We would like to thank you for the opportunity to respond to the issues raised in the letter by Drs Guo, Lan, Zhou and Liu [1]. The authors raise the concern that the long follow-up of our cohort study has affected the robustness of the study results. The data used from the Nurses' Health Study have the advantage of repeated dietary measurements over a long study period. Therefore, the cumulative average of dietary magnesium intake was assessed in association with frailty incidence since this best reflects long-term intake [2]. However, due to the strong increase in supplement intake over the years, we used a different approach for the supplemental magnesium intake and considered the most recent supplemental magnesium intake before frailty onset or the end of follow-up. Additionally, when no specific supplement brand was given, the supplemental magnesium intake was estimated as well as possible based on the most frequently used supplement on the market in the year the food frequency questionnaire was returned.