Artificial intelligence use is increasing exponentially, including by patients in medical decision- making. Because of the limitations of chatbots and the possibility of receiving erroneous or incomplete information, patient.
Artificial intelligence use is increasing exponentially, including by patients in medical decision- making. Because of the limitations of chatbots and the possibility of receiving erroneous or incomplete information, patient.
Moving Beyond Cancer to Wellness is a patient- and caregiver-focused educational outreach event with an inspirational message and lectures that address common concerns among cancer survivors. This event is open to the communi.
Background: Managing antineoplastic orders, side effects, and symptoms is a primary role of oncology advanced practice providers (APPs). Antineoplastic management (ANM) is complex because of risk of medication errors, narrow therapeutic range of agents, frequent dose adjustments, and multiple drug regimens.
Objectives: This article describes an academic institution's review of current practice for ANM privileging and employing Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to develop a revised process relevant to APP practice, addressing efficiency, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness.
Methods: Using consecutive PDSA cycles, the team revised the didactic portion of the ANM privileging process and collaborated with nurses, pharmacists, and physicians for mentoring expertise.
Findings: The revised process resulted in increased relevance of ANM didactic content while requiring 75% less time to complete. To date, all ANM-privileged APPs at the institution (N = 49) have completed the revised ANM privileging process, with a 100% pass rate on the competency assessment.
This article describes standardizing ambulatory oncology nursing orientation within an academic comprehensive cancer center to reduce turnover rates. The nursing professional development specialist created a standardized orie.
Background: Complementary and alternative medicine encompasses various nonpharmacologic interventions for managing pain, such as acupuncture and music therapy. Few studies have combined these two interventions in the management of cancer-related pain.
Objectives: The purpose of this evidence-based project was to compare acupuncture-only therapy versus dual therapy (acupuncture and music therapy) on pain intensity scores in patients with cancer.
Methods: This evidence-based project included 102 participants at a private acupuncture practice. One group had acupuncture only for six weeks, and another had six weeks of acupuncture and music therapy. The Numeric Pain Rating Scale was used to assess pain before and after the interventions.
Findings: Findings showed that both groups had clinically and statistically significant improvements in pain intensity scores. Although a significant difference was not noted between the two groups, acupuncture and music therapy were each found to be effective for managing cancer-related pain.
Background: Adults with cancer experience a significantly higher level of anxiety compared with the general population. Anxiety is reported at diagnosis and throughout the cancer trajectory, and it is particularly heightened at the initiation of infusion treatments. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated anxiety levels in patients receiving cancer treatments.
Objectives: This evidence-based practice project evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of using medical-grade weighted blankets to reduce anxiety in patients with cancer receiving the first two infusion treatments in the ambulatory setting.
Methods: Patients completed a modified version of the Visual Analog Scale for Anxiety to self-report anxiety pre- and postimplementation. Patients and nurses completed feasibility surveys.
Findings: Patients reported reduced anxiety after using a weighted blanket and described weighted blankets as comforting and soothing. More than 90% of surveyed patients agreed or strongly agreed that the blanket was comfortable, not too heavy, and easy to put on, and did not interfere with nursing care or their own activities. Nurses valued the ease of use and adherence to infection control standards.
When something is impactful, we say that it alters us, touches us, changes us. We say that it has had a great influence on our lives. This, too, is true of my experience. Although I had been caring for others as an oncology n.
Anecdotally, from personal experience as a growing editor and in talking with experienced editors, rejecting evidence-based project manuscripts that do not include patient outcomes is routine. Phrased differently, it is typic.
In response to the nursing shortage and the emergence of telehealth opportunities, the Oncology Nursing Society used an evidence-based approach to examine current literature and trends for the two-person independent double ch.
During cancer treatment, oncology nurses emphasize patient and family education about coping strategies to manage adverse events such as gastrointestinal effects and fatigue. However, information about how to return to health.