Aim: To evaluate the association between infantile colic and gastrointestinal, allergic and psychological disorders in childhood.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted on 103 infants aged 31-87 d. After 10 y, between 2001 and 2003, the children were recalled and a paediatrician evaluated the selected disorders by anamnesis, medical examination, laboratory tests and parent interviews.
Results: Of the 103 infants enrolled, 96 completed the study. There was an association between infantile colic and recurrent abdominal pain (p=0.001) and allergic disorders: allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pollenosis, atopic eczema and food allergy (p<0.05). Sleep disorders, fussiness, aggressiveness and feelings of supremacy are more frequent in children who suffered from colic during early infancy (p<0.05). A family history of gastrointestinal diseases and atopic diseases was significantly higher in infants with colic than in controls (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Susceptibility to recurrent abdominal pain, allergic and psychological disorders in childhood may be increased by infantile colic. Our findings confirm that severe infantile colic might be the early expression of some of the most common disorders in childhood.
The widespread increase in the prevalence of allergic disease, which has occurred over the last 20 y, has created general concern in Europe and in the rest of the world. The reason for this increase is still partially unknown. In this period, despite a greater understanding of the pathogenesis and risk factors of allergies plus the greater efficacy of drugs to control the symptoms, the cost of intervention and the socio-economic impact are still very high. For these reasons, prevention in the first period of life represents a goal for both developed and developing countries in order to reduce this upward trend.
Unlabelled: A study was carried out on 168 full-term infants with digestive problems such as regurgitation and/or constipation to evaluate the efficacy of new infant formulas containing partially hydrolysed whey protein, modified vegetable oil with a high beta-palmitic acid content, prebiotic oligosaccharides and starch. Infants receiving the new formulas had an increase in stool frequency of 0.60 between day 1 and day 7 (95% CI 0.19-1.01; p=0.004) and 0.53 (95% CI 0.11-0.90; p=0.015) between day 7 and day 14. A reduction of 1.06 in the number of regurgitation episodes was reported between day 1 and day 7 (95% CI 0.24-1.88; p=0.012) and 1.31 (95% CI 0.42-2.21; p=0.005) between day 7 and day 14.
Conclusion: A prebiotic mixture of galacto-/fructo-oligosaccharides with a high beta-palmitic acid content may reduce digestive problems and improve intestinal tolerance in infants during the first months of life.
The increased prevalence of atopic diseases, i.e. atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma, has been described as the epidemic of the 21st century in Western societies. New approaches in the fight against allergic diseases are clearly called for, the target being the persistence of the allergic responder pattern beyond infancy. The advantage afforded by elimination diets lies in the silencing of specific allergic inflammation induced by an offending food. Novel nutritional approaches, beyond the treatment of food allergies, have recently attracted research interest subsequent to the identification of the immunomodulatory potential of specific dietary compounds. Dietary lipids as immunomodulators may prevent allergic sensitization by down-regulating inflammatory response whilst protecting the epithelial barrier. Probiotic bacteria have been shown to reinforce the different lines of gut defence: immune exclusion, immune elimination and immune regulation. On this basis, the strategy against allergic disease proposed here is based on the administration of tolerogenic gut-processed peptide fragments of a specific protein, in addition to the use of specific dietary compounds such as fatty acids and antioxidants, and introducing a microbial stimulus for the immature immune system by means of cultures of beneficial live micro-organisms characteristic of the healthy infant gut microbiota.
The increased survival of very-low-birth-weight infants has resulted in the need to better understand the immaturities that challenge optimal nutrition for these infants and how to surmount them. This is critical if we are to prevent short and long term morbidity associated with poor nutrition. Here we describe several of these immaturities including those related to digestion and absorption, suck-swallow incoordination, delayed gastric emptying, and intestinal motility and how they lead to the common problem of feeding intolerance. Scientifically based strategies for introducing, stopping and continuing enteral feedings in association with parenteral nutrition are presented.
Background: Recently, rice-based formulas have been widely used in hypoallergenic diets, but data on nutritional values are scarce.
Aim: To evaluate the growth of infants fed with a rice-based hydrolysate formula, compared to those infants fed with a soy formula or an extensively hydrolysed casein formula, in the first 2 y of life.
Methods: A total of 88 infants were enrolled between March 2002 and March 2004. Fifty-eight infants with atopic dermatitis (AD) and cow's milk allergy (CMA), confirmed by open challenge, were enrolled as study group: 15 were fed with a rice-based hydrolysate formula (RHF), 17 with a soy-based formula (SF) and 26 with an extensively hydrolysed casein formula (eHCF). Thirty infants with AD without cow's milk allergy were recruited as a control group (CG) and fed with a free diet. Weight was recorded on enrolment and at 3-monthly intervals in the first year of life, and at 6-monthly intervals in the second year. Infants were weighed naked, before feeding, by means of an electronic integrating scale. The z-scores of weight for age were calculated.
Statistics: One-way analysis of variance and Student's t-test were used for statistical comparison. Significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: No significant differences between the RHF, SF and eHCF groups were observed for the z-score of weight for age during the first 2 y of life, but a significantly lower difference was seen in the RHF group compared to the control group in the intervals 9 mo-1 y (p=0.025) and 1-1.5 y (p=0.020) of age. In contrast, the SF and eHCF groups were comparable to the control group, but the eHCF group was significantly lower (p=0) in the first trimester of life.
Conclusion: Even if our findings show no significant difference between RHF and control, low weight observed in infants fed with RHF raises doubts about the nutritional adequacy of rice-hydrolysate formulas.
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in neonatal intensive care units. Here we review selected manifestations of NEC, risk factors involved in its pathophysiology as well as putative mechanisms associated with how an immature gut might be more susceptible to NEC. Treatment and potential preventive strategies are discussed.