The paper reports on the development of an evaluation system for mammography. It describes the background of programming and points out future development.
The paper reports on the development of an evaluation system for mammography. It describes the background of programming and points out future development.
Computed tomography as a non-invasive imaging method is of high sensitivity and specificity for the detection and the extent diagnosis of recurrent rectal carcinomas. CT-guided fine-needle-biopsy can be necessary to prove presacral masses, before appropriate therapeutic decisions can be done. In our material CT-guided FNB showed an accuracy of 78% in 27 of 35 patients. Possibilities and limitations of the method are described.
Sonographic and radioisotope investigations were carried out in 92 patients with nodular goitre (colloidal struma, adenoma, cyst, thyroiditis and carcinoma). The results were compared with those from surgery and histology. The combination of radioisotope and sonographic investigation facilitates an exact determination of localization, size, function and internal structure of a node. The results showed, that the term of a "warm" node does not correspond with its functional state. Cystic hemorrhagic degenerative changes are more often found in nodes with diameters above 3.5 cm. In a lesser degree these changes are connected with the morphologic structure of the node. The authors conclude, that a complex early diagnostics of thyroid carcinoma is difficult, because there are no characteristic signs. In these cases additional investigations as fine-needle aspiration biopsy are recommended.
In vivo microscopic (video) investigations on the variability of flow conditions in the myocardium and intestines of anaesthesized normal tension rats after application of various ionic and non-ionic contrast media (Amidotrizoate, Ioxaglate, Iopromide, Iohexol, Iotrolan). Amidotrizoate causes heterogeneous microperfusion and functional shunt vessels (distribution disorder) with the typical symptoms of disturbed microcirculation. Ioxaglate, Iopromide, Iohexol and Iotrolan influence microcirculation differently but always to a far less degree.
After application of various ionic and non-ionic contrast media in the myocardium and intestine of rats, significant changes of flow conditions in the terminal vascular bed were observed with intravital microscopy: Amidotrizoate causes severe disorder in microcirculation distribution (heterogeneous perfusion, functional shunts), while Ioxaglate, Iopromide, Iohexol, Iotrolan cause significantly less microcirculation reactions.
The methods of interventional radiology require interdisciplinary cooperation. For bioptic methods also a cooperative formulation of the diagnosis is important, while for the occlusion or dilatation of vessels the whole proceeding necessarily is cooperative. The pathophysiologic processes in partial or total ischaemia of the central nervous system can be treated only by a complex periinterventional therapy program carried out by an experienced neurologic intensive care team.
The authors were able to demonstrate a carcinoma in the oesophagogastric zone in 197 patients. For this a peculiar method was used with biphasic contrast of the upper gastrointestinal tract, optimum patient position and special barium meals in given quantities. Diagnostic accuracy was 92.15%.
The analysis of present radiation exposure from exposure parameters with a computer program gives an orientation for the radiation burden to various organs of risk in dependence from geometric imaging parameters also for spot film radiographs taken under fluoroscopy. Recommendations for practical proceeding are derived. Considering the relation between fluoroscopy and spot film dose, minimum field size and optimum field location is important in fluoroscopy. With rare-earth-screens instead of conventional high speed screens a reduction of total dose by 27% can be achieved in conventional myelography, that was used as a model for our calculations.