Sensory loss leads to widespread adaptation of neural circuits to mediate cross-modal plasticity, which allows the organism to better utilize the remaining senses to guide behavior. While cross-modal interactions are often thought to engage multisensory areas, cross-modal plasticity is often prominently observed at the level of the primary sensory cortices. One dramatic example is from functional imaging studies in humans where cross-modal recruitment of the deprived primary sensory cortex has been observed during the processing of the spared senses. In addition, loss of a sensory modality can lead to enhancement and refinement of the spared senses, some of which have been attributed to compensatory plasticity of the spared sensory cortices. Cross-modal plasticity is not restricted to early sensory loss but is also observed in adults, which suggests that it engages or enables plasticity mechanisms available in the adult cortical circuit. Because adult cross-modal plasticity is observed without gross anatomical connectivity changes, it is thought to occur mainly through functional plasticity of pre-existing circuits. The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involve activity-dependent homeostatic and Hebbian mechanisms. A particularly attractive mechanism is the sliding threshold metaplasticity model because it innately allows neurons to dynamically optimize their feature selectivity. In this mini review, I will summarize the cellular and molecular mechanisms that mediate cross-modal plasticity in the adult primary sensory cortices and evaluate the metaplasticity model as an effective framework to understand the underlying mechanisms.
The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) has increased sympathetic drive to the periphery that precedes and contributes to the development of high blood pressure, making it a useful model for the study of neurogenic hypertension. Comparisons to the normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat have demonstrated altered active and intrinsic properties of SHR sympathetic neurons shortly before the onset of hypertension. Here we examine the structural and functional plasticity of postnatal SHR and WKY sympathetic neurons cultured alone or co-cultured with cardiomyocytes under conditions of limited extrinsic signaling. SHR neurons have an increased number of structural synaptic sites compared to age-matched WKY neurons, measured by the co-localization of presynaptic vesicular acetylcholine transporter and postsynaptic shank proteins. Whole cell recordings show that SHR neurons have a higher synaptic charge than WKY neurons, demonstrating that the increase in synaptic sites is associated with increased synaptic transmission. Differences in synaptic properties are not associated with altered firing rates between postnatal WKY and SHR neurons and are not influenced by interactions with target cardiomyocytes from either strain. Both SHR and WKY neurons show tonic firing patterns in our cultures, which are depleted of non-neuronal ganglionic cells and provide limited neurotrophic signaling. This suggests that the normal mature, phasic firing of sympathetic neurons requires extrinsic signaling, with potentially differential responses in the prehypertensive SHR, which have been reported to maintain tonic firing at later developmental stages. While cardiomyocytes do not drive neuronal differences in our cultures, SHR cardiomyocytes display decreased hypertrophy compared to WKY cells and altered responses to co-cultured sympathetic neurons. These experiments suggest that altered signaling in SHR neurons and cardiomyocytes contributes to changes in the cardiac-sympathetic circuit in prehypertensive rats as early as the postnatal period.
Sympathetic neurons are powerful drivers of cardiac excitability. In the early stages of hypertension, sympathetic hyperactivity is underpinned by down regulation of M current and increased activity of Cav2.2 that is associated with greater intracellular calcium transients and enhanced neurotransmission. Emerging evidence suggests that retrograde signaling from the myocyte itself can modulate synaptic plasticity. Here we tested the hypothesis that cross culturing healthy myocytes onto diseased stellate neurons could influence sympathetic excitability. We employed neuronal mono-cultures, co-cultures of neonatal ventricular myocytes and sympathetic stellate neurons, and mono-cultures of sympathetic neurons with media conditioned by myocytes from normal (Wistar) and pre-hypertensive (SHR) rats, which have heightened sympathetic responsiveness. Neuronal firing properties were measured by current-clamp as a proxy for neuronal excitability. SHR neurons had a maximum higher firing rate, and reduced rheobase compared to Wistar neurons. There was no difference in firing rate or other biophysical properties in Wistar neurons when they were co-cultured with healthy myocytes. However, the firing rate decreased, phenocopying the Wistar response when either healthy myocytes or media in which healthy myocytes were grown was cross-cultured with SHR neurons. This supports the idea of a paracrine signaling pathway from the healthy myocyte to the diseased neuron, which can act as a modulator of sympathetic excitability.
