Vaccine hesitancy is a term used to refer to a series of attitudes ranging from reluctance to undergo vaccination to blatant refusal. In the context of the current pandemic, vaccine hesitancy is viewed as one of the ten major threats to public health. This narrative review, based on analysis of the most important literature reports on this topic, aims to illustrate the dimensions of vaccine hesitancy and the numerous sociodemographic and individual determinants involved, with particular reference to psychopathology, a somewhat neglected, but potentially relevant factor.
Background: The 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) is considered the most reliable biological model to study genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia. It appears useful to investigate neuroanatomical characteristics of people with 22q11.2DS compared to chronic schizophrenia and healthy controls.
Methods: The sample consisted of 16 individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia for over 10 years (SCZ>10), 14 with a diagnosis for less than 10 years (SCZ≤10), 11 patients with 22q11.2DS with no diagnosis of psychotic disorder (DEL, n=11) and 19 healthy controls (HCs, n=19). Global intelligence (IQ) was evaluated for all subjects. Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) was employed to investigate potential differences between groups in grey matter volumes.
Results: VBM located the most significant difference between SCZ and HCs in the left medial frontal gyrus, where SCZ>10 group showed a significant reduction of grey matter volume; the same cluster resulted significantly decreased in DEL group compared to HCs as well. Despite the extensive grey matter abnormalities observed in 22q11.2DS, the DEL group showed the only significant differences compared to the SCZ>10 group in the right lingual gyrus volumes.
Conclusions: Despite the small sample, our study identified a common area of grey matter loss both in idiopathic schizophrenia and 22q11.2DS.
Background: Personality traits are patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions that are usually assessed by means of psychometric questionnaires. In the present study we described the Phenomenological Personality Factor (PPF), a short questionnaire assessing the personality traits, taking into account the different interpretative models of personality.
Methods: A sample of 554 healthy subjects (357 female; 197 males) aged 18-60 years were enrolled. Each participant was required to complete PPF, by indicating the presence/absence of the individual personality trait, and the Italian version of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS).
Results: The principal component analysis showed that seven factors explained the 35.07% of the total variance. Moreover, the correlation analysis revealed that the PPF components were significantly and positively associated with the ANPS scales.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the PPF is a useful questionnaire to assess the personality traits, and the adaptive functioning, in healthy individuals.
Introduction: In recent months, a great uproar has been aroused by the case of a 23-year-old Belgian woman who requested and obtained euthanasia because she was suffering from a mental disorder, in the absence of any somatic pathology. The news raises some questions and stimulates some reflections both on the general theme of euthanasia carried out for the simple presence of a mental disorder, and for the indefiniteness of the clinical information on the case in question, as well as on the ethical and medico-legal questions connected to such indefiniteness.
Case presentation: The information on the case was derived essentially from the press and from websites, with no specific access to actual clinical documentation and without in-depth knowledge of case details. One wonders what the real clinical diagnosis of the patient was, only hypothetically identifiable in a Post-traumatic Stress Disorder associated with Major or Chronic Depressive Disorder, probably on the basis of a possible Personality Disorder. One wonders if all the necessary therapeutic interventions had been implemented, in a clinical case that did not theoretically have the characteristics of incurability. One wonders why the death request was considered valid, in a subject perhaps suffering from a mental disorder of such severity as to alter the ability to express valid consent to medical treatment. One wonders why the death request was not considered as an indicator of the severity of the disease, rather than simply being considered as a free choice of a subject capable of self-determination. One wonders why the negative opinion of the patient's family members was not considered.
Conclusions: Belgian legislation provides for euthanasia for patients suffering from mental disorders who, like those suffering from somatic disorders, experience a condition of constant, unbearable and incurable suffering. But the case in question raises numerous perplexities both on the clinical and ethical coherence of Belgian legislation and on the ways in which the rules of this legislation have been observed in this specific situation.
Background and objective: Cotard's syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder in which the patient holds nihilistic delusions concerning his/her own existence, including the conviction of being dead or having lost parts of the body. There are occasional reports of Cotard's syndrome being accompanied by nutritional deficiencies or self-starvation.
Methods: The authors describe the peculiar case of a 40-year-old man who developed severe malnutrition within a few months. At first, a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa was made. The man was admitted to the hospital where other significant psychopathological symptoms emerged.
Results: One of the consequences of Cotard's syndrome is self-starvation because of negation of existence of self. The presented case points out that, although Cotard's syndrome has been reported to be associated with various organic conditions and other forms of psychopathology, loss of appetite and nutritional deficits can erroneously lead to mistake this diagnosis for anorexia nervosa, thus underestimating the high risk of these patients of committing suicide following hospital discharge.
Conclusion: Taking into account its rarity and possible subdiagnosis, as a distinct clinical entity the aim of this case report is to emphasize that these patients may initially be addressed to general practitioners, due to the dysmetabolic consequences of malnutrition, rather than to psychiatrists. An early recognition of signs indicative of Cotard's syndrome can be vital to prevent the situation from worsening. In fact, missed diagnoses can put these patients at an higher risk of suicidal behaviour.
