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Clinicians need to stay current with polypharmacy concerns 临床医生需要及时了解多种药物的问题
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-07-03 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21803
Mike Fillon
<p>Anew study raises an alarm over polypharmacy, an issue that is not new but may become more worrisome because of an aging population and a myriad of new drugs coming to market, including cancer drugs. The study appears in <i>Cancer</i> (doi:10.1002/cncr.34642).</p><p>Corresponding author Erika Ramsdale, MD, MS, geriatric oncologist and associate professor of hematology/oncology in the Department of Medicine at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, warns that although there is some evidence that cancer treatment outcomes may be affected by taking multiple medications and/or potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs), “the research is still very sparse.”</p><p>Dr Ramsdale says that the main goal of this new study was to examine the associations between polypharmacy, PIMs, and potential drug–drug interactions (PDIs) and adverse cancer treatment outcomes in a large national cohort of older adults with advanced cancer. The authors note that polypharmacy and PIMs have suspected roles in many adverse events in older patients with cancer, including toxicities, but cause and effect links have been unclear.</p><p>This secondary analysis uses data from an earlier nationwide, multicenter, cluster-randomized study by the same team that appeared in <i>The Lancet</i> (doi:10.1016/S01406736(21)01789-X). Known as the Geriatric Assessment for Patients 70 Years and Older (GAP70+) study, it assessed clinician-rated grade 3–5 chemotherapy toxicity in older adults with advanced cancer who were undergoing a new cancer treatment regimen.</p><p>In the <i>Cancer</i> study, the authors note that a host of variables exist beyond the age and possible disabilities of the patients. Other factors that can contribute to difficulties include health care system–level issues, such as poor transitions of care, interdepartmental communication, multiple pharmacies, and “prescribing cascades.”</p><p>There were 718 patients enrolled in the study between July 2014 and March 2019 who had provided written consent. The subjects ranged in age from 70 to 94 years, were predominantly male (56.4%) and non-Hispanic White (87.5%), and had a stage III/IV solid tumor or lymphoma (87.5%). Gastrointestinal cancer was the most common type (246 patients; 34.3%), and it was followed by lung cancer (180 patients; 25.1%).</p><p>Four hundred forty of the 718 patients (61.3%) were taking five or more medications, 198 (27.6%) were taking eight or more, and 104 (14.5%) were taking more than 10. The researchers found that 447 patients (62.3%) received one or more PIMs according to the 2019 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria (range, 0–8 PIMs), and 206 (28.7%) received at least one PIM according to the Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Prescriptions (STOPP) criteria. All told, there were 482 patients (67.1%) with one or more PIMs.</p><p>There were 177 patients who had at least one potentially major PDI (category D or X).</p><p>The researchers found that the mean number of grade 2 or high
一项新的研究对多重用药提出了警告,这个问题并不新鲜,但由于人口老龄化和包括抗癌药物在内的无数新药进入市场,这个问题可能会变得更加令人担忧。这项研究发表在《癌症》杂志上(doi:10.1002/cncr.34642)。通讯作者Erika Ramsdale,医学博士,医学硕士,老年肿瘤学家,纽约罗彻斯特大学医学系血液学/肿瘤学副教授,警告说,尽管有一些证据表明,服用多种药物和/或潜在的不适当药物(PIMs)可能会影响癌症治疗结果,“研究仍然非常稀少。”Ramsdale博士说,这项新研究的主要目标是在一个大型的国家老年晚期癌症队列中,研究多种药物、pim和潜在的药物-药物相互作用(pdi)与不良癌症治疗结果之间的关系。作者指出,多种药物和pim被怀疑在老年癌症患者的许多不良事件中起作用,包括毒性,但因果关系尚不清楚。这一次要分析使用了来自于《柳叶刀》(doi:10.1016/S01406736(21)01789-X)上的同一研究小组早期全国多中心集群随机研究的数据。该研究被称为70岁及以上患者的老年评估(GAP70+)研究,该研究评估了接受新的癌症治疗方案的老年晚期癌症患者临床评价的3-5级化疗毒性。在癌症研究中,作者指出,除了患者的年龄和可能的残疾之外,还有许多变量存在。其他可能造成困难的因素包括卫生保健系统层面的问题,如护理过渡不良、部门间沟通、多家药店和“处方级联”。在2014年7月至2019年3月期间,有718名患者参加了这项研究,他们提供了书面同意。受试者年龄在70 - 94岁之间,主要为男性(56.4%)和非西班牙裔白人(87.5%),患有III/IV期实体瘤或淋巴瘤(87.5%)。胃肠道癌是最常见的类型(246例;34.3%),其次是肺癌(180例;25.1%)。718例患者中有440例(61.3%)服用5种及以上药物,198例(27.6%)服用8种及以上药物,104例(14.5%)服用10种及以上药物。研究人员发现,根据2019年美国老年医学会比尔斯标准(范围,0-8个PIM), 447名患者(62.3%)接受了一次或多次PIM, 206名患者(28.7%)根据老年人处方筛选工具(STOPP)标准接受了至少一次PIM。总共有482名患者(67.1%)有一种或多种pim。有177名患者至少有一种潜在的主要PDI (D或X类)。研究人员发现,2级或更高级别毒性的平均数量为8.0。他们还发现,178名研究参与者在治疗后3个月内住院。对于那些服用少于8种药物的患者,2级或更高级别毒性的平均数量为7.7,对于服用8种或更多药物的患者,这一数字上升到9.8。拉姆斯代尔博士说,这项研究的一个关键发现是,它表明,为非癌症诊断而服用的药物与老年患者对癌症治疗的耐受程度之间存在联系。“你可能最初认为服用更多药物的人有更多的健康问题,因此可能会因为这些问题而在癌症治疗中表现更差,但我们在数学模型中调整了其他健康状况。”具体来说,她指出服用八种或更多药物与更高的化疗毒性中位数相关。此外,pim的使用与住院率增加有关,药物-药物相互作用与早期停止癌症治疗有关。“这项研究增加了癌症领域的新信息,”医学博士威廉·戴尔(William Dale)说,他是老年肿瘤学乔治·蔡氏家族主席,癌症与衰老中心主任,加州洛杉矶希望之城支持护理医学系学术事务教授兼副主席。“虽然老年医学中的多种药物问题相当众所周知,但在癌症领域,指导我们使用非癌症药物的数据很少。”所以,从这个角度来说,这是一个新的重要发现,它让我们对如何在老年晚期癌症患者中使用多种药物有了更细致的了解。(虽然戴尔博士没有参与癌症研究,但他是《柳叶刀》杂志上这项研究的合著者。)拉姆斯代尔博士说,这项研究是独一无二的,因为它专门研究了在社区而不是学术中心接受治疗的老年人,更脆弱或体弱多病的成年人。 她说:“我们通常没有关于这些患者的数据,尽管他们代表了接受癌症治疗的老年人的更典型情况。”拉姆斯代尔博士补充说,他们能够收集到的详细信息,包括患者服用了什么药物,他们在癌症治疗期间的表现如何,以及他们接受了多少癌症治疗,这些信息都是有价值的:“这些信息通常对研究人员来说是无法获得的。”例如,她指出,他们不仅有患者处方药的信息,也有他们正在服用的非处方药的信息。她说:“收集的数据使我们能够非常详细地了解总的药物负担,以及患者正在服用的各种疗法之间潜在相互作用的全部范围。”戴尔博士说,许多老年患者已经开始使用多种药物治疗各种问题,临床医生可能会“推迟并继续”,而不考虑可能的后果。“最好咨询一下患者的初级保健医生,看看患者是否可以在癌症治疗期间停止服用这些药物,因为你服用的药物越多,就越有可能出现意想不到的问题。”他补充说,随着包括新的抗癌药物在内的许多新药的推出,这个问题可能会变得更加严重。“在某些情况下,我们没有足够的数据来了解是否(潜在地)存在任何可避免的不良相互作用。”临床医生可以在deprescribing.org网站上查看药物相互作用的指导,这是一个由治疗老年人的专家开发的网站。戴尔博士说:“它们提供了适当停药的一般原则指导。”还有一个常见的难题是,确定哪位医生负责管理处方,哪位医生是在患者进入肿瘤治疗时协调用药的正确人选。“可能没有人想碰其他临床医生的药物,”戴尔博士说。他建议老年人综合护理专家,如老年病学家,带头。“我们在综合药房和护理协调问题上的专业知识使我们能够承担不同专业之间所需的协调责任。”拉姆斯代尔博士对此表示赞同。“癌症治疗的决定是复杂的,特别是在老年人中,我们没有那么多的数据。这项研究表明,患者和他们的护理团队应该根据癌症诊断和治疗决策来讨论他们的其他药物。”Ramsdale博士还认为,可能有机会重新考虑一些药物或调整方案,也许可以减少一些癌症治疗毒性的风险,或提高癌症治疗的有效性。她说:“为了验证这项研究的结果,我们需要[检查]前瞻性干预措施,例如'取消处方'干预措施,以确定这些干预措施是否有助于患者更好地耐受癌症治疗并从中受益。”
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引用次数: 0
Patient navigation across the cancer care continuum: An overview of systematic reviews and emerging literature 癌症护理连续性的患者导航:系统综述和新兴文献综述。
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-26 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21788
Raymond J. Chan RN, PhD, Vivienne E. Milch MBBS(Hons), MHPol, Fiona Crawford-Williams PhD, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule BRadTherapy, Ria Joseph MNutrDiet, Jolyn Johal BND(Hons), Narayanee Dick BSc(Hons), Matthew P. Wallen PhD, Julie Ratcliffe PhD, Anupriya Agarwal MBBS, Larissa Nekhlyudov MD, Matthew Tieu PhD, Manaf Al-Momani BPharm, Scott Turnbull PhD, Rahul Sathiaraj MPH, Dorothy Keefe MBBS, MD, Nicolas H. Hart PhD

Patient navigation is a strategy for overcoming barriers to reduce disparities and to improve access and outcomes. The aim of this umbrella review was to identify, critically appraise, synthesize, and present the best available evidence to inform policy and planning regarding patient navigation across the cancer continuum. Systematic reviews examining navigation in cancer care were identified in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, Embase, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), Epistemonikos, and Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) databases and in the gray literature from January 1, 2012, to April 19, 2022. Data were screened, extracted, and appraised independently by two authors. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Review and Research Syntheses was used for quality appraisal. Emerging literature up to May 25, 2022, was also explored to capture primary research published beyond the coverage of included systematic reviews. Of the 2062 unique records identified, 61 systematic reviews were included. Fifty-four reviews were quantitative or mixed-methods reviews, reporting on the effectiveness of cancer patient navigation, including 12 reviews reporting costs or cost-effectiveness outcomes. Seven qualitative reviews explored navigation needs, barriers, and experiences. In addition, 53 primary studies published since 2021 were included. Patient navigation is effective in improving participation in cancer screening and reducing the time from screening to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment initiation. Emerging evidence suggests that patient navigation improves quality of life and patient satisfaction with care in the survivorship phase and reduces hospital readmission in the active treatment and survivorship care phases. Palliative care data were extremely limited. Economic evaluations from the United States suggest the potential cost-effectiveness of navigation in screening programs.