Introduction: The ability of synapses to maintain physiological levels of evoked neurotransmission is essential for neuronal stability. A variety of perturbations can disrupt neurotransmission, but synapses often compensate for disruptions and work to stabilize activity levels, using forms of homeostatic synaptic plasticity. Presynaptic homeostatic potentiation (PHP) is one such mechanism. PHP is expressed at the Drosophila melanogaster larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) synapse, as well as other NMJs. In PHP, presynaptic neurotransmitter release increases to offset the effects of impairing muscle transmitter receptors. Prior Drosophila work has studied PHP using different ways to perturb muscle receptor function-either acutely (using pharmacology) or chronically (using genetics). Some of our prior data suggested that cytoplasmic calcium signaling was important for expression of PHP after genetic impairment of glutamate receptors. Here we followed up on that observation. Methods: We used a combination of transgenic Drosophila RNA interference and overexpression lines, along with NMJ electrophysiology, synapse imaging, and pharmacology to test if regulators of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin are necessary for the normal expression of PHP. Results: We found that either pre- or postsynaptic dysregulation of a Drosophila gene regulating calcineurin, sarah (sra), blocks PHP. Tissue-specific manipulations showed that either increases or decreases in sra expression are detrimental to PHP. Additionally, pharmacologically and genetically induced forms of expression of PHP are functionally separable depending entirely upon which sra genetic manipulation is used. Surprisingly, dual-tissue pre- and postsynaptic sra knockdown or overexpression can ameliorate PHP blocks revealed in single-tissue experiments. Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of calcineurin corroborated this latter finding. Discussion: Our results suggest tight calcineurin regulation is needed across multiple tissue types to stabilize peripheral synaptic outputs.
Acute regulation of CO2 and pH homeostasis requires sensory feedback from peripheral (carotid body) and central (central) CO2/pH sensitive cells - so called respiratory chemoreceptors. Subsets of brainstem serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the medullary raphe are CO2 sensitive or insensitive based on differences in embryonic origin, suggesting these functionally distinct subpopulations may have unique transcriptional profiles. Here, we used Patch-to-Seq to determine if the CO2 responses in brainstem 5-HT neurons could be correlated to unique transcriptional profiles and/or unique molecular markers and pathways. First, firing rate changes with hypercapnic acidosis were measured in fluorescently labeled 5-HT neurons in acute brainstem slices from transgenic, Dahl SS (SSMcwi) rats expressing T2/ePet-eGFP transgene in Pet-1 expressing (serotonin) neurons (SS ePet1-eGFP rats). Subsequently, the transcriptomic and pathway profiles of CO2 sensitive and insensitive 5-HT neurons were determined and compared by single cell RNA (scRNAseq) and bioinformatic analyses. Low baseline firing rates were a distinguishing feature of CO2 sensitive 5-HT neurons. scRNAseq of these recorded neurons revealed 166 differentially expressed genes among CO2 sensitive and insensitive 5-HT neurons. Pathway analyses yielded novel predicted upstream regulators, including the transcription factor Egr2 and Leptin. Additional bioinformatic analyses identified 6 candidate gene markers of CO2 sensitive 5-HT neurons, and 2 selected candidate genes (CD46 and Iba57) were both expressed in 5-HT neurons determined via in situ mRNA hybridization. Together, these data provide novel insights into the transcriptional control of cellular chemoreception and provide unbiased candidate gene markers of CO2 sensitive 5-HT neurons. Methodologically, these data highlight the utility of the patch-to-seq technique in enabling the linkage of gene expression to specific functions, like CO2 chemoreception, in a single cell to identify potential mechanisms underlying functional differences in otherwise similar cell types.
The GRIN2B-related neurodevelopmental disorder is a rare disease caused by mutations in the GRIN2B gene, which encodes the GluN2B subunit of NMDA receptors. Most individuals with GRIN2B-related neurodevelopmental disorder present with intellectual disability and developmental delay. Motor impairments, autism spectrum disorder, and epilepsy are also common. A large number of pathogenic de novo mutations have been identified in GRIN2B. However, it is not yet known how these variants lead to the clinical symptoms of the disease. Recent research has begun to address this issue. Here, we describe key experimental approaches that have been used to better understand the pathophysiology of this disease. We discuss the impact of several distinct pathogenic GRIN2B variants on NMDA receptor properties. We then critically review pivotal studies examining the synaptic and neurodevelopmental phenotypes observed when disease-associated GluN2B variants are expressed in neurons. These data provide compelling evidence that various GluN2B mutants interfere with neuronal differentiation, dendrite morphogenesis, synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity. Finally, we identify important open questions and considerations for future studies aimed at understanding this complex disease. Together, the existing data provide insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie GRIN2B-related neurodevelopmental disorder and emphasize the importance of comparing the effects of individual, disease-associated variants. Understanding the molecular, cellular and circuit phenotypes produced by a wide range of GRIN2B variants should lead to the identification of core neurodevelopmental phenotypes that characterize the disease and lead to its symptoms. This information could help guide the development and application of effective therapeutic strategies for treating individuals with GRIN2B-related neurodevelopmental disorder.