Confocal laser optical maps of the heat-treated Fe-SMA after polarization in the chloride solution. The as-received sample shows localized corrosion along grain boundaries and dissolution of grains. In the solution-treated sample uniformly distributed pits can be observed on the whole surface. The aged sample shows similar grain boundary deterioration as the asreceived sample, together with the presence of pits inside the grains and grain dissolutions of the smallest grains.
More detailed information can be found in:
Pranav Vivek Kulkarni, Meet Jaydeepkumar Oza, Anna Igual-Munoz, Jean-Michel Sallese, Moslem Shahverdi, Christian Leinenbach, Stefano Mischler, Corrosion Behavior of Heat-Treated Fe-based Shape Memory Alloys, Materials and Corrosion 2025, 76, 10.