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引用次数: 8
Isn’t there enough evidence on the benefits of patient navigation? 难道没有足够的证据证明患者导航的好处吗?
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-26 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21805
Electra D. Paskett PhD, Tracy Battaglia MD, MPH, Elizabeth A. Calhoun PhD, MEd, Michelle C. Chappell MS, Andrea Dwyer BS, Linda G. Fleisher PhD, MPH, Jennifer Greenwald MPH, Kristen J. Wells PhD, MPH
<p>In this issue of <i>CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians</i>, Chan and colleagues<span><sup>1</sup></span> describe an umbrella review of 61 systematic reviews published between 2012 and 2022, along with a review of 53 primary studies published globally since 2021. Patient navigation (PN) has many definitions, and, in this, review PN was defined according to the definition of Wells et al.<span><sup>2</sup></span> combined with that of Dalton et al.,<span><sup>3</sup></span> which expanded the definition of PN to also include care coordination. Their primary research question focused on evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different cancer navigation models and programs. Multiple databases were searched to find quantitative PN intervention studies with any comparator as well as qualitative, mixed-methods, and systematic reviews. The Joanna Briggs Institute’s JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Review and Research Syntheses was used to examine the risk of bias for each of the systematic reviews. Findings of this umbrella review indicated that the risk of bias of the included systematic reviews seemed low; however, fewer than one half of the included reviews reported the likelihood of publication bias. The review concluded that PN is effective in increasing uptake or adherence to cancer screening, reducing the time from screening abnormality to diagnosis, increasing rates of diagnostic resolution, reducing the time from diagnostic resolution to treatment initiation, increasing treatment completion, increasing treatment adherence, increasing survivorship surveillance appointments for breast or cervical cancer, increasing quality of life, and increasing satisfaction with care. Furthermore, the review pointed to a lack of evidence regarding PN in palliative care and end-of-life phases. The review also concluded that most effectiveness and cost-effectiveness data for PN interventions were collected in the United States; therefore, Chan and colleagues call for additional research to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of PN outside of the United States, in survivorship and palliative care phases of the cancer continuum, for indigenous populations, and for individuals affected by rare cancers, hematologic malignancies, as well as advanced or metastatic cancer.<span><sup>1</sup></span></p><p>Although this review has many important contributions to the literature, there are points that need to be addressed. First, although Chan and colleagues updated the more recent literature, their conclusions do not differ from those of the myriad of other reviews. Now is the time for the implementation of PN in health care because the amount and consistency of evidence is sufficient demonstrating the impact of PN across the cancer continuum. This report solidifies the evidence—when can we all agree that enough evidence is enough and that PN needs to be an integral part of usual clinical care with reimbursement? The next phas
在这一期的CA:临床医生癌症杂志中,Chan及其同事1描述了2012年至2022年间发表的61项系统综述,以及自2021年以来全球发表的53项主要研究的综述。患者导航(Patient navigation, PN)有很多定义,在本文中,review PN是根据Wells等人2和Dalton等人3的定义来定义的,后者将PN的定义扩展到也包括护理协调。他们的主要研究问题集中在评估不同癌症导航模型和项目的有效性和成本效益上。我们检索了多个数据库,以找到任何比较物的定量PN干预研究,以及定性、混合方法和系统评价。乔安娜布里格斯研究所的JBI系统评价和研究综合关键评估清单用于检查每个系统评价的偏倚风险。该综述的结果表明,纳入的系统评价的偏倚风险似乎很低;然而,不到一半的纳入综述报告了发表偏倚的可能性。该综述的结论是,PN在增加接受或坚持癌症筛查、减少从筛查异常到诊断的时间、增加诊断决定论率、减少从诊断决定论到开始治疗的时间、增加治疗完成率、增加治疗依从性、增加乳腺癌或宫颈癌的生存监测预约、提高生活质量和提高护理满意度方面是有效的。此外,回顾指出缺乏关于姑息治疗和临终阶段PN的证据。该综述还得出结论,大多数PN干预措施的有效性和成本效益数据是在美国收集的;因此,Chan和他的同事呼吁进行更多的研究,以评估在美国以外的地区,在癌症连续体的生存和姑息治疗阶段,对土著人群,受罕见癌症、血液恶性肿瘤以及晚期或转移性癌症影响的个体,PN的有效性和成本效益。虽然这篇综述对文献有许多重要的贡献,但仍有一些需要解决的问题。首先,尽管Chan和他的同事们更新了最近的文献,但他们的结论与无数其他综述的结论并没有什么不同。现在是在卫生保健中实施PN的时候了,因为证据的数量和一致性足以证明PN在整个癌症连续体中的影响。这份报告巩固了证据——我们什么时候才能一致认为足够的证据就足够了,PN需要成为常规临床护理的一个组成部分并得到报销?下一阶段的研究应收集和报告日常护理中PN的实施情况。其次,Chan和他的同事正确地指出了对PN的一致定义的必要性。在我们看来,当研究人员和从业者不使用由美国癌症协会(ACS)国家导航圆桌会议(NNRT)等主要组织建立和审查的PN定义时,他们对PN造成了伤害使用不一致的PN定义和将患者导航员与其他类别的医疗保健提供者混为一谈是接受PN作为收费服务的重要障碍。第三,在同一主题上,包括其他提供PN类服务的护理和研究PN的人并没有加强PN的证据,相反,削弱了它。患者导航员具有明确的能力,经过正式培训,获得认证,并有可能获得认证:肿瘤护士和患者导航员学会(AONN +学习基金会)认证考试由AONN+学习基金会(https://aonnffl.org/)领导;肿瘤护士导航员认证通才和肿瘤患者导航员认证通才通过ANSI国家认证委员会(https://anabpd.ansi.org/)认证。如果其他没有经过培训、认证或认可的个人正在履行这一角色,那么(1)它削弱了那些没有经过充分培训的人在履行这一角色时患者导航员角色有效性的证据,(2)它削弱了特定PN工作代码的报销情况。在过去的几十年里进行了广泛而成功的研究和评估工作,支持肿瘤导航对癌症连续体中一系列患者相关结果的影响的证据是广泛的。现在,这些努力必须转向侧重于实施、适应、扩大规模和可持续性的战略和研究。 实施是复杂的,需要注意适应地方和机构需要的背景,评估实施的准备情况,了解实施的促成因素,规划可持续性,以及干预措施的规模这些是动态的进程,需要不断评价和传播所吸取的经验教训。我们需要在新出现的努力的基础上继续努力,例如最近疾病控制和预防中心在对证据进行系统审查的基础上提出的关于乳腺癌、宫颈癌和结直肠癌筛查的社区指南建议。医疗补助服务增强肿瘤学模式,7和ACS能力建设导航拨款和学习社区现在,需要的是在多个层面和不同背景下建立关于成功实施策略的证据,以达到确保将这种循证干预纳入所有肿瘤治疗的目标。衡量PN中循证干预的有效性和可复制性的关键组成部分是标准措施和方法,如AONN标准化指标和认证中概述的标准措施和方法。9这些指标为评估患者满意度、临床结果和投资回报等领域的项目质量提供了一个通用框架。机构、卫生系统和国家组织必须优先考虑通过报告标准措施来评估导航可扩展性的持续投资。通过对系统综述的全面回顾,支持PN在肿瘤治疗中的一致证据进一步巩固,我们认为现在是时候将我们的资源和注意力转移到确保在我们复杂的、多层次的卫生保健系统中采用基于证据的PN实践。图3清楚地总结了这些多层次的障碍和促进因素,这些障碍和促进因素必须得到解决,以支持最佳实践的实施,并明确了实现肿瘤导航承诺的复杂性。换句话说,卫生系统需要准备好接受、采用和扩大循证PN。ACS NNRT成立于2017年,是一个由80个成员组织组成的全国联盟,旨在推进导航工作,消除优质护理的障碍,减少差异,并促进整个癌症连续体的持续健康公平。2021年,NNRT制定了一项为期5年的目标,旨在追求肿瘤PN可持续模式的发展,从而在整个癌症治疗过程中实现健康公平NNRT长期以来一直认识到患者导航员角色定义的重要性,合格的PN劳动力,以及患者导航员的报销对PN的可持续性至关重要。这个新的5年可持续发展目标也认识到,我们复杂的医疗保健系统和肿瘤提供者社区必须采用集体方法,成功地将导航证据整合到我们的日常实践中。仅仅对导航服务进行报销,而不同时努力消除采用循证实践的障碍,不会促进癌症公平。事实上,它很可能使现有的不平等永久化。PN的可持续性将需要卫生保健系统各个层面的领导者之间的合作,从政策制定者到付款人,最重要的是,卫生系统管理员和肿瘤提供者。这些利益攸关方必须共同承担责任,采纳摆在我们面前的确凿证据。现在是时候了,病人的癌症治疗经验取决于它。Electra D. Paskett报告了Guardant Health、Genentech、默克公司基金会和辉瑞加拿大公司的资助/合同,以及葛兰素史克公司在提交的工作之外的个人费用。Tracy Battaglia报道了美国癌症协会、默克公司基金会和美国国立卫生研究院临床中心在提交工作之外的资助/合同。其余作者没有披露任何利益冲突。作者是美国癌症协会全国导航圆桌会议指导委员会。这里的观点是作者的观点,而不是国家导航圆桌会议或美国癌症协会的观点。
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引用次数: 0
Survival outcomes used to validate version 9 of the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for appendiceal cancer 生存结果用于验证美国癌症联合委员会附录癌症分期系统第9版。
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-26 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21806
Lauren M. Janczewski MD, MS, Amanda E. Browner MS, Joseph H. Cotler PhD, Heidi Nelson MD, Sanjay Kakar MD, Norman J. Carr MBBS, Nader N. Hanna MD, Andreana N. Holowatyj PhD, MS, Richard M. Goldberg MD, M. Kay Washington MD, PhD, Elliot A. Asare MD, MS, Michael J. Overman MD, the American Joint Committee on Cancer Expert Panel on Cancers for the Lower Gastrointestinal Appendix Disease Site

The standard for cancer staging in the United States for all cancer sites, including primary carcinomas of the appendix, is the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system. AJCC staging criteria undergo periodic revisions, led by a panel of site-specific experts, to maintain contemporary staging definitions through the evaluation of new evidence. Since its last revision, the AJCC has restructured its processes to include prospectively collected data because large data sets have become increasingly robust and available over time. Thus survival analyses using AJCC eighth edition staging criteria were used to inform stage group revisions in the version 9 AJCC staging system, including appendiceal cancer. Although the current AJCC staging definitions were maintained for appendiceal cancer, incorporating survival analysis into the version 9 staging system provided unique insight into the clinical challenges in staging rare malignancies. This article highlights the critical clinical components of the now published version 9 AJCC staging system for appendix cancer, which (1) justified the separation of three different histologies (non-mucinous, mucinous, signet-ring cell) in terms of prognostic variance, (2) demonstrated the clinical implications and challenges in staging heterogeneous and rare tumors, and (3) emphasized the influence of data limitations on survival analysis for low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms.

