The growth and development of children is determined by innate and environmental factors. One of the problems encountered is Flat foot. Flat foot is no visible arch in the foot or flat feet. Flat foot will affect balance. One of the physiotherapy can be used is Towel curl exercise. The study aimed to determine The Effect of Towel Curl Exercise to Increase Static Balance of Children with Flat Foot at 7-9 Years at Public Elementary School (SD Negeri 10 Sampiran), Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District in 2021. The type of this study was quasi-experimental with a one group pretest-posttest design. The population was students at 7-9 years old, there were 133 people. By using accident sampling technique with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 respondents were chosen as the samples. It was analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis.The results showed that the average respondent's static balance before the intervention was 2.45 seconds (less). The average respondent's static balance after the intervention was 4.16 seconds (enough), it means that the towel curl exercise had a significant effect on static balance in children with flat feet, there was an increase in the average balance score after 12 interventions with an average difference of 1.707 seconds and p value = 0.000. It was concluded that the Towel Curl Exercise to Improve the Static Balance of Children with Flat Foot at 7-9 Years old at SD Negeri 10 Sapiran, Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh District in 2021, It could be done at home with the help of parents and prevent children from experiencing Flat Foot at an early age.
Keywords : Flat Foot, Static Balance and Towel Curl Exercise
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak ditentukan oleh faktor bawaan dan lingkungan. Salah satu permasalahan yang di temui yaitu Flat foot. Flat foot adalah tidak adanya lengkung kaki atau kaki datar. Flat foot akan berpengaruh kepada keseimbangan. Salah satu tindakan fisioterapi yang dapat digunakan yaitu Towel curl exercise. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Towel Curl Exercise Terhadap Peningkatan Keseimbangan Statis Anak dengan Flat Foot.Metode penelitian yang digunakan Quasi-eksperiment dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi adalah siswa umur 7-9 tahun yang berjumlah 133 orang. Sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik accident sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 10 responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariate dan bivariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata keseimbangan stat
Maternal and child nutritional and health status is a determinant of the quality of human resources. They also critical period before pregnancy, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Based on initial survey in Lubuk Tarok Community Health Center, The purpose of this study was to determine Factors Related to Stunting in Toddlers in Lubuk Tarok Community Health Center, Sijunjung Regency in 2019. The type of this study was analytic descriptive with case control study approach. It was conducted in Lubuk Tarok Community Health Center. There were 47 subject for each group which were selected by purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square test with 95% confidence level. The results of this study showed 47 (50%) suffered from stunting, 57 (60.6%) did not provide exclusive breastfeeding, 54 (57.4%) had low income, 39 (41.5%) received authoritarian parenting and 46 (48.9%) had a poor diet. Then, there was a relationship of income (p = 0.0005), parenting (p = 0.0005) and diet (0.0005) toward stunting. In short, it can be concluded that there was a relationship between income, parenting and eating patterns toward stunting. It is expected that health workers provide counseling to the respondents and invite all parties to work together in reducing health problems.
Keywords : Stunting, exclusive Breastfeeding, Parenting, Income, dietary habit