Although the field of oncology pharmacotherapy has progressed rapidly with the introduction of novel targeted therapies, there are many unintended side effects that require knowledge of laboratory monitoring for appropriate m.
Although the field of oncology pharmacotherapy has progressed rapidly with the introduction of novel targeted therapies, there are many unintended side effects that require knowledge of laboratory monitoring for appropriate m.
Oncology nurses need an understanding of genomic science to provide optimal care, yet they may have limited background in how this science guides treatment. The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) responded to this identified need.
Recruiting graduate nurses into oncology practice postgraduation continues to be challenging. Graduate nurses tend to prefer clinical settings that they consider high-tech or challenging, with oncology ranking low. In additio.
Background: Outpatient oncology infusion centers (OICs) use acuity to quantify the complexity and intensity of care to improve staffing levels and equitable patient assignments. OIC interviews revealed inconsistent measurement of acuity and a mixture of use cases. No publications measured objective operational benefits beyond surveyed nurse satisfaction or compared different models of acuity.
Objectives: This study assessed three acuity models across multiple centers to determine whether acuity was superior to patient volumes or patient hours in predicting the number of nurses needed to care for scheduled patients in an OIC, as well as the effect on objective metrics of missed nurse lunch breaks and patient wait times. A secondary end point was used to identify a superior model.
Methods: Classification machine learning models were built to assess the predictive value of three acuity models compared to patient hours and patient visits.
Findings: None of the tested acuity models were found to have statistically significant improvement to the prediction of needed OIC nurse staffing, patient wait times, or missed nurse lunch breaks.
I have had a broad global life experience. I was born in China and at the age of 11 years, my family decided that going to live with relatives in the United States was the best thing for me. I had to learn a new culture and l.
Patients receiving oncology care are at risk for malnutrition, which is associated with decreased cancer treatment tolerance, lower quality of life, and increased mortality. Implementation of frequent nutritional screening is.
Background: This study introduced Zentangle®, which involves drawing simple, repetitive lines and shapes to create patterns, as a tool to promote wellness for oncology nurses in a clinical practice setting.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine whether Zentangle used as a meditative activity in an acute time frame decreased stress, fatigue, and burnout while increasing professional quality of life and well-being in oncology nurses.
Methods: Twenty-six oncology nurses participated in a two-hour Zentangle class and received materials to complete art over four weeks. The Perceived Stress Scale, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-29, and the Professional Quality of Life measure were administered at selected periods. Twenty-four participants completed the study.
Findings: Nurses' well-being, socialization, anxiety, fatigue, secondary traumatic stress levels, and stress levels improved significantly. Most participants noted they would continue using Zentangle after the study. Zentangle is another tool to advance nurses' wellness by encouraging self-care.
Stem cell infusion practices vary widely among institutions. A nurse-driven quality improvement project sought to determine whether peristaltic pumps and filtered tubing compromised the safety of stem cell infusion. A preclin.
Background: The length of time from diagnosis of breast cancer to surgery has steadily increased. Consultations and tests, in addition to a lack of available counseling programs, contribute to delays. Evidence suggests that delays between diagnosis and surgery may adversely affect patients.
Objectives: This article examines the effect of time from diagnosis of breast cancer to surgery by requiring nurse navigators to contact the genetic counseling office within 48 hours of the diagnosis to schedule an appointment for the patient as soon as possible.
Methods: Using a quasiexperimental design, data of time from diagnosis to surgery among patients with breast cancer were collected retrospectively preintervention (N = 30) and prospectively postintervention (N = 30).
Findings: Time from diagnosis to surgery decreased significantly from pre- (mean = 50.3 days, SD = 22 days) to postintervention (mean = 39 days, SD = 16 days) (t = 2.25, p = 0.03).
Many people view health, wellness, and illness through a lens of religion and spirituality (R&S), modern science, and culture. Faith and science are not dichotomous in health care; they are complementary and even intercon.