{"title":"Survival outcomes used to validate version 9 of the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for appendiceal cancer","authors":"Lauren M. Janczewski MD, MS,&nbsp;Amanda E. Browner MS,&nbsp;Joseph H. Cotler PhD,&nbsp;Heidi Nelson MD,&nbsp;Sanjay Kakar MD,&nbsp;Norman J. Carr MBBS,&nbsp;Nader N. Hanna MD,&nbsp;Andreana N. Holowatyj PhD, MS,&nbsp;Richard M. Goldberg MD,&nbsp;M. Kay Washington MD, PhD,&nbsp;Elliot A. Asare MD, MS,&nbsp;Michael J. Overman MD,&nbsp;the American Joint Committee on Cancer Expert Panel on Cancers for the Lower Gastrointestinal Appendix Disease Site","doi":"10.3322/caac.21806","DOIUrl":"10.3322/caac.21806","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The standard for cancer staging in the United States for all cancer sites, including primary carcinomas of the appendix, is the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system. AJCC staging criteria undergo periodic revisions, led by a panel of site-specific experts, to maintain contemporary staging definitions through the evaluation of new evidence. Since its last revision, the AJCC has restructured its processes to include prospectively collected data because large data sets have become increasingly robust and available over time. Thus survival analyses using AJCC eighth edition staging criteria were used to inform stage group revisions in the version 9 AJCC staging system, including appendiceal cancer. Although the current AJCC staging definitions were maintained for appendiceal cancer, incorporating survival analysis into the version 9 staging system provided unique insight into the clinical challenges in staging rare malignancies. This article highlights the critical clinical components of the now published version 9 AJCC staging system for appendix cancer, which (1) justified the separation of three different histologies (non-mucinous, mucinous, signet-ring cell) in terms of prognostic variance, (2) demonstrated the clinical implications and challenges in staging heterogeneous and rare tumors, and (3) emphasized the influence of data limitations on survival analysis for low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms.</p>","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 6","pages":"590-596"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-06-26","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"9689775","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Implementation in action: Collaborating on the transition to primary HPV screening for cervical cancer in the United States 行动中的实施:在美国合作向宫颈癌的初级HPV筛查过渡
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-22 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21786
Levi S. Downs Jr MD, Ritu Nayar MD, Jane Gerndt MPH, Debbie Saslow PhD, for the American Cancer Society Primary HPV Screening Initiative Steering Committee
<p>In July 2020, the American Cancer Society (ACS) released an updated cervical cancer screening guideline calling for primary human papillomavirus (HPV) screening as the preferred strategy.<span><sup>1</sup></span> <i>Primary HPV screening</i> refers to cervical cancer screening with an HPV test alone as the initial screening modality. Under this strategy, cervical cytology is reserved for use as one option for a triage test should the HPV test result be positive. The scientific data supporting this recommendation have been reviewed both in the United States and in other countries that have transitioned to primary HPV screening.<span><sup>2, 3</sup></span></p><p>The Primary HPV Screening Initiative (PHSI), nested under the ACS National Roundtable on Cervical Cancer, is a national consortium supported by the ACS that convenes key partners and experts on six workgroups and a Steering Committee charged with identifying critical barriers and opportunities for transitioning to primary HPV screening. The workgroups engage approximately 100 volunteers who began their activities in the fall of 2021. Workgroup members are multiprofessional and include leaders in health care policy, health care delivery, and patient care as well as patient advocates. The project is overseen by a Steering Committee (Figure 1) made up of the co-chairs of each of the six workgroups and other experts identified for their leadership in the areas of cervical cancer screening and health care policy. The final deliverable is an implementation report (<i>roadmap</i>), complete with tools and recommendations to support health systems, laboratories, providers, patients, and payors as they make this transition.</p><p>The <i>Provider Needs Workgroup</i> is developing resources in a variety of formats both to educate providers and to help them educate their patients about the benefits and safety of primary HPV screening. The deliverables include tools to aid in the management of patients with abnormal screening results. Success will be defined by change in provider behavior and will depend in large part on the degree to which major professional organizations (e.g., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health, and American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology) promote primary HPV screening as the standard for excellent care. The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends primary HPV screening as one of three strategies to screen for cervical cancer starting at age 30 years but does not give preference to modality.<span><sup>4</sup></span> As of this writing, updated recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force are pending. It is desirable that all organizations agree on preferred screening guidelines to facilitate prevention efforts that are supported by evidence and widely accessible. Providers are most likely to follow guidelines promoted by their professional societies, so t
2020年7月,美国癌症协会(ACS)发布了一份更新的宫颈癌筛查指南,呼吁将原发性人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)筛查作为首选策略原发性人乳头瘤病毒筛查是指以人乳头瘤病毒检测作为最初筛查方式的宫颈癌筛查。根据这一策略,如果HPV检测结果呈阳性,则保留宫颈细胞学检查作为分诊检查的一种选择。支持这一建议的科学数据已经在美国和其他已经过渡到初级HPV筛查的国家进行了审查。原发性HPV筛查倡议(PHSI)隶属于ACS国家宫颈癌圆桌会议,是由ACS支持的一个国家联盟,它召集了六个工作组的主要合作伙伴和专家,以及一个指导委员会,负责确定过渡到原发性HPV筛查的关键障碍和机会。这些工作组有大约100名志愿者参与,他们于2021年秋季开始活动。工作组成员是多专业人士,包括卫生保健政策、卫生保健提供和患者护理方面的领导者以及患者倡导者。该项目由一个指导委员会(图1)监督,该委员会由六个工作组中的每个工作组的联合主席和在宫颈癌筛查和保健政策领域被确定为领导的其他专家组成。最终可交付成果是一份实施报告(路线图),其中包括支持卫生系统、实验室、提供者、患者和付款人进行这一过渡的工具和建议。提供者需求工作组正在开发各种形式的资源,以教育提供者并帮助他们教育患者关于初次HPV筛查的益处和安全性。可交付成果包括帮助管理筛查结果异常的患者的工具。成功与否将取决于提供者行为的改变,并在很大程度上取决于主要专业组织(如美国妇产科医师学会、美国家庭医生学会、妇女健康执业护士和美国阴道镜和宫颈病理学会)将初级HPV筛查作为优质护理标准的推广程度。美国预防服务工作组建议,从30岁开始筛查宫颈癌的三种策略中,HPV初筛是其中之一,但没有给出优先选择的方式在撰写本文时,美国预防服务工作组的最新建议正在等待中。希望所有组织都能就首选筛查指南达成一致,以促进有证据支持和可广泛获取的预防工作。提供者最有可能遵循由他们的专业协会提出的指导方针,因此他们是该工作组许多可交付成果的受众。目前,在许多利益相关者中,关于为什么初次HPV筛查比共同检测更好的理解似乎是有限的和可变的。原发性HPV筛查已被证明比单独进行细胞学筛查更有效,其效果与竞争筛查相似且成本更低过渡实验室以支持在美国实施初级HPV筛查所需的变化是一项重大但必要的工作。对于许多没有美国食品和药物管理局批准的主要HPV筛查平台的实验室来说,仪器变化的后勤、标本工作流程、新批准的HPV阳性病例分诊测试的实施、现有细胞学检测的质量保证/认证要求的修改以及对细胞学工作者队伍的影响都需要根据规模和其他实验室特定属性仔细考虑。此外,原发性HPV筛查的质量保证,细胞学作为分诊测试的表现,以及接种疫苗人群的阴道镜活检是影响原发性HPV筛查范式实验室报告的额外挑战。实验室基础设施工作组一直致力于开发教育和实用资源,以解决许多这些问题。在美国,多达20%的患者目前仅使用细胞学检查进行宫颈癌筛查这些患者往往在服务不足的地区由安全网提供者提供服务,并且更有可能是低收入和有色人种社区单独使用细胞学筛查需要更频繁的检测,对轻微的低风险异常进行频繁的随访,并且不能筛查几乎所有宫颈癌病例的病原体高危HPV。虽然细胞学在检测癌前病变方面更有特异性,但它的敏感性低于HPV筛查,有大量模棱两可的结果,并且具有实验室间的可变性。 一旦美国食品和药物管理局批准,HPV自采样可能特别有助于提高目前筛查不足人群的筛查率。因此,将筛查实践从单独的细胞学检查转变为原发性HPV筛查是必不可少的,并且可能与进行联合检测的项目所面临的一系列挑战不同,例如获取和成本考虑。从细胞学单独移动工作组正在解决这些低资源项目的特定需求和预期障碍。信息技术在卫生保健提供者如何订购和管理初级HPV筛查测试以及实验室如何处理患者标本和报告结果方面发挥着重要作用。信息技术/电子健康记录需求工作组正在确定卫生系统可能面临的预期障碍,并概述解决这些障碍的建议,认识到建议必须足够广泛,以便适用于不同的电子健康记录(EHR)平台,但必须足够具体,以便有用。将强调和解释标准化结构化数据对促进在电子病历中实施宫颈癌筛查和管理临床决策支持系统的重要性。国家现行程序术语代码和逻辑观察标识符名称和代码术语目前没有区分为原发性HPV筛查收集的HPV检测与共同检测,这影响了准确的检测排序、结果跟踪和预防性护理跟踪工具。这个工作组也正在处理这个问题。在美国,付款人对临床实践中使用的筛查方式有很大影响。为了成功过渡到广泛使用HPV初级筛查,保险覆盖/付款人工作组正在为HPV初级筛查的计费和编码提供支持。从25岁开始,患者就可以使用这些计费代码,这一点至关重要。此外,全国各地的保险计划将需要与其网络提供者合作,以支持使用初级HPV筛查。该工作组面临的一项挑战是,需要平衡促进使用HPV初级筛查的努力,同时确定向最危险患者提供护理的资源匮乏的保健中心不会因为基于资本投资和实施的成本和后勤的新筛查指南的预期延迟而受到惩罚。以前的子宫颈癌筛查指南的实施过程表明,在实施新方法时,患者的认知和教育是重要的考虑因素。这很可能是在初次HPV筛查和使用自行收集的标本进行筛查的情况下。患者认知工作组正在为患者创建教育工具,以消除HPV在宫颈癌筛查中的作用,并鼓励在正确的时间为正确的患者使用正确的检测。虽然许多国家已经采用了初级HPV筛查,但该工作组将重点关注美国妇女和宫颈患者面临的问题,这些问题往往与其他国家不同,因为文化差异和/或不同的卫生保健提供模式。这六个工作组的共同努力正在为提供者、专业协会、卫生系统、患者、付款人和各种其他利益攸关方创建资源目录。在工作组和它们旨在解决的问题之间有意存在重叠。在指导委员会的支持下,各工作组就跨领域的问题和可交付成果进行协作。我们将通过以下方式向合作伙伴通报我们的工作和成果:本文的评论、演讲、专业协会会议研讨会、社交媒体和电子邮件交流、网站公告以及其他利益相关方论坛。2,8在传播实施报告和工具后,该倡议的成员希望看到指南的一致性和初级HPV筛查在美国得到更多的使用。这一举措将有助于推进今后宫颈癌领域的工作,包括为自我抽样做准备,并为其他指南的实施提供机会。PHSI创新地加速了指南制定和指南实施领域的进展。这一举措是跨组织成功采用HPV初级筛查和指南一致性的关键一步。此外,该倡议积极促进了增效关系的发展,并为新成立的ACS全国宫颈癌圆桌会议(NRTCC)奠定了基础。 ACS NRTCC旨在通过减少护理障碍、消除差异、减少危害和推广新技术来降低每个人宫颈癌的发病率和死亡率,从而加速消除宫颈癌的进程。在接下来的一年里,实现该倡议的目标并利用这些合作关系的力量,将为未来几年通过ACS NRTCC和其他渠道支持宫颈癌预防和消除方面的进展提供关键和示范基础设施。欲了解更多信息,并对我们的工作提出意见或建议,请访问我们的网站(cervicalroundtable.org)。
{"title":"Implementation in action: Collaborating on the transition to primary HPV screening for cervical cancer in the United States","authors":"Levi S. Downs Jr MD,&nbsp;Ritu Nayar MD,&nbsp;Jane Gerndt MPH,&nbsp;Debbie Saslow PhD,&nbsp;for the American Cancer Society Primary HPV Screening Initiative Steering Committee","doi":"10.3322/caac.21786","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21786","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;p&gt;In July 2020, the American Cancer Society (ACS) released an updated cervical cancer screening guideline calling for primary human papillomavirus (HPV) screening as the preferred strategy.&lt;span&gt;&lt;sup&gt;1&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;i&gt;Primary HPV screening&lt;/i&gt; refers to cervical cancer screening with an HPV test alone as the initial screening modality. Under this strategy, cervical cytology is reserved for use as one option for a triage test should the HPV test result be positive. The scientific data supporting this recommendation have been reviewed both in the United States and in other countries that have transitioned to primary HPV screening.