Robot security officers cur- rently are now available to perform functions which are not cost-effective for humans, according to the author who heads a company which manu- factures them. In this article he describes the capabilities of robot officers and their uses in healthcare security and safety.
This article presents a compre- hensive review of ways to min- imize threats and occurrences of violence in healthcare. The authors provide a number of resources available for devel- oping programs for mitigating and responding to such violence.
New tools such as cloud-based access control have created new opportunities for chang- ing the way that electronic se- curity systems can interact, according to the author He describes how such software has made it easier and less costly for health systems to cope with change and how IT and physical security can work together in this critical area.
Violence against healthcare staff members far exceeds the national rate of occupational violence and is never part of the job, the author says. In this article, he lists measures to consider for effectively pre- venting and mitigating as- saultive and threatening purposeful behavior by pa- tients, family members, and outsiders.
In this article, the author, one of the pioneers in the develop- ment of threat assessment systems, presents the core con- cepts that healthcare security directors will need to under- stand in helping employees who require assistance in dealing with stalking, domestic violence, or other potentially violent situations.
More organizations are mov- ing to patient treatment out- side of the traditional hospital and into practices and other off-site locations. As this tran- sition occurs, it is important to establish health and safety programs for the patients and staff at these locations. This is true even if the practices are not part of a hospital accredi- tation program as there are other regulatory agencies which affect the operations of these off-site locations.
How does a security director demon- strate value and influence in an or- ganization? According to the authors, a security director's title or position in an organization's hierar- chy does not guarantee that he or she will demonstrate organizational value or influence. This can only happen as a result ofwhat the director does, how well it is done or in some cases what is not done that should have been done. In this article, they de- scribe some real life achievements ex- perienced at their organization to demonstrate security's value and influence.