Despite the precise environmental manipulation enabled by controlled environment agriculture (CEA), plant genotype remains a key factor in producing desirable traits. Brassica rapa var. nipposinica (mizuna) is a leading candidate for supplementing deficiencies in the space diet, however, which cultivar of mizuna will respond best to the environment of the international space station (ISS) is unknown. It is also unclear if there are more inter-varietal (mizuna - mustards) or intra-varietal (mizuna - mizuna) differences in response to the ISS environment. Twenty-two cultivars of mustard greens, including 13 cultivars of mizuna, were grown under ISS-like conditions to determine which would provide the greatest yield and highest concentrations of carotenoids, anthocyanins, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, ascorbic acid, thiamine, and phylloquinone. The experiment was conducted thrice, and data were analyzed to determine which cultivar is most suited for further optimization of space-based cultivation. It was found that phylloquinone and β-carotene concentrations did not vary between cultivars, while all other metrics of interest showed some variation. ‘Amara’ mustard (B. carinata) provided the best overall nutritional profile, despite its low biomass yield of 36.8 g, producing concentrations of 27.85, 0.40, and 0.65 mg·g − 1 of ascorbic acid, thiamine, and lutein, respectively. Of the mizuna cultivars evaluated, open pollinated mibuna provided the best profile, while 'Red Hybrid’ mizuna provided a complimentary profile to that of ‘Amara’, minimally increasing dietary iron while providing beneficial anthocyanins lacking in ‘Amara’.
Astronauts participating in lunar landing missions will encounter exposure to albedo particles emitted from the lunar surface as well as primary high-energy particles in the spectra of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar particle events (SPEs). While existing studies have examined particle energy spectra and absorbed doses in limited radiation exposure scenarios on and near the Moon, comprehensive research encompassing various shielding amounts and large SPEs on the lunar surface remains lacking. Additionally, detailed organ dose equivalents of albedo particles in a human model on the lunar surface have yet to be investigated. This work assesses the organ dose equivalents of albedo neutrons and albedo protons during historically large SPEs in August 1972 and September 1989 utilizing realistic computational anthropomorphic human phantom for the first time. Dosimetric quantities within human organs have been evaluated based on the PHITS Monte Carlo simulation results and quality factors of the state-of-the-art NASA Space Cancer Risk (NSCR) model, as well as ICRP publications. The results with the NSCR model indicate that the albedo contribution to organ dose equivalent is less than 3 % for 1 g/cm2 aluminum shielding, while it increases to more than 30 % in some organs for 50 g/cm2 aluminum shielding during exposure to low-energy-proton-rich SPEs.
Microgravity, as a unique hazardous factor encountered in space, can induce a series of harmful effects on living organisms. The impact of microgravity on the pivotal functional gene modules stemming from gene enrichment analysis via the regulation of miRNAs is not fully illustrated. To explore the microgravity-induced alterations in critical functional gene modules via the regulation of miRNAs, in the present study, we proposed a novel bioinformatics algorithm for the integrated analysis of miRNAome and transcriptome from short-term space-flown C. elegans. The samples of C. elegans were exposed to two space conditions, namely spaceflight (SF) and spaceflight control (SC) onboard the International Space Station for 4 days. Additionally, the samples of ground control (GC) were included for comparative analysis. Using the present algorithm, we constructed regulatory networks of functional gene modules annotated from differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and their associated regulatory differentially expressed miRNAs (DEmiRNAs). The results showed that functional gene modules of molting cycle, defense response, fatty acid metabolism, lysosome, and longevity regulating pathway were facilitated by 25 down-regulated DEmiRNAs (e.g., cel-miR-792, cel-miR-65, cel-miR-70, cel-lsy-6, cel-miR-796, etc.) in the SC vs. GC groups, whereas these modules were inhibited by 13 up-regulated DEmiRNAs (e.g., cel-miR-74, cel-miR-229, cel-miR-70, cel-miR-249, cel-miR-85, etc.) in the SF vs. GC groups. These findings indicated that microgravity could significantly alter gene expression patterns and their associated functional gene modules in short-term space-flown C. elegans. Additionally, we identified 34 miRNAs as post-transcriptional regulators that modulated these functional gene modules under microgravity conditions. Through the experimental verification, our results demonstrated that microgravity could induce the down-regulation of five critical functional gene modules (i.e., molting cycle, defense response, fatty acid metabolism, lysosome, and longevity regulating pathways) via the regulation of miRNAs in short-term space-flown C. elegans.
Long-term spatial missions will require sustainable methods for biomass production using locally available resources. This study investigates the feasibility of cultivating Chlorella vulgaris, a high value microalgal specie, using a leachate of Martian regolith and synthetic human urine as nutrient sources. The microalga was grown in a standard medium (BBM) mixed with 0, 20, 40, 60, or 100 % Martian medium (MM). MM did not significantly affect final biomass concentrations. Total carbohydrate and protein contents decreased with increasing MM fractions between 0 % and 60 %, but biomass in the 100% MM showed the highest levels of carbohydrates and proteins (25.2 ± 0.9 % and 37.1 ± 1.4 % of the dry weight, respectively, against 19.0 ± 1.7 % and 32.0 ± 2.7 % in the absence of MM). In all MM-containing media, the fraction of the biomass represented by total lipids was lower (by 3.2 to 4.5%) when compared to BBM. Conversely, total carotenoids increased, with the highest value (97.3 ± 1.5 mg/100 g) measured with 20% MM. In a three-dimensional principal component analysis of triacylglycerols, samples clustered according to growth media; a strong impact of growth media on triacylglycerol profiles was observed. Overall, our findings suggest that microalgal biomass produced using regolith and urine can be used as a valuable component of astronauts’ diet during missions to Mars.