&lt;span&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2, 3&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The Primary HPV Screening Initiative (PHSI), nested under the ACS National Roundtable on Cervical Cancer, is a national consortium supported by the ACS that convenes key partners and experts on six workgroups and a Steering Committee charged with identifying critical barriers and opportunities for transitioning to primary HPV screening. The workgroups engage approximately 100 volunteers who began their activities in the fall of 2021. Workgroup members are multiprofessional and include leaders in health care policy, health care delivery, and patient care as well as patient advocates. The project is overseen by a Steering Committee (Figure 1) made up of the co-chairs of each of the six workgroups and other experts identified for their leadership in the areas of cervical cancer screening and health care policy. The final deliverable is an implementation report (&lt;i&gt;roadmap&lt;/i&gt;), complete with tools and recommendations to support health systems, laboratories, providers, patients, and payors as they make this transition.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The &lt;i&gt;Provider Needs Workgroup&lt;/i&gt; is developing resources in a variety of formats both to educate providers and to help them educate their patients about the benefits and safety of primary HPV screening. The deliverables include tools to aid in the management of patients with abnormal screening results. Success will be defined by change in provider behavior and will depend in large part on the degree to which major professional organizations (e.g., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health, and American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology) promote primary HPV screening as the standard for excellent care. The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends primary HPV screening as one of three strategies to screen for cervical cancer starting at age 30 years but does not give preference to modality.&lt;span&gt;&lt;sup&gt;4&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/span&gt; As of this writing, updated recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force are pending. It is desirable that all organizations agree on preferred screening guidelines to facilitate prevention efforts that are supported by evidence and widely accessible. Providers are most likely to follow guidelines promoted by their professional societies, so t","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 5","pages":"458-460"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-06-22","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.3322/caac.21786","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"5750732","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Clinical insights into small cell lung cancer: Tumor heterogeneity, diagnosis, therapy, and future directions 癌症小细胞肺癌的临床见解:肿瘤异质性、诊断、治疗和未来方向。
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-17 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21785
Zsolt Megyesfalvi MD, PhD, Carl M. Gay MD, PhD, Helmut Popper MD, Robert Pirker MD, Gyula Ostoros MD, PhD, Simon Heeke PhD, Christian Lang MD, Konrad Hoetzenecker MD, PhD, Anna Schwendenwein MSc, Kristiina Boettiger BSc, Paul A. Bunn jr MD, Ferenc Renyi-Vamos MD, PhD, Karin Schelch MSc, PhD, Helmut Prosch MD, Lauren A. Byers MD, MSc, Fred R. Hirsch MD, PhD, Balazs Dome MD, PhD

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is characterized by rapid growth and high metastatic capacity. It has strong epidemiologic and biologic links to tobacco carcinogens. Although the majority of SCLCs exhibit neuroendocrine features, an important subset of tumors lacks these properties. Genomic profiling of SCLC reveals genetic instability, almost universal inactivation of the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and RB1, and a high mutation burden. Because of early metastasis, only a small fraction of patients are amenable to curative-intent lung resection, and these individuals require adjuvant platinum-etoposide chemotherapy. Therefore, the vast majority of patients are currently being treated with chemoradiation with or without immunotherapy. In patients with disease confined to the chest, standard therapy includes thoracic radiotherapy and concurrent platinum-etoposide chemotherapy. Patients with metastatic (extensive-stage) disease are treated with a combination of platinum-etoposide chemotherapy plus immunotherapy with an anti-programmed death-ligand 1 monoclonal antibody. Although SCLC is initially very responsive to platinum-based chemotherapy, these responses are transient because of the development of drug resistance. In recent years, the authors have witnessed an accelerating pace of biologic insights into the disease, leading to the redefinition of the SCLC classification scheme. This emerging knowledge of SCLC molecular subtypes has the potential to define unique therapeutic vulnerabilities. Synthesizing these new discoveries with the current knowledge of SCLC biology and clinical management may lead to unprecedented advances in SCLC patient care. Here, the authors present an overview of multimodal clinical approaches in SCLC, with a special focus on illuminating how recent advancements in SCLC research could accelerate clinical development.

{"title":"Clinical insights into small cell lung cancer: Tumor heterogeneity, diagnosis, therapy, and future directions","authors":"Zsolt Megyesfalvi MD, PhD,&nbsp;Carl M. Gay MD, PhD,&nbsp;Helmut Popper MD,&nbsp;Robert Pirker MD,&nbsp;Gyula Ostoros MD, PhD,&nbsp;Simon Heeke PhD,&nbsp;Christian Lang MD,&nbsp;Konrad Hoetzenecker MD, PhD,&nbsp;Anna Schwendenwein MSc,&nbsp;Kristiina Boettiger BSc,&nbsp;Paul A. Bunn jr MD,&nbsp;Ferenc Renyi-Vamos MD, PhD,&nbsp;Karin Schelch MSc, PhD,&nbsp;Helmut Prosch MD,&nbsp;Lauren A. Byers MD, MSc,&nbsp;Fred R. Hirsch MD, PhD,&nbsp;Balazs Dome MD, PhD","doi":"10.3322/caac.21785","DOIUrl":"10.3322/caac.21785","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is characterized by rapid growth and high metastatic capacity. It has strong epidemiologic and biologic links to tobacco carcinogens. Although the majority of SCLCs exhibit neuroendocrine features, an important subset of tumors lacks these properties. Genomic profiling of SCLC reveals genetic instability, almost universal inactivation of the tumor suppressor genes <i>TP53</i> and <i>RB1</i>, and a high mutation burden. Because of early metastasis, only a small fraction of patients are amenable to curative-intent lung resection, and these individuals require adjuvant platinum-etoposide chemotherapy. Therefore, the vast majority of patients are currently being treated with chemoradiation with or without immunotherapy. In patients with disease confined to the chest, standard therapy includes thoracic radiotherapy and concurrent platinum-etoposide chemotherapy. Patients with metastatic (extensive-stage) disease are treated with a combination of platinum-etoposide chemotherapy plus immunotherapy with an anti-programmed death-ligand 1 monoclonal antibody. Although SCLC is initially very responsive to platinum-based chemotherapy, these responses are transient because of the development of drug resistance. In recent years, the authors have witnessed an accelerating pace of biologic insights into the disease, leading to the redefinition of the SCLC classification scheme. This emerging knowledge of SCLC molecular subtypes has the potential to define unique therapeutic vulnerabilities. Synthesizing these new discoveries with the current knowledge of SCLC biology and clinical management may lead to unprecedented advances in SCLC patient care. Here, the authors present an overview of multimodal clinical approaches in SCLC, with a special focus on illuminating how recent advancements in SCLC research could accelerate clinical development.</p>","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 6","pages":"620-652"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-06-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"9645021","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 15
Social determinants of health and US cancer screening interventions: A systematic review 健康和美国癌症筛查干预的社会决定因素:系统回顾
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-17 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21801
Ariella R. Korn PhD, MPH, Callie Walsh-Bailey MPH, Margarita Correa-Mendez PhD, MPH, Peter DelNero PhD, MPH, Meagan Pilar PhD, MPH, Brittney Sandler MLIS, Ross C. Brownson PhD, Karen M. Emmons PhD, April Y. Oh PhD, MPH

There remains a need to synthesize linkages between social determinants of health (SDOH) and cancer screening to reduce persistent inequities contributing to the US cancer burden. The authors conducted a systematic review of US-based breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer screening intervention studies to summarize how SDOH have been considered in interventions and relationships between SDOH and screening. Five databases were searched for peer-reviewed research articles published in English between 2010 and 2021. The Covidence software platform was used to screen articles and extract data using a standardized template. Data items included study and intervention characteristics, SDOH intervention components and measures, and screening outcomes. The findings were summarized using descriptive statistics and narratives. The review included 144 studies among diverse population groups. SDOH interventions increased screening rates overall by a median of 8.4 percentage points (interquartile interval, 1.8–18.8 percentage points). The objective of most interventions was to increase community demand (90.3%) and access (84.0%) to screening. SDOH interventions related to health care access and quality were most prevalent (227 unique intervention components). Other SDOH, including educational, social/community, environmental, and economic factors, were less common (90, 52, 21, and zero intervention components, respectively). Studies that included analyses of health policy, access to care, and lower costs yielded the largest proportions of favorable associations with screening outcomes. SDOH were predominantly measured at the individual level. This review describes how SDOH have been considered in the design and evaluation of cancer screening interventions and effect sizes for SDOH interventions. Findings may guide future intervention and implementation research aiming to reduce US screening inequities.

