Having trained personnel ready and willing to render first aid will reassure other co-workers and make them feel safer themselves.
Having trained personnel ready and willing to render first aid will reassure other co-workers and make them feel safer themselves.
OSHA's construction industry fall protection standard, 29 CFR 1926.501, was its most-cited standard during fiscal year 2015, and construction standards for safe use of scaffolding and ladders also ranked among OSHA's Top Ten that year.
Thinking we can always be better, and hazards and risks can always be reduced, should dominate thinking throughout an organization.
Increased awareness of not only the value, but the necessity of adopting green building initiatives in new builds and retrofits is critical.
Proper documentation is needed to protect your organization from liability when an employee refuses emergency medical care during work related and non-work related illness and injury.
Through collaboration, safety professionals and physical therapists can achieve optimal results with both prevention and post-injury management.
Glove construction now takes into account long-term usability to reduce finger fatigue, chronic skin conditions, and more troublesome musculoskeletal disorders.
Welders must be protected from electric shock, welding fumes, fire, and injuries that can be caused by insufficient PPE.
How can you proactively fix a problem when you don't know where it occurred?