Excavated soil from construction and demolition activities can be stabilized by alkali-activated binders to manufacture low-carbon construction materials. This research attempts to investigate the efficacy of non-sonicated (S) and sonicated sucrose (USS) as a controlled retarder in alkali-activated materials containing excavated lateritic soil (EAAM) (clay content of 42.5 %). Influences of sucrose dosage and sonication on hydration kinetics, setting, and structural build-up of EAAM have been investigated. Findings from isothermal calorimetry show 30 – 65 % retardation in hydration kinetics leading to a 50 – 60 % delay in setting and slower structural build-up of EAAM during the initial 12 h. This results in higher flowability and superior flow retention for longer duration than the control (0 % sucrose). By decoupling the effect on hydration of GGBS and FA, it is found that sucrose has a more dominant retarding effect on GGBS compared to FA, attributed to its stronger interaction with calcium-rich sites than aluminates. The addition of 2 % USS to EAAM results in higher retardation compared to 2 %S. This is attributed to the formation of acidic byproducts due to sonication-induced breakdown of sucrose molecules, leading to reduced pH and electrostatic repulsion. The densified microstructure of EAAM with USS compared to that with S results in a noticeable improvement in strength retention under wet conditions, suggesting reduced moisture sensitivity. Due to enhanced hydration at later ages, sucrose-EAAM possesses 30 – 48 % higher wet compressive strength than the control EAAM at the 28-day mark. Overall, sucrose, which can be prepared from waste biomass through “green” processes, can be a potential chemical admixture for earth-based alkali-activated constructions.