{"title":"Social determinants of health and US cancer screening interventions: A systematic review","authors":"Ariella R. Korn PhD, MPH,&nbsp;Callie Walsh-Bailey MPH,&nbsp;Margarita Correa-Mendez PhD, MPH,&nbsp;Peter DelNero PhD, MPH,&nbsp;Meagan Pilar PhD, MPH,&nbsp;Brittney Sandler MLIS,&nbsp;Ross C. Brownson PhD,&nbsp;Karen M. Emmons PhD,&nbsp;April Y. Oh PhD, MPH","doi":"10.3322/caac.21801","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21801","url":null,"abstract":"<p>There remains a need to synthesize linkages between social determinants of health (SDOH) and cancer screening to reduce persistent inequities contributing to the US cancer burden. The authors conducted a systematic review of US-based breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer screening intervention studies to summarize how SDOH have been considered in interventions and relationships between SDOH and screening. Five databases were searched for peer-reviewed research articles published in English between 2010 and 2021. The Covidence software platform was used to screen articles and extract data using a standardized template. Data items included study and intervention characteristics, SDOH intervention components and measures, and screening outcomes. The findings were summarized using descriptive statistics and narratives. The review included 144 studies among diverse population groups. SDOH interventions increased screening rates overall by a median of 8.4 percentage points (interquartile interval, 1.8–18.8 percentage points). The objective of most interventions was to increase community demand (90.3%) and access (84.0%) to screening. SDOH interventions related to health care access and quality were most prevalent (227 unique intervention components). Other SDOH, including educational, social/community, environmental, and economic factors, were less common (90, 52, 21, and zero intervention components, respectively). Studies that included analyses of health policy, access to care, and lower costs yielded the largest proportions of favorable associations with screening outcomes. SDOH were predominantly measured at the individual level. This review describes how SDOH have been considered in the design and evaluation of cancer screening interventions and effect sizes for SDOH interventions. Findings may guide future intervention and implementation research aiming to reduce US screening inequities.</p>","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 5","pages":"461-479"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-06-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.3322/caac.21801","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"5897160","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Virtual Tumor Board: Papillary thyroid carcinoma with nodal disease 虚拟肿瘤板:甲状腺乳头状癌伴淋巴结疾病。
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21802
Peter J. Abraham MD, MSPH, Rongzhi Wang MD, Deepti Bahl MD, Pradeep Bhambhvani MD, Sadie Ho, Jessica M. Fazendin MD, Herbert Chen MD, Brenessa M. Lindeman MD, MEHP
<p>The patient is a 19-year-old female who had an incidental thyroid nodule discovered on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in July 2020 during the work-up of a superficial, midline neck cellulitis. She reported having noticed a bulge in her neck a few years prior but had never been concerned about it. She began seeing an endocrinologist and underwent a thyroid ultrasound in July 2020, which revealed a solid, hypoechoic nodule in the left upper thyroid lobe measuring 2.2 cm in greatest dimension, classified as American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS) 4 (Figure 1). Multiple, enlarged, abnormal-appearing lymph nodes were also noted in the left cervical lymph node chain in level IV (Figure 2). The lower pole of the left thyroid lobe was heterogeneous, with scattered calcifications and subcentimeter cystic areas, and no abnormal findings were noted in the isthmus or right lobe of the thyroid gland. Her thyroid function tests were normal, with a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level of 2.34 mU/L (reference range, 0.45–5.33 mU/L) and a T4 (thyroxine) level of 0.88 ng/dL (reference range, 0.58–1.64 μg/dL), with negative thyroid peroxidase antibodies and normal blood cell counts.</p><p>A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the left thyroid nodule was performed in September 2020 and revealed papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). The patient was then referred to the endocrine surgery clinic for evaluation and further management. An FNA biopsy of the concerning left lateral cervical lymph nodes (Figure 2) was conducted in the endocrine surgery clinic because it had not previously been performed. Given the concerning appearance of the lymph nodes on ultrasound, a total thyroidectomy with possible left central and lateral neck dissections was discussed as the likely operation pending pathology results from the lymph node biopsy. The patient agreed with the treatment plan, and FNA results from the lymph nodes returned as metastatic PTC.</p><p>Given the evidence of metastatic lymph node disease, the patient underwent a total thyroidectomy along with left central and lateral neck dissections in October 2020. Intraoperatively, a very firm nodule in the left lobe of the thyroid gland was encountered that was unable to be cleanly separated from the overlying sternothyroid muscle. Given concern for extrathyroidal extension, the muscle was resected en bloc with the thyroid specimen. During the dissection, there was concern for devascularization of the left superior parathyroid gland, so it was excised and re-implanted. However, there was significant lymphadenopathy low in cervical level VI surrounding the left inferior parathyroid gland, making clear identification of the inferior gland difficult. A frozen section was obtained that confirmed the identification of the left inferior parathyroid gland, so it was also re-implanted into the left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Bulky lymphadenopathy was found throughout the left central and
该患者是一名19岁的女性,在2020年7月对浅表性颈部中线蜂窝织炎进行检查时,在磁共振成像(MRI)上发现了偶发甲状腺结节。她报告说,几年前她就注意到脖子上有一个肿块,但从来没有担心过。她开始看到一个内分泌学家,在2020年7月,接受了甲状腺超声显示出一个坚实的、呈结节在左侧上部甲状腺叶测量在最大尺寸2.2厘米,被列为美国放射学院甲状腺显像报告和数据系统(ACR TI-RADS) 4(图1)。多个扩大,abnormal-appearing淋巴结也指出在左侧颈部淋巴结链在第四级别(图2)。左侧甲状腺叶的低杆是异类,散在性钙化及亚厘米囊性区,峡部及甲状腺右叶未见异常。甲状腺功能检查正常,促甲状腺激素(TSH)水平2.34 mU/L(参考范围0.45 ~ 5.33 mU/L), T4(甲状腺素)水平0.88 ng/dL(参考范围0.58 ~ 1.64 μg/dL),甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体阴性,血细胞计数正常。2020年9月行左侧甲状腺结节细针穿刺(FNA),发现甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)。患者随后被转到内分泌外科诊所进行评估和进一步的治疗。在内分泌外科诊所进行了有关左侧颈部外侧淋巴结的FNA活检(图2),因为以前没有做过。考虑到淋巴结在超声上的相关表现,我们讨论了甲状腺全切除术和可能的左中央和外侧颈部清扫,因为淋巴结活检的病理结果可能是手术。患者同意治疗方案,淋巴结的FNA结果作为转移性PTC返回。鉴于转移性淋巴结疾病的证据,该患者于2020年10月接受了甲状腺全切除术以及左中央和外侧颈部切除术。术中,在甲状腺左叶发现了一个非常坚固的结节,无法与上盖的胸甲肌清晰地分离。考虑到甲状腺外展,肌肉与甲状腺标本一并切除。在解剖过程中,担心左侧甲状旁腺断流,切除后重新植入。然而,在左侧下甲状旁腺周围的颈部VI层有明显的淋巴结病变,难以明确识别下腺。冷冻切片确认为左侧下甲状旁腺,因此也将其重新植入左侧胸锁乳突肌。在颈部清扫时,发现大面积淋巴结病变遍及左中央和外侧颈部(II-VI节段)。手术病理显示肿瘤最大尺寸为4.5 cm,伴淋巴血管浸润,无甲状腺外展,切除边缘清晰。7个切除的中央颈部淋巴结中有5个,19个切除的外侧颈部淋巴结中有9个显示PTC,无结外延伸。总体病理分期为pT3aN1b。术后患者出现短暂性低钙血症,需要补钙8周。2020年12月,术后6周甲状腺球蛋白(Tg)水平为0.6 ng/mL。2021年1月的诊断性全身扫描显示甲状腺切除术床的生理性摄取,无转移性疾病的证据。随后,她接受了157.7毫微(mCi)碘-131 (131I)的放射性碘(RAI)治疗,消融后扫描同样显示甲状腺切除术床的生生性摄取,无转移性疾病的证据(图3和4)。2021年4月和9月的甲状腺超声检查也未显示甲状腺床或双侧宫颈链I-VI的复发性疾病或可疑发现的证据。2021年10月接受RAI治疗后,Tg水平未检出(&lt;0.1 ng/mL)。