Background: This study aimed to synthesize and quantitatively examine Health State Utility Values (HSUVs) for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and its complications, providing a robust meta-regression framework for selecting appropriate HSUV estimates.
Method: We conducted a systematic review to extract HSUVs for T2DM and its complications, encompassing various influencing factors. Relevant literature was sourced from a review spanning 2000-2020, supplemented by literature from PubMed, Embase, and the Web of Science (up to March 2024). Multivariate meta-regression was performed to evaluate the impact of measurement tools, tariffs, health status, and clinical and demographic variables on HSUVs.
Results: Our search yielded 118 studies, contributing 1044 HSUVs. The HSUVs for T2DM with complications varied, from 0.65 for cerebrovascular disease to 0.77 for neuropathy. The EQ-5D-3L emerged as the most frequently employed valuation method. HSUV differences across instruments were observed; 15-D had the highest (0.89), while HUI-3 had the lowest (0.70) values. Regression analysis elucidated the significant effects of instrument and tariff choice on HSUVs. Complication-related utility decrement, especially in diabetic foot, was quantified. Age <70 was linked to increased HSUVs, while longer illness duration, hypertension, overweight and obesity correlated with reduced HSUVs.
Conclusion: Accurate HSUVs are vital for the optimization of T2DM management strategies. This study provided a comprehensive data pool for HSUVs selection, and quantified the influence of various factors on HSUVs, informing analysts and policymakers in understanding the utility variations associated with T2DM and its complications.
Background: Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is an effective way to reduce time, repetitious redundancy, and respond burden, and has been used to measure outcomes in many diseases. This study aimed to develop and validate a comprehensive disease-specific CAT for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient-reported outcome measurement.
Methods: The discrimination and difficulty of the items from the modified patient-reported outcome scale for COPD (mCOPD-PRO) were analyzed using item response theory. Then the initial item, item selection method, ability estimation method, and stopping criteria were further set based on Concerto platform to form the CAT. Finally, the reliability and validity were validated.
Results: The item discrimination ranged from 1.05 to 2.71, and the item difficulty ranged from - 3.08 to 3.65. The measurement reliability of the CAT ranged from 0.910 to 0.922 using random method, while that ranged from 0.910 to 0.924 using maximum Fisher information (MFI) method. The content validity was good. The correlation coefficient between theta of the CAT and COPD assessment test and modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale scores using random method was 0.628 and 0.540 (P < 0.001; P < 0.001) respectively, while that using MFI method was 0.347 and 0.328 (P = 0.007; P = 0.010) respectively. About 11 items (reducing by 59.3%) on average were tested using random method, while about seven items (reducing by 74.1%) on average using MFI method. The correlation coefficient between theta of the CAT and mCOPD-PRO total scores using random method was 0.919 (P < 0.001), while that using MFI method was 0.760 (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: The comprehensive disease-specific CAT for COPD patient-reported outcome measurement is well developed with good psychometric properties, which can provide an efficient, accurate, and user-friendly measurement for patient-reported outcome of COPD.
Background: Diabetes-specific quality of life (QoL) questionnaires are commonly used to assess the impact of diabetes and its management on an individual's quality of life. While several valid and reliable measures of diabetes-specific QoL exist, there is no consensus on which to use and in what setting. Furthermore, there is limited evidence of their acceptability to people with diabetes. Our aim was to explore perceptions of adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) toward five diabetes-specific QoL measures.
Methods: Adults (aged 18 + years) with T1D living in Australia or the United Kingdom (UK) were eligible to take part in 'YourSAY: QoL', an online cross-sectional survey. Recruitment involved study promotion on diabetes-related websites and social media, as well as direct invitation of people with T1D via a hospital client list (UK only). In random order, participants completed five diabetes-specific QoL measures: Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL-19); Diabetes Care Profile: Social and Personal Factors subscale (DCP); DAWN Impact of Diabetes Profile (DIDP); Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life Scale: Burden Subscale (DSQoLS); Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire (Diabetes QOL-Q). They were invited to provide feedback on each questionnaire in the form of a brief free-text response. Responses were analysed using inductive, thematic template analysis.
Results: Of the N = 1,946 adults with T1D who completed the survey, 20% (UK: n = 216, Australia: n = 168) provided qualitative responses about ≥ 1 measure. All measures received both positive and negative feedback, across four themes: (1) clarity and ease of completion, e.g., difficulty isolating impact of diabetes, dislike of hypothetical questions, and preference for 'not applicable' response options; (2) relevance and comprehensiveness, e.g., inclusion of a wide range of aspects of life to improve personal relevance; (3) length and repetition, e.g., length to be balanced against respondent burden; (4) framing and tone, e.g., preference for respectful language and avoidance of extremes.
Conclusions: These findings suggest opportunities to improve the relevance and acceptability of existing diabetes-specific QoL measures, and offer considerations for developing new measures, which need to be better informed by the preferences of people living with diabetes.
Background: Incorporating principles of family-centered care into pediatric weight management interventions can improve the effectiveness and quality of treatment and reduce attrition rates. To assess the family-centeredness of interventions, reliable, valid, and easy-to-administer scales are needed. The purpose of the study was to develop a shortened version of the modified Family Centered Care Assessment (mFCCA) and assess its psychometric properties.
