This year the US will see an explosion in the growth of green building, suggests one market expert. Gail Rajgor reports
This year the US will see an explosion in the growth of green building, suggests one market expert. Gail Rajgor reports
Continuing coverage of the latest financial trends and developments in the renewable energy and related sectors, researchers at New Energy Finance present an update on performance of the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEX), from 16 February – 2 March 2007.
2006 was a year of hype, industry consolidation, and manic PR for the PV industry. Paula Mints of Navigant Consulting peels back the headlines and looks to the future of what will hopefully be a buoyant period for many aspects of solar technology.
The Kyoto Protocol international treaty, which entered into force in February 2005, established the largest and first truly environmental market in the world: for the trading of ‘carbon credits’. It also established – for the first time – binding emissions reduction targets for industrialised countries. The Protocol also established mechanisms for project-based carbon trading, and renewable energy – particularly hydroelectricity – has been one of the most successful project types in the carbon market to date. Ruth Whittington, EcoSecurities reports.
Set against the backdrop of silicon supply problems, reFOCUS investigates what the way forward holds for PV; Gail Purvis takes a look at some of the technologies hoping to take centre stage.