在就诊时,这是一个偶然诊断为甲状腺结节的年轻女性。甲状腺结节的初步评估包括全面的病史和体格检查,包括甲状腺功能减退或甲状腺功能亢进症状的评估。增加恶性肿瘤风险的相关病史包括头颈部放疗史、患者极端年龄(小于14岁或大于70岁)、结节快速生长史、持续性发音障碍、男性、1和分化型甲状腺癌、甲状腺髓样癌或多发性内分泌肿瘤2型的显著家族史。评估甲状腺结节的初步实验室检查包括TSH水平。 抑制或低TSH水平,表明甲状腺功能亢进状态,与恶性肿瘤的可能性降低有关(约3%)。2,3相反,血清TSH水平升高,即使仍在参考范围内,在统计上与甲状腺结节性疾病中癌症风险增加相关。4 .对于所有已知或怀疑有甲状腺结节的患者,推荐4A甲状腺超声诊断并评估颈部淋巴结FNA是甲状腺结节组织学评估的首选程序。超声初始结节大小;超声特征,包括结节的组成(实性与囊性)、回声强度、形状和边缘;和随访期间尺寸的增加决定了FNA的必要性6,7 FNA通常在超声引导下进行,以确保针的最佳放置。在美国,用于评估恶性肿瘤风险从而评估是否需要FNA的两个常用指南是美国甲状腺协会(ATA)指南和ACR TI-RADS。如果甲状腺结节有高可疑的超声特征并且超过了特定的大小阈值,两份指南都建议进行活检考虑到该患者甲状腺功能正常(TSH正常),结节增大(约1cm),超声表现(实性、低回声),以及左侧颈淋巴链ⅳ级存在异常淋巴结,建议行FNA检查。11当患者手术干预后疾病持续或复发的风险较高时,可考虑以RAI形式辅助治疗甲状腺癌根据ATA指南,甲状腺外肿大、肿瘤切除不全、淋巴结转移超过3cm、结外肿大或远处转移的患者被认为是高危患者(复发风险为30%-50%),常规考虑RAI。此外,具有侵袭性组织学、轻微甲状腺外扩张、血管侵犯或大于5个淋巴结转移的患者被认为是中度危险(复发风险为10%-30%),通常倾向于RAI治疗伴有5个或更少淋巴结微转移的甲状腺内分化型甲状腺癌通常被认为是低风险的(5%-10%的复发风险),不建议对这些患者进行RAI治疗。术后血清Tg有助于评估疾病的持续性或甲状腺残余,并预测未来可能的疾病复发。多数患者术后3-4周Tg水平降至最低点。在我们的机构,我们定期检查术后4-6周的Tg水平作为监测指标,并指导进一步的辅助治疗。患者肿瘤大小、存在淋巴血管浸润、颈部淋巴结累及大于5个(大小为3cm)属于中危类型,因此推荐RAI治疗以降低其持续或复发的风险。充分评估颈部中央和外侧的淋巴结室是进行充分甲状腺手术的必要条件。在宫颈超声检查中出现异常的淋巴结需要进行活检,因为淋巴结转移的存在会影响手术切除的程度,因为已经证明术中甲状腺的冷冻切片分析是不可靠的,因此不应该常规进行患者首次在内分泌外科门诊就诊时,相关淋巴结活检尚未完成,因此在首次内分泌外科就诊时进行了FNA。为了在等待FNA病理结果的同时加快护理,在初次就诊时与患者讨论了所有手术可能性,包括肺叶切除术和甲状腺全切除术,可能的中央和外侧颈部切除术。临床获得手术同意,1周后公布FNA病理结果电话确认手术程度。这一快速的过程使患者能够在初始手术评估后2周内进行最终手术。虽然淋巴结转移的存在是决定进行全甲状腺切除术的主要驱动因素,但还有其他好处,包括能够进行术后RAI治疗和允许术后使用Tg水平进行监测。切除整个甲状腺的这些次要好处有助于多学科方法对患者的护理,并允许我们的核医学和内分泌学同事提供额外的治疗和更密切的监测。在我们的机构,我们经常进行门诊颈部解剖,并没有常规留下颈椎引流。 14我们的门诊甲状腺切除术患者一旦到达术后麻醉护理病房(PACU),就会测量甲状旁腺激素(PTH)水平,并在PACU进行术后出院前2-4小时的监测。我们有一个方案,根据PACU PTH水平指定钙和骨化三醇的剂量,将患者送回家,PACU PTH考虑到高风险特征,如甲状腺功能亢进的存在。患者随访1-2周,随访时取钙和甲状旁腺激素水平。所有全甲状腺切除术患者术后开始使用左旋甲状腺素,术后6周测定TSH和Tg水平。多项研究已经证明了门诊甲状腺全切除术的安全性,14-17并且它已成为内分泌外科医生越来越普遍的做法。另外的研究表明,当中央和/或外侧颈部清扫与甲状腺全切除术同时进行时,并发症发生率没有差异,越来越多的内分泌外科
{"title":"Virtual Tumor Board: Papillary thyroid carcinoma with nodal disease","authors":"Peter J. Abraham MD, MSPH,&nbsp;Rongzhi Wang MD,&nbsp;Deepti Bahl MD,&nbsp;Pradeep Bhambhvani MD,&nbsp;Sadie Ho,&nbsp;Jessica M. Fazendin MD,&nbsp;Herbert Chen MD,&nbsp;Brenessa M. Lindeman MD, MEHP","doi":"10.3322/caac.21802","DOIUrl":"10.3322/caac.21802","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;p&gt;The patient is a 19-year-old female who had an incidental thyroid nodule discovered on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in July 2020 during the work-up of a superficial, midline neck cellulitis. She reported having noticed a bulge in her neck a few years prior but had never been concerned about it. She began seeing an endocrinologist and underwent a thyroid ultrasound in July 2020, which revealed a solid, hypoechoic nodule in the left upper thyroid lobe measuring 2.2 cm in greatest dimension, classified as American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS) 4 (Figure 1). Multiple, enlarged, abnormal-appearing lymph nodes were also noted in the left cervical lymph node chain in level IV (Figure 2). The lower pole of the left thyroid lobe was heterogeneous, with scattered calcifications and subcentimeter cystic areas, and no abnormal findings were noted in the isthmus or right lobe of the thyroid gland. Her thyroid function tests were normal, with a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level of 2.34 mU/L (reference range, 0.45–5.33 mU/L) and a T4 (thyroxine) level of 0.88 ng/dL (reference range, 0.58–1.64 μg/dL), with negative thyroid peroxidase antibodies and normal blood cell counts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the left thyroid nodule was performed in September 2020 and revealed papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). The patient was then referred to the endocrine surgery clinic for evaluation and further management. An FNA biopsy of the concerning left lateral cervical lymph nodes (Figure 2) was conducted in the endocrine surgery clinic because it had not previously been performed. Given the concerning appearance of the lymph nodes on ultrasound, a total thyroidectomy with possible left central and lateral neck dissections was discussed as the likely operation pending pathology results from the lymph node biopsy. The patient agreed with the treatment plan, and FNA results from the lymph nodes returned as metastatic PTC.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Given the evidence of metastatic lymph node disease, the patient underwent a total thyroidectomy along with left central and lateral neck dissections in October 2020. Intraoperatively, a very firm nodule in the left lobe of the thyroid gland was encountered that was unable to be cleanly separated from the overlying sternothyroid muscle. Given concern for extrathyroidal extension, the muscle was resected en bloc with the thyroid specimen. During the dissection, there was concern for devascularization of the left superior parathyroid gland, so it was excised and re-implanted. However, there was significant lymphadenopathy low in cervical level VI surrounding the left inferior parathyroid gland, making clear identification of the inferior gland difficult. A frozen section was obtained that confirmed the identification of the left inferior parathyroid gland, so it was also re-implanted into the left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Bulky lymphadenopathy was found throughout the left central and ","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 6","pages":"555-561"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"9999703","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The future of cancer care at home: Findings from an American Cancer Society summit 家庭癌症护理的未来:来自美国癌症协会峰会的发现
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-05-24 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21784
Arif H. Kamal MD, MBA, MHS, Paul P. Thienprayoon MBA, MS, Marco H. M. Janssen MSc, PhD, Lisa A. Lacasse MBA, William L. Dahut MD, Justin E. Bekelman MD
<p>In February 2022, the White House announced the reignition of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative with the goals of reducing the death rate from cancer by at least 50% over the next 25 years and improving the experience of people and their families living with and surviving cancer. A core component of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative is the facilitation of multisector partnerships to solve the compelling challenges faced in cancer care delivery. The American Cancer Society (ACS) has a longstanding tradition of convening partners across the cancer landscape, most notably through conferences, partner meetings, advocacy coalitions, and coalescing of thought leaders through roundtables. For example, the ACS and several patient advocacy organizations, scientific organizations, and pharmaceutical partners came together in October 2022 to launch the new ACS National Breast Cancer Roundtable and the ACS National Cervical Cancer Roundtable as “all-hands-on-deck” coalitions to reshape cancer care.<span><sup>1</sup></span> These Roundtables aim to both (1) identify the leading challenges in detection and treatment within these cancers and (2) provide expert guidance to providers, patients, payers, and policy makers regarding evolutions needed to increase access and patient centricity of cancer care. Beyond disease-specific issues, the ACS and its partners have also explored topics that span the cancer care continuum.