Bacterial pneumonia greatly contributes to the disease burden and mortality of lower respiratory tract infections among all age groups and risk profiles. Therefore, laboratory modelling of bacterial pneumonia remains important for elucidating the complex host-pathogen interactions and to determine drug efficacy and toxicity. In vitro cell culture enables for the creation of high-throughput, specific disease models in a tightly controlled environment. Advanced human cell culture models specifically, can bridge the research gap between the classical two-dimensional cell models and animal models. This review provides an overview of the current status of the development of complex cellular in vitro models to study bacterial pneumonia infections, with a focus on air-liquid interface models, spheroid, organoid, and lung-on-a-chip models. For the wide scale, comparative literature search, we selected six clinically highly relevant bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus). We reviewed the cell lines that are commonly used, as well as trends and discrepancies in the methodology, ranging from cell infection parameters to assay read-outs. We also highlighted the importance of model validation and data transparency in guiding the research field towards more complex infection models.
Microbiomes are foundational components of the environment that provide essential services relating to food security, carbon sequestration, human health, and the overall well-being of ecosystems. Microbiota exert their effects primarily through complex interactions at interfaces with their plant, animal, and human hosts, as well as within the soil environment. This review aims to explore the ecological, evolutionary, and molecular processes governing the establishment and function of microbiome-host relationships, specifically at interfaces critical to One Health-a transdisciplinary framework that recognizes that the health outcomes of people, animals, plants, and the environment are tightly interconnected. Within the context of One Health, the core principles underpinning microbiome assembly will be discussed in detail, including biofilm formation, microbial recruitment strategies, mechanisms of microbial attachment, community succession, and the effect these processes have on host function and health. Finally, this review will catalogue recent advances in microbiology and microbial ecology methods that can be used to profile microbial interfaces, with particular attention to multi-omic, advanced imaging, and modelling approaches. These technologies are essential for delineating the general and specific principles governing microbiome assembly and functions, mapping microbial interconnectivity across varying spatial and temporal scales, and for the establishment of predictive frameworks that will guide the development of targeted microbiome-interventions to deliver One Health outcomes.
Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases in human history, prevailing even in the 21st century. The causative agents of TB are represented by a group of closely related bacteria belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), which can be subdivided into several lineages of human- and animal-adapted strains, thought to have shared a last common ancestor emerged by clonal expansion from a pool of recombinogenic Mycobacterium canettii-like tubercle bacilli. A better understanding of how MTBC populations evolved from less virulent mycobacteria may allow for discovering improved TB control strategies and future epidemiologic trends. In this review, we highlight new insights into the evolution of mycobacteria at the genus level, describing different milestones in the evolution of mycobacteria, with a focus on the genomic events that have likely enabled the emergence and the dominance of the MTBC. We also review the recent literature describing the various MTBC lineages and highlight their particularities and differences with a focus on host preferences and geographic distribution. Finally, we discuss on putative mechanisms driving the evolution of tubercle bacilli and mycobacteria in general, by taking the mycobacteria-specific distributive conjugal transfer as an example.
Promoter sequences are important genetic control elements. Through their interaction with RNA polymerase they determine transcription strength and specificity, thereby regulating the first step in gene expression. Consequently, they can be targeted as elements to control predictability and tuneability of a genetic circuit, which is essential in applications such as the development of robust microbial cell factories. This review considers the promoter elements implicated in the three stages of transcription initiation, detailing the complex interplay of sequence-specific interactions that are involved, and highlighting that DNA sequence features beyond the core promoter elements work in a combinatorial manner to determine transcriptional strength. In particular, we emphasize that, aside from promoter recognition, transcription initiation is also defined by the kinetics of open complex formation and promoter escape, which are also known to be highly sequence specific. Significantly, we focus on how insights into these interactions can be manipulated to lay the foundation for a more rational approach to promoter engineering.
The potential for microbial activity to occur within the engineered barrier system (EBS) of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste is acknowledged by waste management organizations as it could affect many aspects of the safety functions of a GDF. Microorganisms within an EBS will be exposed to changing temperature, pH, radiation, salinity, saturation, and availability of nutrient and energy sources, which can limit microbial survival and activity. Some of the limiting conditions are incorporated into GDF designs for safety reasons, including the high pH of cementitious repositories, the limited pore space of bentonite-based repositories, or the high salinity of GDFs in evaporitic geologies. Other environmental conditions such as elevated radiation, temperature, and desiccation, arise as a result of the presence of high heat generating waste (HHGW). Here, we present a comprehensive review of how environmental conditions in the EBS may limit microbial activity, covering HHGW and lower heat generating waste (LHGW) in a range of geological environments. We present data from the literature on the currently recognized limits to life for each of the environmental conditions described above, and nutrient availability to establish the potential for life in these environments. Using examples where each variable has been modelled for a particular GDF, we outline the times and locations when that variable can be expected to limit microbial activity. Finally, we show how this information for multiple variables can be used to improve our understanding of the potential for microbial activity to occur within the EBS of a GDF and, more broadly, to understand microbial life in changing environments exposed to multiple extreme conditions.
Insects are one of the most successful animals in nature, and entomopathogenic fungi play a significant role in the natural epizootic control of insect populations in many ecosystems. The interaction between insects and entomopathogenic fungi has continuously coevolved over hundreds of millions of years. Many components of the insect innate immune responses against fungal infection are conserved across phyla. Additionally, behavioral responses, which include avoidance, grooming, and/or modulation of body temperature, have been recognized as important mechanisms for opposing fungal pathogens. In an effort to investigate possible cross-talk and mediating mechanisms between these fundamental biological processes, recent studies have integrated and/or explored immune and behavioral responses. Current information indicates that during discrete stages of fungal infection, several insect behavioral and immune responses are altered simultaneously, suggesting important connections between the two systems. This review synthesizes recent advances in our understanding of the physiological and molecular aspects influencing cross-talk between behavioral and innate immune antifungal reactions, including chemical perception and olfactory pathways.
Twenty to forty one percent of the world's population is either transiently or permanently colonized by the Gram-positive bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus. In 2017, the CDC designated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) as a serious threat, reporting ∼300 000 cases of MRSA-associated hospitalizations annually, resulting in over 19 000 deaths, surpassing that of HIV in the USA. S. aureus is a proficient biofilm-forming organism that rapidly acquires resistance to antibiotics, most commonly methicillin (MRSA). This review focuses on a large group of (>30) S. aureus adhesins, either surface-associated or secreted that are designed to specifically bind to 15 or more of the proteins that form key components of the human extracellular matrix (hECM). Importantly, this includes hECM proteins that are pivotal to the homeostasis of almost every tissue environment [collagen (skin), proteoglycans (lung), hemoglobin (blood), elastin, laminin, fibrinogen, fibronectin, and fibrin (multiple organs)]. These adhesins offer S. aureus the potential to establish an infection in every sterile tissue niche. These infections often endure repeated immune onslaught, developing into chronic, biofilm-associated conditions that are tolerant to ∼1000 times the clinically prescribed dose of antibiotics. Depending on the infection and the immune response, this allows S. aureus to seamlessly transition from colonizer to pathogen by subtly manipulating the host against itself while providing the time and stealth that it requires to establish and persist as a biofilm. This is a comprehensive discussion of the interaction between S. aureus biofilms and the hECM. We provide particular focus on the role of these interactions in pathogenesis and, consequently, the clinical implications for the prevention and treatment of S. aureus biofilm infections.