Objective: To determine how training on the nursing care of pressure injuries (PIs) affects knowledge levels and satisfaction.
Methods: This study was semiexperimental, conducted in the form of a pretest and posttest in one group of 105 nurses working in a training and research hospital. The training took place in person and via video. All nurses included in the study group first received in-person training in 15-person groups followed by weekly video training for 4 consecutive weeks. Before training, investigators assessed the nurses' PI knowledge using the Nurses' Knowledge Level Assessment for PI Care (NKLAPIC; pretest). After the in-person module (posttest 1) and video-based module (posttest 2), investigators provided the NKLAPIC again. The independent-sample test, one-way analysis of variance, repeated-test-measures analysis of variance, Bonferroni test, and pairwise comparisons were used in data analysis.
Results: Mean NKLAPIC scores were 47.71 ± 13.5 (out of 100 points) at pretraining, 68.5 ± 12.32 after the in-person training, and peaked at 72.38 ± 4.74 after video-based training (P < .001). Video-based training appeared to lead to a larger increase in knowledge levels than in-person training alone (P < .001). Further, although the average satisfaction score given to the in-person training was 3.97 ± 0.93, the same score for the online training was 4.12 ± 0.95 (P > .05).
Conclusions: Outcomes suggest that in-person training and video-based training regarding PI care improve the knowledge levels of nurses.