due to incomplete data. Twelve to 16 h post partum the farmers carried out a point-of-care test (FASTest® IgG bovine, Megacor, Austria) using a whole blood sample. Between the 3rd and the 6th day of age, all calves were physically examined and blood samples were collected to carry out further point-of-care tests using whole blood supernatant and plasma and for measuring the Brix values in serum and plasma. Brix values in serum were used as reference for the evaluation of the point-of-care test between the 3rd and the 6th day of age, as radial immunodiffusion assays could not be conducted simultaneously.
Results: Brix values were not normally distributed (median at 8.6% and 9.3% in serum and plasma). In this study, the cut-off values for the point-of-care tests using whole blood supernatant and plasma were at 8.3% Brix in serum. FASTest® IgG bovine shows high sensitivities of 90% and 84% and specificities of 70% and 72% for whole blood supernatant and plasma.
Conclusions: Of the 227 investigated calves, 39.7% showed Brix values of < 8.4% (cut-off for FTPI) which indicates an urgent need to improve colostrum management. The results of the study suggest that the FASTest® IgG bovine is a suitable on-farm method to assess FTPI in whole blood supernatant and plasma of calves between the 3rd and the 6th day of age. However, the results also show that FASTest® IgG bovine is not adequate to test for FTPI using whole blood at 12 to 16 h post partum.