</p><p>Currently, much of the attention given to innovation in oncology is centered upon creating and delivering a rapidly expanding armamentarium of anticancer treatments. Efforts to develop more novel, personalized, and targeted therapies have been fruitful but also continue to further highlight issues related to access. How treatments are selected and delivered and how outcomes are monitored require additional focus. Furthermore, how such efforts align with increasing calls for patient centricity, meeting patients where they are both figuratively and literally, requires a national discussion. Herein, we describe the findings from the first effort of the ACS in convening national leaders across multiple stakeholders, including the provider, payer, government, and technology communities, to discuss cancer care delivery at home.</p><p>This ACS Cancer Care at Home Summit convened in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 26, 2022, using a “design-thinking” framework to identify the major issues in decentralized cancer care delivery and plan for the next steps forward. The Summit convened 30 national leaders at the Philips North America campus using Chatham House rules during which participants were guided in building a shared mental model, framing the challenges and ideating around barriers, defining opportunities, and sharing findings with each other to determine next steps. To ensure that the ACS optimally used the time dedicated by these senior leaders, untapping the immense potential of the combination of participants in the room, and really gettin
2022年2月,白宫宣布重新启动癌症登月计划,目标是在未来25年内将癌症死亡率降低至少50%,并改善癌症患者及其家人的生活和生存体验。癌症登月计划的一个核心组成部分是促进多部门合作,以解决癌症护理服务面临的紧迫挑战。美国癌症协会(ACS)在召集癌症领域的合作伙伴方面有着悠久的传统,最显著的是通过会议、合作伙伴会议、倡导联盟,以及通过圆桌会议凝聚思想领袖。例如,ACS和几个患者倡导组织、科学组织和制药合作伙伴于2022年10月共同发起了新的ACS国家乳腺癌圆桌会议和ACS国家宫颈癌圆桌会议,作为重塑癌症护理的“全体参与”联盟这些圆桌会议旨在(1)确定这些癌症检测和治疗方面的主要挑战,(2)为提供者、患者、支付方和政策制定者提供专家指导,以增加癌症治疗的可及性和以患者为中心所需的发展。除了特定疾病的问题,美国癌症学会及其合作伙伴还探索了跨越癌症治疗连续体的主题。目前,对肿瘤学创新的大部分关注集中在创造和提供快速扩展的抗癌治疗手段上。开发更新颖、更个性化和更有针对性的治疗方法的努力取得了丰硕成果,但也继续进一步突出与获取相关的问题。如何选择和提供治疗以及如何监测结果需要额外的关注。此外,这些努力如何与日益增长的以患者为中心的呼吁相一致,在象征性和字面意义上满足患者,需要全国讨论。在此,我们描述了ACS在召集多个利益相关者(包括提供者、付款人、政府和技术社区)的国家领导人讨论家庭癌症护理交付方面的首次努力的结果。本次ACS家庭癌症护理峰会于2022年10月26日在马萨诸塞州剑桥市召开,使用“设计思维”框架确定分散式癌症护理交付中的主要问题,并为下一步制定计划。峰会在飞利浦北美校区召集了30位国家领导人,使用查塔姆研究所的规则,指导与会者建立共同的思维模式,制定挑战,围绕障碍进行构思,确定机会,并相互分享研究结果,以确定下一步行动。为了确保ACS充分利用这些高层领导的宝贵时间,挖掘与会者的巨大潜力,并取得切实可行的成果,ACS邀请了飞利浦体验设计团队为峰会提供便利。体验设计团队在指导这一领域的讨论方面有经验,利用最近与伊丽莎白多尔基金会和退伍军人管理局合作开发的退伍军人护理人员旅程地图。ACS和体验设计团队通过与国内癌症护理领导者的对话,确定了四大主要挑战以及潜在障碍的问题:(1)物流/供应链,(2)财务/支付,(3)患者接受程度,(4)监管。与会者还确定了影响所有这四个领域的问题,在围绕诸如卫生公平和卫生的社会决定因素、保健提供者接受度以及数据互操作性和生态系统影响等解决方案进行构想时必须将这些问题包括在内。参与者被分成四个预先选定的小组,以便在领域知识和每个领域的“开箱即用”思维之间提供适当的平衡。每个小组都由一名体验设计协调员领导,他负责促进交流,并在讨论过程中捕捉要点。谈话是按照查塔姆研究所的规定进行的主持人从小组讨论中找到共同的主题,这些主题被组织(或框架)成多个“我们如何做”的陈述,允许小组决定哪些领域是最关键的或需要优先考虑的,以成功地在家中创建癌症护理服务。在此基础上,小组参与者将重点放在有助于解决选定问题的解决方案上,这样就可以更容易地接近其他“我们如何做”的领域。最后,要实现变革,领导者必须愿意挑战现状。 该建议提供了一个目标,通过根据标准护理途径优化护理计划,介绍患者对他们的谈话的偏好,并为更精简的预约协调提供机会,从而帮助简化所需的众多预约。总之,这个愿景结合了人性化的病人导航和优化的工作流程,具有热情的效率。该小组选择进一步深入研究三个问题中两个更关键的分组,提出新的“我们如何才能”的问题,并为这些障碍主题提供解决方案:工作组使用两个问题围绕重新定义的问题构建解决方案:“我们如何理解家庭癌症护理相对于门诊、办公室或医院护理的实际成本?”以及“我们如何确定与家庭癌症护理相关的患者和提供者的利益和风险?”为此,工作组建议解决财政障碍的第一个办法是确保信息的传播。这将要求所有利益相关者向患者和护理人员提供与在家护理相关的自付费用和其他财务费用,而不是在办公室、门诊或医院环境中进行护理。更详细地说,领导者需要公布经济上可行模式的障碍。此外,这些模型将被成功实施的故事和激励的一致性所增强。最后,该组织呼吁美国癌症学会领导癌症计划决策绘图和家庭癌症护理项目成功的标准。为了指导解决方案的设计,对于护理的总成本,该小组回答了两个问题:“作为一个国家,我们如何为不报销的患者支持服务提供资金?”以及“我们如何与患者、护理人员和提供者分享节省下来的成本?”第二个解决方案要求领导者探索、测试和验证新的经济效益计划和产品。这将包括向提供家庭护理的护理人员提供直接财务补偿的项目,家庭护理保险政策产品,并与医疗保险和医疗补助创新中心以及医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心一起测试这些福利项目。继续讨论护理总成本,该小组提出了两个额外的问题来指导第三个解决方案:“我们如何优化家庭护理的付款人模式?”以及“我们如何重新定义激励机制,以匹配最佳护理模式?”从这些概念中,国家癌症人口可以并且需要影响的收益是改善健康公平以及改善患者、提供者和护理人员的经验。此外,它有望提高患者满意度,改善护理,并降低所有利益相关者的成本。这些成果促成了该小组的机会构建声明:“我们如何建立一个创新实验室,以实现与社区卫生系统、付款人和患者的交叉合作?”该小组选择的两个“我们如何才能”的陈述是:“我们如何才能推动变革,使更多的医疗服务跨越州界”和“我们如何才能重新考虑报销?”为了推动跨州的变革,该小组发现,为应对COVID而实施的许多变革将使家庭癌症护理成为可能,为了使家庭癌症护理取得成功,应该扩大这些变革。具体来看全国范围内的许可接受情况,跨州制定标准可以更好地为所有患者实施家庭癌症护理,而不是每个州有不同的要求。这两种方法结合在一起,可以为患者、护理人员和护理提供者提供更可扩展的专家资源。此外,可以更有效地提供支持家庭护理的远程医疗方案。最后,这些措施是家庭或院外护理的基础。第二份声明,“我们应该如何重新考虑报销”,呼吁国家领导人寻找更多的激励措施,并制定法规来支持这些激励措施,以一种新的报销模式来提供更多的院外护理,这种模式将反映这种新的癌症护理方式。这还必须包括对法规的修改,以提高患者对接受治疗的方式和地点的偏好。最后,这些监管变化将刺激创新的交付实践和支持它们的数据。从预防到早期发现、治疗和生存,以及传统医疗机构之外的临床试验,癌症护理的成功提供代表了肿瘤学领域潜在的巨大转变。
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引用次数: 0
Multidisciplinary approach for a high-risk, localized soft tissue sarcoma of the trunk after unplanned nononcological resection 多学科方法治疗意外非肿瘤性切除后高危的躯干局部软组织肉瘤
IF 254.7 1区 医学 Q1 ONCOLOGY Pub Date : 2023-05-24 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21787
Candace L. Haddox MD, Elizabeth H. Baldini MD, MPH, Jyothi P. Jagannathan MD, Jason L. Hornick MD, PhD, Chandrajit P. Raut MD, MS
<p>A man aged 45 years with hypertension and hyperlipidemia presented to his primary care physician with a 3-month history of a golf ball-sized right upper back mass. Ultrasound was performed, revealing a well defined lesion with mixed echogenicity, thought to be consistent with a lipoma. Clinically, however, the mass rapidly enlarged and became painful. The patient was referred to dermatology and subsequently to a surgeon. He underwent surgery at his local institution 2 months after initial presentation.</p><p>The mass was excised in two fragments measuring 8 × 7 cm and 6 × 6 cm. Pathology revealed a high-grade pleomorphic liposarcoma (PLPS). Necrosis was observed, and the mitotic rate was 26 per 10 high-power fields. The tumor involved the margins of the piecemeal excision specimens. Computed tomography (CT) imaging of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was notable for tiny, indeterminate pulmonary nodules and a 4.3 × 2.4 × 4.7 cm, well circumscribed area with central low density in the right posterolateral chest wall soft tissues, possibly reflecting a postoperative seroma (Figure 1A). The patient noted progressive enlargement of the operative site; therefore, repeat CT imaging of the chest was performed 3 weeks later and showed an enlarging soft tissue mass concerning for residual disease (Figure 1B). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest showed a 4.2 × 5.0 × 6.0 cm solid mass with enhancement and diffusion restriction contiguous with the latissimus dorsi muscle (Figure 1C,D). The patient was referred to our sarcoma specialty center and had a multidisciplinary evaluation with medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology. Preoperative radiation therapy (RT) and surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and ifosfamide were recommended.</p><p>Ultrasonography (US) is often the first imaging examination performed to evaluate palpable, superficial soft tissue masses because of its wide availability, low cost, and ease of performance. US is most useful in distinguishing solid from cystic lesions without additional intravenous contrast, and it can identify specific benign lesions. However, the US findings of benign and malignant solid soft tissue tumors overlap, and accurate tissue diagnosis is not feasible in most instances.<span><sup>1, 2</sup></span> In this case, the US findings were reported as likely lipoma; therefore, the mass was resected because of rapid growth and pain. Findings concerning for malignancy are rapid growth, vascularity, and pain, which should prompt further workup with MRI or CT.<span><sup>2</sup></span> MRI is the imaging modality of choice for soft tissue tumors or tumor-like masses because of its superior contrast, allowing for tissue characterization and multiplanar capability without radiation exposure. In cases of suspected myxofibrosarcoma, MRI can be helpful diagnostically because these tumors are often infiltrative and extend along the fascial planes, referred to on MRI as the <i>t
