To evaluate relationship between, male AMH, serum markers, and semen parameters in severe male factor in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.
Between July 2022-June 2023, sixty-nine azopermia(n=44), severe oligospermia (n=25) and thirthy-two normospermia control patients (n=32) who met the inclusion criteria who underwent IVF treatment is analyzed. A prospective normal distributed epidemiological study, analyzed retrospectively.
The mean AMH levels in all 3 groups azoospermia (n=44), severe oligospermia (n=25), combined of two (n=69), by comparing control group (n=32) were similar 5,3±3,8SD, 5,3±3,8SD, 5,3±3,5SD, 6,5±3,2SD ng/ml respectively. AMH distribution over the years by age were in all male factor infertility cases were already elevated and do not changed by years, only normal cases AMH decreased at trend by years (p=0,07). At ROC analyses of AMH in azospermia by controls; significant threshold value is ≤4,58 ng/ml (p=0,02). Also in combined group same threshold value was significant for AMH≤3,81 ng/ml (p=0,02). Mean FSH mIU/ml levels were in all 3 groups significantly higher than controls 15.1 ±11.8 SD, 7.08±5.9SD, 12.2±10.7SD and 3.6±1.5SD (p=0,001). FSH distribution over the years by age were in severe oligospermic, combined and control group significantly decreased by age. Azospermics FSH were already elevated, didn't changed by time. At ROC analyses of FSH by controls revealed 3 groups thereshold value >5,59 mIU/ml (p=0,001).
AMH can not be used to predict a man's reproductive potential and is not associated with abnormal semen analysis results. The distrubituon of AMH over the years is found to be meaningless. Conversely FSH is closely related to abnormal semen. Linear increase of FSH levels over the years is observed significantly in men with azoospermia, severe oligospermia, combined group compared to normozoospermia. But when ROC curve analysis is performed AMH and FSH significantly predicts at thereshold levels the azospermia compared to normals.