Introduction: There is limited data on endometrial cancer from developing countries. The risk groups as defined by the ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO and their recommendations for adjuvant treatment have redefined the management protocols. In this retrospective analysis, the outcomes are assessed in the light of the new risk groups and FIGO staging.
Material methods: One hundred and two patients of endometrial cancer reporting to the Department of Radiation Oncology from 2015 to 2019 were analysed retrospectively. Patients were stratified as per the ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO risk groups and FIGO staging. Patients were analysed for demographic profile, histopathology details, FIGO stage, treatment modalities received as per the ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO risk groups and the outcomes in terms of disease free survival and overall survival.
Results: A total of 102 patients were analysed. The mean age at presentation was 57.7 years. Seventy four percent (74.41%) were stage I patients, 14.7 % were stage II, 8.8% were stage III and remaining 2% were stage IV. The mean disease free survival for the patients in FIGO stage I, II, III and IV were found to be 63.5 (59.9 - 67) months, 60.5 (54.2 - 66.9) months, 30.9 (21.5 - 40.2) months and 15.4 (7.8 - 23.0) months respectively. The 5-year overall survival of patients in Stage I was 90.3%. The 3-year mortality of Stage III patients was 58.3%. While there was no mortality observed among Stage II patients, none of the Stage IV patient survived beyond 20 months. The 5-year disease-free survival for patients in Low Risk (LR) group, Intermediate Risk (IR) group and High Risk (HR) group was found to be 91.3%, 90% and 87% respectively. None of the patient in High Intermediate Risk (HIR) group experienced progression of disease and 33.3% patients in advanced group were disease free at 2 years follow-up. The multivariate analysis showed that lymph node involvement is significantly associated with disease-free (p=0.03) and overall survival (p=0.04).
Conclusion: Even in the developing world, majority of patients present in early stage with survival outcomes comparable to the West. FIGO stage and lymph node involvement continue to be the most important prognostic markers for disease outcomes.