Heme proteins are a large group of biomolecules with heme incorporated as a prosthetic group. Apart from cytochromes present in almost all cell types, many other specific heme proteins are expressed in different kinds of cells, e.g. hemoglobin in the erythrocytes, myoglobin (skeletal and vascular smooth muscle cells), cytoglobin (fibroblasts) and neuroglobin (neurons and retina). Among their wide and diverse biological functions, the most important is their unique ability to bind, store, and transport gaseous molecules, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide. Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy is an exceptional analytical tool that allows for qualitative and quantitative characterization of heme proteins in biological systems. Due to its high sensitivity, even subtle structural alterations of the heme group can be monitored and tracked during cellular processes. Resonance Raman excitation within the Soret absorption band (390–440 nm) provides rich information on the environment of heme's active site, allowing differentiation of the iron ion oxidation and spin states, and tracking the movement of the porphyrin ring plane in response to the changes in oxygenation status. Herein, we summarize and discuss recent developments in RR applications aimed to link the structure-function relationship of heme proteins within biological systems, connected, e.g., with the formation of hemoglobin (Hb) adducts (nitrosylhemoglobin, cyanhemoglobin, sulfhemoglobin), irreversible Hb alterations deteriorating oxygen binding and differentiation of heme proteins oxidation state within live cells in situ.