男性,45岁,高血压和高脂血症,以3个月的高尔夫球大小的右上背部肿块就诊于他的初级保健医生。行超声检查,发现一清晰的病变伴混合回声,认为与脂肪瘤一致。然而,临床上,肿块迅速扩大并变得疼痛。病人转到皮肤科,随后转到外科医生那里。在初次就诊2个月后,他在当地医院接受了手术。将肿物切成8 × 7 cm和6 × 6 cm两块。病理显示为高度多形性脂肪肉瘤(PLPS)。观察到坏死,有丝分裂率为26 / 10倍视场。肿瘤累及切片切除标本的边缘。胸部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描(CT)显示微小的、不确定的肺结节和4.3 × 2.4 × 4.7 cm的、界限清晰的、中央低密度的右后外侧胸壁软组织区域,可能反映了术后血清肿(图1A)。患者注意到手术部位进行性扩大;因此,3周后复查胸部CT,发现软组织肿块增大,可能存在残留病变(图1B)。胸部磁共振成像(MRI)显示4.2 × 5.0 × 6.0 cm实性肿块,强化且扩散受限,毗邻背阔肌(图1C,D)。患者被转介到我们的肉瘤专科中心,接受了包括内科肿瘤学、放射肿瘤学和外科肿瘤学在内的多学科评估。建议术前放疗和手术配合阿霉素和异环磷酰胺辅助化疗。超声检查(US)通常是评估可触及的浅表软组织肿块的首选影像学检查,因为它广泛可用,成本低,易于执行。超声在区分实性和囊性病变时最有用,无需额外的静脉造影剂,它可以识别特定的良性病变。然而,美国对软组织良恶性实体瘤的表现有重叠,多数情况下组织诊断不准确。1,2在这个病例中,美国报告的结果可能是脂肪瘤;因此,肿块因快速生长和疼痛而被切除。恶性肿瘤的表现为快速生长、血管扩张和疼痛,应进一步进行MRI或ct检查。2 MRI是软组织肿瘤或肿瘤样肿块的首选成像方式,因为它具有优越的对比度,允许组织表征和无辐射暴露的多平面成像能力。在疑似黏液纤维肉瘤的病例中,MRI可以帮助诊断,因为这些肿瘤通常是浸润性的,沿着筋膜平面延伸,在MRI上被称为尾部征象。3,4 CT主要用于指导活检,可以帮助识别矿化和骨受累,尽管除了有MRI禁忌症的患者外,它并不常规使用。术后血清肿发生率高达10%,在增强CT或MRI上表现为边缘良好的流体密度结构,有或没有薄边缘增强。软组织肉瘤(STS)切除后局部复发见于5%-35%的病例,通常发生在前2年内。与复发相关的危险因素为:5厘米、中度或高度肿瘤、手术切缘阳性或闭合。在CT上很难区分复发性肿瘤和术后血肿,特别是有黏液成分的肿瘤,在CT上表现为低密度液体。对比增强MRI是鉴别治疗后改变和肿瘤复发的首选方式。复发常表现为离散、T2、高信号、强化结节或肿块,影像学特征常与原发肿瘤相似本例MRI表现与复发相符。组织学上,肿瘤表现为广泛的黏液样间质,血管呈曲线状,分散的多形性细胞,具有黏液纤维肉瘤的特征(图2A)。然而,除此之外,还有多形性脂肪母细胞的病灶区域,诊断多形性脂肪肉瘤(图2B)。多形性脂肪肉瘤可表现出一系列的组织学表现。大多数病例在形态上与未分化的多形性肉瘤相似,除了存在脂肪母细胞(从少量到广泛);一些病例与黏液纤维肉瘤非常相似,而另一些则表现出明显的上皮样形态,类似于癌(尤其是肾上腺皮质癌)。8,9多形性脂肪肉瘤和黏液纤维肉瘤的区别对预后和手术处理都有影响。 多形性脂肪肉瘤发生远处转移的风险约为50%,而高级别黏液纤维肉瘤发生远处转移的风险为25%-30%。多形性脂肪肉瘤通常与大多数其他成人肉瘤类型相似,界限清楚;因此,在具有外科和放射肿瘤学肉瘤专业知识的肉瘤中心进行治疗时,肢体和干壁肿瘤的局部控制通常是直截了当的。相反,黏液纤维肉瘤沿筋膜平面表现出明显的浸润性边缘,通常远远超出肉眼和临床明显的边缘;如果不广泛切除,复发的风险非常高:黏液纤维肉瘤是现代为数不多的在多发局部复发后需要截肢的肉瘤类型之一。11肢体和躯干局部、高度STS的最佳治疗方法是肿瘤切除和RT联合治疗。三个具有里程碑意义的随机试验确定了保守手术和RT的作用。第一项试验将肢体STS患者随机分为截肢(当时的标准治疗)和保守手术和术后RT;所有患者均接受辅助化疗两组患者的总生存率(OS)无统计学差异,接受手术和放疗的患者局部复发率仅为15%。接下来的两项试验评估了单纯保守手术与单纯保守手术加放疗的必要性。第一项试验将下肢低度和高度STS患者随机分为单纯保守手术与单纯保守手术加术后放疗两组(63灰色[Gy]);所有高度病变患者术后均接受化疗接受放疗的患者的局部复发率较低。对于高度病变的患者,放疗组的局部复发率为0%,而单独接受手术的患者为20% (p = 0.003)。低级别病变患者的局部复发率分别为4%和33% (p = 0.016)。两组间OS无显著差异。第二项试验将四肢和躯干STS患者随机分为单独保守手术和保守手术加辅助RT (42-45 Gy)近距离放疗两组。近距离放射治疗技术包括低剂量率的虹膜-192,在手术时将其加载到缝合在肿瘤床上的导管中在高级别疾病患者中,RT组的局部复发率为9%,而单独接受手术的患者为30% (p = 0.0025)。低级别STS患者局部复发无差异,因此,不推荐近距离放疗作为低级别STS的放疗方式。在所有患者中,两组之间没有生存差异。因为除了肿瘤手术之外,放射治疗的作用已经确立,下一个问题是放射治疗和手术的最佳顺序。O 'Sullivan等人进行了一项开创性的随机试验,他们比较了肢体sts患者的术前放疗(50 Gy,术后有或没有16-20 Gy的增强)和术后放疗(66-70 Gy)。15组间局部控制率没有差异,术前组和术后组分别为93%和92% (p = .72)。该试验的7年更新也显示治疗组之间的生存率没有统计学上的显著差异然而,副作用是不同的。对于术前接受RT治疗的患者,术前接受RT治疗的患者术后急性大伤口并发症发生率高于术后接受RT治疗的患者(35% vs 17%;p = 1)。这些并发症很严重,但是可逆的,手术后1年治疗组之间的功能相同。对于术后放疗典型的较大治疗野的患者,与较小治疗野的患者相比,≥2级的晚期毒性更高。这些毒性包括皮下纤维化、关节僵硬和水肿,通常是永久性的系列研究也表明,与术前相比,术后接受放疗的患者骨折发生率更高。18总的来说,术前放疗的优势包括与术后放疗相比,放疗的体积更小,剂量更低,尽管这是以更高的伤口并发症风险为代价的,而伤口并发症是可逆的。术后放疗(使用更高的剂量和更大的体积),永久性长期并发症的发生率更高,如水肿、关节僵硬、纤维化和骨折。这两种方法都是可以接受的,但专家小组建议在大多数情况下进行术前放疗。 19由于STS非常罕见,就像当前患者的情况一样,最初的治疗通常是对假定的良性病变或假定的恶性病变进行无意的边缘手术,而没有意识到STS需要宽边缘。如上所述,本例患者的初始手术是零碎的,术后影像学显示大体残留病变。这种常见的情况被称为计划外切除。专家指南在这种情况下建议术前放疗,然后进行肿瘤再切除从本质上讲,接受计划外切除的患者通常会被视为患有新发疾病。因此,我们建议对于有严重残留病变的患者进行标准术前放疗(强度调节至50 Gy),然后在放疗完成后4-6周进行肿瘤切除。关于确定放疗治疗范围,与经验丰富的放射科医生一起仔细检查初始术前MRI(如果可用)和术后/非计划切除MRI是至
{"title":"Multidisciplinary approach for a high-risk, localized soft tissue sarcoma of the trunk after unplanned nononcological resection","authors":"Candace L. Haddox MD,&nbsp;Elizabeth H. Baldini MD, MPH,&nbsp;Jyothi P. Jagannathan MD,&nbsp;Jason L. Hornick MD, PhD,&nbsp;Chandrajit P. Raut MD, MS","doi":"10.3322/caac.21787","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21787","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;p&gt;A man aged 45 years with hypertension and hyperlipidemia presented to his primary care physician with a 3-month history of a golf ball-sized right upper back mass. Ultrasound was performed, revealing a well defined lesion with mixed echogenicity, thought to be consistent with a lipoma. Clinically, however, the mass rapidly enlarged and became painful. The patient was referred to dermatology and subsequently to a surgeon. He underwent surgery at his local institution 2 months after initial presentation.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The mass was excised in two fragments measuring 8 × 7 cm and 6 × 6 cm. Pathology revealed a high-grade pleomorphic liposarcoma (PLPS). Necrosis was observed, and the mitotic rate was 26 per 10 high-power fields. The tumor involved the margins of the piecemeal excision specimens. Computed tomography (CT) imaging of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was notable for tiny, indeterminate pulmonary nodules and a 4.3 × 2.4 × 4.7 cm, well circumscribed area with central low density in the right posterolateral chest wall soft tissues, possibly reflecting a postoperative seroma (Figure 1A). The patient noted progressive enlargement of the operative site; therefore, repeat CT imaging of the chest was performed 3 weeks later and showed an enlarging soft tissue mass concerning for residual disease (Figure 1B). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest showed a 4.2 × 5.0 × 6.0 cm solid mass with enhancement and diffusion restriction contiguous with the latissimus dorsi muscle (Figure 1C,D). The patient was referred to our sarcoma specialty center and had a multidisciplinary evaluation with medical oncology, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology. Preoperative radiation therapy (RT) and surgery followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and ifosfamide were recommended.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Ultrasonography (US) is often the first imaging examination performed to evaluate palpable, superficial soft tissue masses because of its wide availability, low cost, and ease of performance. US is most useful in distinguishing solid from cystic lesions without additional intravenous contrast, and it can identify specific benign lesions. However, the US findings of benign and malignant solid soft tissue tumors overlap, and accurate tissue diagnosis is not feasible in most instances.&lt;span&gt;&lt;sup&gt;1, 2&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/span&gt; In this case, the US findings were reported as likely lipoma; therefore, the mass was resected because of rapid growth and pain. Findings concerning for malignancy are rapid growth, vascularity, and pain, which should prompt further workup with MRI or CT.&lt;span&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/span&gt; MRI is the imaging modality of choice for soft tissue tumors or tumor-like masses because of its superior contrast, allowing for tissue characterization and multiplanar capability without radiation exposure. In cases of suspected myxofibrosarcoma, MRI can be helpful diagnostically because these tumors are often infiltrative and extend along the fascial planes, referred to on MRI as the &lt;i&gt;t","PeriodicalId":137,"journal":{"name":"CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians","volume":"73 5","pages":"451-457"},"PeriodicalIF":254.7,"publicationDate":"2023-05-24","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.3322/caac.21787","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"6026374","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
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