The new ISES Solar Carport is an innovative example of how solar can be integrated into the built environment. David Hopwood went along to solar city Freiburg in Germany to find out more about the concept.
The new ISES Solar Carport is an innovative example of how solar can be integrated into the built environment. David Hopwood went along to solar city Freiburg in Germany to find out more about the concept.
Continuing his column on offshore wind, Adam Westwood from energy analysts Douglas-Westwood Ltd, provides an overview of forecasted industry activity to 2011, focussing on project completions and annually installed capacity.
Governments that consistently ignore the potential that renewable energy has for the heating market can’t see the wood for the trees. A reFOCUS focus on biomass for heat begins with an overview of the biomass marketplace by Heinz Kopetz, chairman of the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM).
In the wealthy Amazonian region of Brazil, hundreds have died in fights related to land ownership. Marianne Osterkorn, REEEP international director, reports on sustainable efforts to help local people get a better deal.
Wind energy has now become a major scientific discipline with significant potential for research and education. And as legislation drives the uptake of wind, ways to improve efficiency and yield are top of many company's R&D action plans. reFOCUS looks at some recent commercial developments in wind turbine technology.
9 March was a momentous day for renewable energy in the EU (and arguably the world). The EU says it will source 20% of its overall energy needs from renewable sources by 2020. But as the renewables industry breaths a collective sigh of relief, it also knows that the road to the statute book could be a long one for this piece of legislation, not least because some member states will fight tooth and nail to limit their individual obligations.
David Hopwood and's Rolf de Vos look at what happens now that the clock is ticking.