Night shift work is a complex and frequent occupational exposure, and breast cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer in women. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has twice classified night shift work as a probable breast carcinogen, with the latest classification in June 2019. Since that time, new epidemiologic data has emerged.
We searched PubMed for original articles based on cohort and case-control studies of “breast cancer and night shift work” published after the IARC evaluation in June 2019.
In total six cohorts and four case-control studies were included in our review. Overall, we observed some support for associations between persistent (long duration or high frequency) night shift work and an increase in breast cancer risk, though most studies were relatively small and statistically under-powered. Moreover, the recent studies do not contribute further evidence regarding the interaction with menopausal status, diurnal preference, hormonal subtypes of breast cancer or gene-environment aspects, which were issues that were left from the IARC evaluation.
The available new results somewhat consolidate the epidemiological evidence from IARC's 2019 evaluation, and do not provide further evidence regarding interaction of interest, e.g. menopausal status, etc. Therefore, long term follow-up of prospective cohorts or nested case-control studies, including precise exposure assessment and examinations of relevant interactions such as menopausal status, diurnal preference, hormonal subtypes of breast cancer and gene-environment aspects, are warranted. Meanwhile, protective measures for the night workers should be considered.