A paradox of the modern world is represented by the increasing rate of comorbidities, although the life expectancy is increasing worldwide, the number of disease-free years is not improving consequently. Physical comorbidities are often overlooked in people with severe mental disorders, although this problem needs to be adequately managed since it is associated with a worse quality of life and a poorer personal and social functioning. In this paper, we aim to: 1) carry out a narrative review of the recent literature in order to provide an update on the prevalence and incidence of the most frequent comorbid physical disorders in people with severe mental disorders; 2) highlight the most important difficulties in managing comorbidities in people with severe mental disorders in ordinary clinical care; 3) discuss possible solutions to overcome those difficulties, particularly through the role of education and scientific associations.
Aims: This paper aims to investigate the advances in recent years in the recognition and therapy of treatment-resistant depression starting from the concepts of: depressive disorder, resistance and pseudoresistance to drug treatment in depression, and appropriate treatments of treatment-resistant depression.
Methods: An extensive research was carried out on scientific databases such as: PubMed, PsychInfo and Cochrane Library, until May 2022, using the keywords "major depression", "treatment-resistant depression", "staging", "instrumental therapies for resistant depression", "esketamine" and "psilocybin".
Results: Subjects who do not respond to antidepressants show a form of treatment resistance that requires an approach with additional pharmacological and/or instrumental therapies. Recently, esketamine and psilocybin are of particular interest among clinicians, and instrumental treatments such as: vagus nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, epidural cortical stimulation, and electro convulsive therapy, are being added to them.
Discussion and conclusions: Treatment-resistant depression has increasingly become a public health problem due to the significant number of relapses, hospitalizations and mortality it entails, with increased demand for the use of more drugs, therapeutic resources by health services, and loss of quality of life for patients. Treatment-resistant depression needs to be addressed through the creation of dedicated study protocols. Future research should focus on the need to establish operational, valid and appropriate criteria, both on the psychopathological, clinical governance and therapeutic levels, focusing on the latest therapies in order to provide reliable data on the benefits, risks and costs associated with their use.
Purpose: Catatonia is a psychomotor syndrome characterized by heterogeneous motor, behavioral and affective alterations, and, in some cases, neurovegetative abnormalities that can be life-threatening. Although the prevalence estimates of catatonia are 10-20% of the hospitalized population, its clinical recognition remains a challenge for most clinicians. Differently from other catatonia rating scales, the Northoff Catatonia Rating Scale (NCRS) also evaluates the affective alterations that patients experience during catatonia and thus provides a more inclusive assessment of the alterations associated with this condition. To provide clinicians with a valuable tool for diagnosis, we translated the NCRS in Italian and validated it on a sample of 52 hospitalized patients with psychiatric disorders.
Methods: An Italian version of the NCRS was prepared using the forward-backwards translation from English and administered to a sample of 52 in-patients (age 46.9±2.37 years). The inter-rater reliability, score correlations, internal coherence and decision statistics were computed.
Results: The inter-rater agreement was higher for the motor subscale (100% agreement) than for the behavioral (94%) or affective subscales (92.3%). The inter-rater agreement was 100% for the diagnosis of catatonia. The NCRS correctly identified all patients with catatonia according to DSM-5 (sensitivity= 100%) and had a specificity of 88.9%, and its subscale scores were highly inter-correlated.
Conclusions: This validation shows that the NCRS yields a good accuracy in diagnosing catatonia and high inter-rater reliability. Moreover, the high correlation between its subscales supports the view that catatonia is a multi-faceted truly psycho-motor syndrome. In conclusion, the validation and Italian translation of the NCRS provides the clinicians with a helpful tool for diagnosing catatonia which is easy to use and assesses the full psychomotor complexity of the syndrome.
Introduction: The homicide of the female partner followed by suicide of the perpetrator (Intimate Female Partner Homicide Suicide - IFPHS) has been a growing phenomenon over last years, but its psychosocial and psychopathological aspects have not been analyzed in-depth yet.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate common psychopathological elements in different IFPHS and a specific risk profile for both the couple and the male partner, with the possibility to define a new serial mental condition not classified to date.
Methods: A series of 50 cases of greater media coverage was reconstructed from the Italian newspapers in the period from 2009 to 2019 and information was collected through a predefined form. The characteristics of the perpetrators and the modalities through which the events occurred have been considered.
Results: No definite mental disorder is present in the history of almost all cases. A more common psychological profile is found for the homicide/suicide male partner, mainly characterized by jealousy, possessiveness, mood reactivity, rage, and impulsiveness.
Conclusions: It can be hypothesized that such a severe act may express a form of mental disorder not yet classified, with main features of an acute state of mixed depressive mood, emotional discontrol and aggressive impulsiveness, on a personality basis of jealousy and possessiveness, possibly reinforced by previous dependent traits of the female partner. But the methodological limitations of gathering information from the press make it necessary the study in depth, based on more direct and objective methodologies, of such a highly dramatic and heterogeneous phenomenon.