Despite global progress in gender equality, still not every woman has access to safe and the highest quality health care. Visually impaired young adult women represent one of the most vulnerable groups with a poorer ability to access necessary healthcare services. This study aims to explore and comprehend the experiences of visually impaired young adult women in accessing healthcare services in Nepal.
A descriptive phenomenological study was conducted among 16 visually impaired women aged 20 to 35 years who had utilized healthcare services within the past 12 months. Face-to-face, in-depth interviews were conducted for data collection, and thematic analysis was conducted for data analysis.
Our study revealed a range of challenges faced by visually impaired young women that impeded their healthcare-seeking. These challenges included sexual harassment by male healthcare providers, disability-related stigma, financial difficulties, limited autonomy in decision-making, and a lack of disability-friendly healthcare facilities and services. Particularly, experiencing sexual harassment from male healthcare providers, coupled with underlying disability-related stigma, profoundly influenced the avoidance of healthcare. To navigate these challenges, some women sought support by having family members or friends accompany them or by requesting to be seen by a female healthcare provider. Nevertheless, financial dependence on families and women lacking employment and income led to a feeling of burden on the family, contributing to a reluctance among women to seek expensive healthcare. Social organization-based, collaborative efforts and peer support networks played a significant role in breaking down barriers and improving overall healthcare experiences.
While integrating disability-friendly healthcare services and infrastructure is essential, fostering attitudinal and behavioral change—particularly among male healthcare providers—is more important to ensure safety for young women in healthcare settings. The implementation of anti-sexual harassment policies is imperative to ensure a safe and respectful environment. Community mobilizing and peer group-based programs can be tested for increasing visually impaired women’s utilization of relevant healthcare services.