The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional properties of salt-soluble proteins obtained from Protaetia brevitarsis (PB) and Tenebrio molitor (TM) larvae, the interaction between these proteins and pork myofibrillar protein (MP) in a gel system. The gel properties of salt-soluble protein extracts showed that the PB had a higher viscosity than the TM protein. However, the TM protein had higher gel strength compared with the PB protein. The gelation characteristics of the pork MP gel systems added with lyophilized insect salt-soluble protein powder showed to decrease slightly viscosity compared with MP alone. Adding the TM or PB protein powder did not affect the pork MP's hydrophobicity and sulfhydryl group levels. Furthermore, the protein bands of the MP did not change with the type or amount of insect salt-soluble protein. The cooking yields of the pork MP gels containing PB or TM protein powder were higher than those without insect protein. Regardless of the type of insect salt-soluble protein added, the pork MP's gel strength decreased. Furthermore, as the level of insect powder increased, the surface protein structure became rough and porous. The results demonstrated that proteins extracted from PB and TM larvae interfered with the gelation of pork MP in a gel system.
The cultured meat industry is continuously evolving due to the collective efforts of cultured meat companies and academics worldwide. Though still technologically limited, recent reports of regulatory approvals for cultured meat companies have initiated the standards-based approach towards cultured meat production. Incidents of deception in the meat industry call for fool-proof authentication methods to ensure consumer safety, product quality, and traceability. The cultured meat industry is not exempt from the threats of food fraud. Meat authentication techniques based on DNA, protein, and metabolite fingerprints of animal meat species needs to be evaluated for their applicability to cultured meat. Technique-based categorization of cultured meat products could ease the identification of appropriate authentication methods. The combination of methods with high sensitivity and specificity is key to increasing the accuracy and precision of meat authentication. The identification of markers (both physical and biochemical) to differentiate conventional meat from cultured meat needs to be established to ensure overall product traceability. The current review briefly discusses some areas in the cultured meat industry that are vulnerable to food fraud. Specifically, it targets the current meat and meat product authentication tests to emphasize the need for ensuring the traceability of cultured meat.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chitosan (CH)-based nanocomposite coating applications [chitosan+TiO2 (CHT) and chitosan+TiO2+rosmarinic acid (CHTRA)] on changes in quality attributes of rainbow trout fillets during cold storage (4°C). Fish fillets were randomly divided into four groups and subjected to treatments (CH, CHT, CHTRA, and control). After treatments, the groups were packaged under a modified atmosphere (40% CO2+30% O2+30% N2) and stored at 4°C for 18 days. During cold storage, the samples were subjected to physico-chemical and microbiological analyses. During storage, CH, CHT, and CHTRA treatments showed lower aerobic mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria counts than the control. However, the differences between coating treatments were not significant. The highest mean pH value was determined in the control group. As the storage time increased, the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value increased. At the end of the storage period, no significant differences were observed between the treatments, including in the control group. The total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) level in the control group was above 25 mg/100 g on day 15 of storage. However, the TVB-N level in the treatment groups was below 20 mg/100 g on day 18. It was also determined that coating application×storage period interaction had a significant effect on all color parameters (p<0.01). At the end of storage, the highest CIE L* was observed in CHTRA treatment. However, the value of this treatment did not differ from that of the CH treatment.
Health-promoting preparations of inanimate microorganisms or their components are postbiotics. Since probiotics are sensitive to heat and oxygen, postbiotics are stable during industrial processing and storage. Postbiotics boost poultry growth, feed efficiency, intestinal pathogen reduction, and health, making them acceptable drivers of sustainable poultry production. It contains many important biological properties, such as immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory responses. Postbiotics revealed promising antioxidant effects due to higher concentrations of uronic acid and due to some enzyme's production of antioxidants, e.g., superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidases and peroxidases. Postbiotics improve intestinal villi, increase lactic acid production, and reduce Enterobacteriaceae and fecal pH, all of which lead to a better immune reaction and health of the gut, as well as better growth performance. P13K/AKT as a potential target pathway for postbiotics-improved intestinal barrier functions. Similarly, postbiotics reduce yolk and plasma cholesterol levels in layers and improve egg quality. It was revealed that favorable outcomes were obtained with various inclusion levels at 1 kg and 0.5 kg. According to several studies, postbiotic compounds significantly increased poultry performance. This review article presents the most recent research investigating the beneficial results of postbiotics in poultry.
This research aimed to validate a high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantitative determination of bixin and norbixin in various foods. The Diode Array Detector (495 nm) technique was used. Method was validated for specificity, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, and accuracy, and the measurement uncertainty was assessed. The calibration curve showed excellent linearity (r2≥0.9999) over the tested concentration range of 0.2-25 mg/L. The LOD and LOQ were 0.03-0.11 and 0.02-0.05 mg/L for bixin and norbixin, respectively. The intra- and inter-day accuracies and precisions were 88.0±1.3-97.0±0.5% and 0.2%-2.6% relative SD (RSD) for bixin and 88.2±0.8-105.8±0.8% and 0.3%-2.7% RSD for norbixin, respectively. Inter-laboratory validation for accuracy and precision was conducted in three laboratories, and these results all met the AOAC guidelines. In addition, the relative expanded uncertainty (<22%) satisfied the CODEX recommendation. Furthermore, products distributed in Korea were monitored for annatto extracts using the proposed method to demonstrate its application. The developed analytical method is reliable for quantifying bixin and norbixin in various foods.
Processed foods containing pork fat tissue to improve flavor and gain economic benefit may cause severe issues for Muslims, Jews, and vegetarians. This study aimed to develop an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) based on a monoclonal antibody specific to thermal stable-soluble protein in pork fat tissue and apply it to detect pork fat tissue in heat-processed (autoclave, steam, roast, and fry) beef meatballs. To develop a sensitive iELISA, the optimal sample pre-cooking time, coating conditions, primary and secondary dilution time, and various buffer systems were tested. The change in the iELISA sensitivity with different 96-well microtiter microplates was confirmed. The detection limit of iELISA performed with an appropriate microplate was 0.015% (w/w) pork fat in raw and heat-treated beef. No cross-reactions to other meats or fats were shown. These results mean that the iELISA can be used as an analytical method to detect trace amounts of pork fat mixed in beef.