Methods: The mFCCA, a scale to assess the family-centeredness of interventions for childhood obesity, was administered to families following the Connect for Health randomized control trial evaluating the effectiveness of a primary care-based pediatric weight management intervention. We iteratively removed items from the mFCCA and used Rasch modeling to examine the reliability and validity of the shortened scale.
Results: We included data from 318 parents and the exploratory factor analysis showed the presence of a single factor. The results of the Rasch modeling demonstrated acceptable internal consistency of the scale (0.7) and strong validity as evidenced by the overall model fit and range of item difficulty. Following the psychometric analyses, we reduced the number of items from 24 to 8 items.
Conclusion: The mFCCA short version demonstrates good psychometrics and can be used to evaluate the family-centeredness of childhood obesity interventions with reduced participant burden, thereby improving outcomes for children with obesity.
Trial registration: NCT02124460 registered on April 24, 2014.
Background: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disease resulting in progressive muscle weakness, loss of ambulation, and cardiorespiratory complications. Direct estimation of health-related quality of life for patients with DMD is challenging, highlighting the need for proxy measures. This study aims to catalog and compare existing published health state utility estimates for DMD and related conditions.
Methods: Using two search strategies, relevant utilities were extracted from the Tufts Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry, including health states, utility estimates, and study and patient characteristics. Analysis One identified health states with comparable utility estimates to a set of published US patient population utility estimates for DMD. A minimal clinically important difference of ± 0.03 was applied to each DMD utility estimate to establish a range, and the registry was searched to identify other health states with associated utilities that fell within each range. Analysis Two used pre-defined search terms to identify health states clinically similar to DMD. Mapping was based on the degree of clinical similarity.
Results: Analysis One identified 4,308 unique utilities across 2,322 cost-effectiveness publications. The health states captured a wide range of acute and chronic conditions; 34% of utility records were extrapolated for US populations (n = 1,451); 1% were related to pediatric populations (n = 61). Analysis Two identified 153 utilities with health states clinically similar to DMD. The median utility estimates varied among identified health states. Health states similar to the early non-ambulatory DMD phase exhibited the greatest difference between the median estimate of the sample (0.39) and the existing estimate from published literature (0.21).
Conclusions: When available estimates are limited, using novel search strategies to identify utilities of clinically similar conditions could be an approach for overcoming the information gap. However, it requires careful evaluation of the utility instruments, tariffs, and raters (proxy or self).
Background: Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) can be used to assess the impact of health conditions upon an individual's health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Whilst PROMs have been used to quantify the HRQoL impact of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), existing instruments may not fully capture what matters to people living with ALS (plwALS) or be appropriate to be used directly to inform the cost-effectiveness of new treatments. This highlights a need for a new condition-specific PROM that can both capture what's important to plwALS and be used in economic evaluation. This study has two key aims: 1) to produce a novel PROM for measuring HRQoL in plwALS (PROQuALS). 2) to value a set of items from the novel PROM to generate an associated preference-weighted measure (PWM) that will enable utility values to be generated.
Methods: A mixed-methods study design will be conducted across three stages. Stage 1 involves concept elicitation and the generation of draft PROM content from a robust and comprehensive systematic review of HRQoL in ALS, with input from plwALS. Stage 2 consists of cognitive debriefing of the draft PROM content to ascertain its content validity (Stage 2a), followed by a psychometric survey (Stage 2b) to assess statistical performance. Evidence from Stage 2 will be used to make decisions on the final content and format of the novel PROM. Stage 3 will involve valuation and econometric modeling using health economics methods to generate preference weights, so a PWM derived from the novel PROM can be used in the cost-effectiveness analyses of treatments. Patient and clinical advisory groups will have critical, collaborative input throughout the project.
Discussion: The novel PROM will be designed to comprehensively assess important aspects of HRQoL to plwALS and to quantify HRQoL in terms of subjective impact. The PROQuALS measure will be available for use in research and healthcare settings. The associated PWM component will extend and enable the use of PROQuALS in cost-effective analyses of new treatments for ALS.
Trial registration: Not applicable.
Background: Individuals with sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) tend to be overreactive in response to negative environmental stimuli. More is known about the positive relationship between SPS and quality of life (QoL); nevertheless, less is known regarding the roles of resilience and social determinants in this association. This research aimed to investigate the potential mediation effect of resilience and the moderation effect of social determinants on the relationship between SPS and QoL in a large sample of Chinese cancer patients.
Methods: We used the most recent datasets from an ongoing project conducted in southwest China. A two-stage random sampling strategy with a probability proportionate to sample size (PPS) design was adopted. The associations between resilience, SPS, and QoL were evaluated using a linear regression model. Path analysis was adopted to examine the mediation of resilience.
Results: Resilience was positively associated with quality of life, while increased sensory processing sensitivity was negatively associated with quality of life. The restricted cubic spline analysis revealed that as resilience increased, the coefficients of quality of life rapidly increased across all domains. Conversely, the coefficients for quality of life gradually decreased with the escalation of sensory processing sensitivity. Resilience was a significant mediator, accounting for 21.88% of the total SPS-QoL association. The mediation effect of resilience varied across ethnicity and sex.
Conclusion: Sensory processing sensitivity was significantly associated with quality of life in cancer patients, and promoting resilience could mitigate this negative impact. However, the effect of resilience varies across sex and ethnicity. Therefore, targeted resilience promotion interventions, especially those integrating social characteristics, should be considered for implementation.